
suomi-englanti sanakirja

a englannista suomeksi

  1. a

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

a englanniksi

  1. A

  1. (n-g)

  2. (ng).

  3. an (w) or (w).

  4. |IPA (IPAfont)-coloring or a weak, fleeting, epenthetic or echo (IPAfont).

  5. transliterates Indic (or equivalent).

  6. atto-, prefix for 10-18 in the System of Units.

  7. Year as a unit of time, specifically a year or 365.25 days.

  8. An are, a unit of area one hundredth of a hectare; ares.

  9. acceleration

  10. Annuity; (q) annuity-immediate.

  11. (ux)|n-year annuity-immediate to a person currently age x

    (ux)|life annuity-immediate to a person currently age x

  12. (Latn-def)

  13. (quote-book)

  14. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) John and Arthur Arch,(nb...) by J. M'Creery|year=1816|volume=II|page=621|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/inquiryintoorigi02ottl/page/621/mode/1up|passage=This piece somewhat resembles an ''a''. On the left is a man seated on the ground, with a dog between his legs, and a large bird of prey in his hands, which appears to be biting his head.

  15. (RQ:Tennyson Poems 1842)

  16. (quote-book)s by the column of ''b''{{'s and hence the determinant has two columns identical.

  17. (quote-book)s, twenty-five lowercase a{{'s, and twelve ''1''{{'s are obtained with one font. With this information, it is possible to refer to Table 10-1 which gives the number of characters for each letter, punctuation mark, or figure.

  18. (quote-book)a{{' on some paper, and asked them what it was. ¶ 'A' they said.

  19. (RQ:NYT)

  20. An unspecified example of (something); (n-g). (defdate)Brown, Lesley, (2003)

  21. (ux)

  22. (RQ:Irving Tour on the Prairies)

  23. (RQ:Dickens Haunted House)

  24. (RQ:Collins Moonstone)

  25. (RQ:Schuster Hepaticae)

  26. 2005, Emily Kingsley (lyricist), Kevin Clash (voice actor), “A Cookie is a Sometime Food”, ''Sesame Street'', season 36, Sesame Workshop:

  27. ''Hoots the Owl:'' Yes a, fruit, is a (SI), any, time, food!
  28. 2016, VOA Learning English (public domain)

  29. Anna, do you have a pen? — Yes. I have a pen in my bag. I have a (stressed) …
    : (audio)
  30. (RQ:Guardian)

  31. (RQ:New Yorker)

  32. One; (n-g), (l), (l), (l), (l), etc.

  33. (RQ:Economist)

  34. (n-g), (m), a (m), (m), (m), etc.

  35. (RQ:Alcott Little Women)

  36. (RQ:SciAm)

  37. (quote-book):(nb...)|location=New York, N.Y.; London|publisher=Charles Scribner's Sons|year=1934|page=154|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/whalersofmidnigh0000vill/page/154/mode/1up|passage=The blues were eating leisurely, swimming about and opening their great mouths, spouting and filling their enormous stomachs with intense satisfaction. They had no idea of danger. There must have been about fifteen of them, peacefully feeding. One of them, its belly gorged probably with a few trillion plankton, seemed to be lying asleep on the surface.

  38. (RQ:Wired)

  39. (n-g), (m), (m), etc.

  40. The same; and the same. (n-g), (l), etc.

  41. Any; every; (n-g)

  42. Any; (n-g)Lindberg, Christine A. (2007)

  43. (quote-book)|publisher=Club Associates|BCA|year=2001|page=180|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/mysticrosebookce0000step/page/180/mode/1up|passage=No, it is impossible. My conscience would give me not a moment's peace if I let you go. I would never forgive myself.

  44. One; someone named; (n-g)Oxford University Press, (2023)

  45. (quote-journal)|title=Rwandan court drops all charges against opposition figure|text="I will continue my campaign to fight for the rights of all Rwandans," a surprised but happy Rwigara told reporters after celebrating.

  46. Someone or something like; similar to; (n-g).

  47. (quote-book) Pécher actually sculpted a sort of Statue of Liberty for the centerpiece of the monument, but for the rest he thought it advisable to call in Van Rasbourgh, and Rodin thus became a ghost sculptor to a ghost sculptor.

  48. ''To do with separation;'' In, into. (defdate)

  49. (co)

  50. ''To do with time;'' Each, per, in, on, by. (n-g)(defdate)

  51. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet)

  52. (quote-web)

  53. (audio)
  54. ''To do with status;'' In. (defdate)

  55. ''(w)'' (II Chronicles 2:18)

  56. To set the people a worke.
  57. ''To do with position or direction;'' In, on, at, by, towards, onto. (defdate)

  58. ''To do with process, with a passive verb;'' In the course of, experiencing. (defdate)

  59. (quote-song)

  60. ''To do with an action, an active verb;'' Engaged in. (defdate)

  61. (RQ:Shakespeare Coriolanus)

  62. (RQ:KJV)

  63. ''To do with an action/movement;'' To, into. (defdate)

  64. ''To do with method;'' In, with. (defdate)

  65. (RQ:Marlowe Jew of Malta)

  66. ''To do with role or capacity;'' In. (defdate)

  67. (senseid) Have (gl).

  68. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet Q1-2)

  69. (RQ:Alcott Hospital Sketches)

  70. (RQ:Twain Huckleberry Finn)

  71. (quote-book)|publisher=Harper & Row, Publishers|year=1964|page=53|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/landbreakers00ehle/page/53/mode/1up|passage=They live in the river bottom. Don't you know a thing? I thought you must a seen them, since they was here all winter, cutting at the woods and burning brush.

  72. had (gl).

  73. (quote-journal) (quote-gloss)|title=The Mortgage on Jeffy|magazine=Scribner's Magazine|number=4|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Charles Scribner's Sons|month=October|year=1887|volume=II|page=478|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/sim_scribners-magazine_1887-10_2_4/page/478/mode/1up|column=1|issn=2152-792X|oclc=1590821|passage=I wisht you a seen 'im; fust he looked mighty gubious; then he begins ter laff. He'll git likened ter ridin' mighty briefly."

  74. He, she, they: the third-person singular or plural nominative.

  75. 1855, Kingsley, ''W. Ho!'', page 120 (edition of 1889):

  76. He've a got a great venture on hand, but what a it be he tell'th no man.
  77. 1864, Tennyson, ''N. Farmer, Old Style'', st. 2:

  78. Doctors, they knaws nowt, fur a they says what's nawways true.
  79. He, the third-person singular nominative.

  80. (RQ:Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing)

  81. 1860, Kite, ''Sng. Sol.'', ii, 16:

  82. A do veed amang th' lilies.
  83. 1864, Tennyson, ''N. Farmer, Old Style'', st. 7, version of 1917, Raymond Macdonald Alden, ''Alfred Tennyson, how to Know Him'', page 226:

  84. "The amoighty's a taakin' o' you to 'issén, my friend," a said, (..)
  85. She, the third-person singular nominative.

  86. 1790, Grose, ''MS. add.'' (M.):

  87. A wanted me to go with her.
  88. 1876, Bound, ''Prov.'':

  89. Did a do it!
  90. 1883, Hardy, ''Tover'', page 124 (edition of 1895):

  91. A's getting wambling on her pins on her legs.
  92. (senseid) Of.

  93. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-1)

  94. (RQ:Jonson Every Man in His Humour)

  95. 1931, (w), "(w)"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1twQsaQblNI:

  96. Two bottles 'a whiskey for the way
  97. (RQ:Noire Thug-A-Licious)

  98. All. (defdate)

  99. All. (defdate)

  100. (senseid) (pronunciation spelling of)

  101. (quote-journal)

  102. (quote-book) Knows you out tryin’ a buy it, / But Hose only gives it free

  103. (n-g); toPhrase|going to.

  104. (quote-book)|publisher=Bloomsbury Publishing|year=2021|page=141|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/bloodgunmoneyhow0000gril/page/n154/mode/1up|isbn=9781635572780|passage="The Glock 26 and the motherfucking, uh, the Hi-Point. I'm a try to get the both of them," another said.

  105. (contraction of)

  106. (quote-book)a ye dew so no more." This is equivalent to the "''an if''" of some of our old writers.

  107. Distance from leading edge to aerodynamic center.

  108. absorption coefficient

  109. rotation

  110. allele (recessive)

  111. across

  112. ''Do you have the answer for 23a?''

  113. (alt sp) ''or'' (l)

  114. (alt form)

  115. 2001, Louis F. Newcomb, ''Car Salesman: A Legacy'', iUniverse ((ISBN)), page 91:

  116. “I show a you right a here I can fuck a you.” “Is she crazy?” I asked Wyman.
  117. ah; er (gloss)

  118. (RQ:Thackeray Vanity Fair)

  119. a word-initial letter ⟨a⟩.

  120. the long vowel /eɪ/ at the end of a word, or before a final consonant that is not /dʒ, v, z/. (Note: the final consonant is not written; ɛə˞ counts as /eɪr/.)

  121. Thus the word (m), plus its inflection (m).

  122. the word (m)

  123. the prefix (m).

  124. house

  125. this, these (masculine)

  126. or

  127. there

  128. probably, perhaps

  129. whether

  130. tree

  131. to pull

  132. the

  133. to, towards

  134. a (the name of the letter A, a)

  135. the (definite article).

  136. ah (expression of surprise)

  137. eh (expression of reluctance)

  138. they, them (plural)

  139. he, she, they (singular)

  140. a

  141. he

  142. (alt form): also, too, well

  143. of

  144. in

  145. from (gloss)

  146. of (gloss)

  147. of (gloss)

  148. that, which, who ''(used in 'direct' relative clauses, i.e. where the pronoun refers to the subject or the direct object of an inflected verb)''

  149. (alt sp)

  150. in, at; indicating a particular time or place

  151. to; indicating movement towards a particular place

  152. to; indicating a target or indirect object

  153. per

  154. by

  155. open mouth

  156. smell, taste

  157. yes

  158. he

  159. she

  160. it

  161. he is

  162. she is

  163. it is

  164. a, an

  165. water

  166. outside

  167. of view (from the speaker)

  168. entering a shallow domain; entering a domain in a shallow or restricted manner

  169. (l)

  170. of (''expressing separation, origin, composition/substance or a quality'')

  171. of (''between a preceding large number and a following plural noun to express quantity'')

  172. from (''indicating provenance'')

  173. the (q)

  174. her, it (q)

  175. and

  176. (rfdef)

  177. to

  178. at

  179. (n-g) or (m).

  180. of, of...each, each containing

  181. to, or

  182. (infl of)

  183. (senseid) a stream or water

  184. you

  185. (egy-alt)

  186. I

  187. we

  188. you (plural)

  189. The letter a (q)

  190. A (note)

  191. (syn)

  192. (q) but

  193. (abbr of)

  194. (n-g); the

  195. (quote-book)|translation=The greatness of the Spanish language is unquestionable, and its study, use and defense must be something consubstantial to us, (..)

  196. (n-g); her

  197. A (gloss)

  198. (l), ''the name of the Latin-script letter A''

  199. (alt form)

  200. (inflection of)

  201. you (q)

  202. to, toward; ''indicating direction of motion''

  203. to, until; ''used to indicate the end of a range''

  204. by, on, by means of; ''expresses a mode of action''

  205. for; ''indicates price or cost''

  206. the

  207. (l) (name of the letter A, a)

  208. (abbreviation of)

  209. four

  210. (romanization of)

  211. you (singular)

  212. you (second-person singular subject pronoun)

  213. the, ''article''

  214. and (used between sentences)

  215. until, to

  216. of, belonging to

  217. this

  218. that

  219. (alt form).

  220. (senseid) ''The first letter of the Hungarian alphabet, written in the script|Latin script.''

  221. (n-g)

  222. (apocopic form of)

  223. somebody, one, they, people (an unspecified individual).

  224. this.

  225. {{quote-book|idb|year=1883|author=Hugo Schuchardt|title=Kreolische Studien|worklang=de|volume=3

  226. (Latn-def-lite)

  227. and, but

  228. (RQ:izh:Bukvari:1936)

  229. (RQ:izh:Geografia-1:1936)

  230. to, at

  231. to, for (indicating purpose)

  232. listen, hark

  233. oops (used to acknowledge an error)

  234. oh (used to express surprise)

  235. his, its

  236. her, its

  237. their

  238. our

  239. your (''plural'')

  240. how (q)

  241. all that, whatever

  242. to (q)

  243. 1877, Antonio Ive, ''Canti popolari istriani: raccolti a Rovigno'', volume 5, Ermanno Loescher, page 99:

  244. A poûpa, a prùa a xì doûto bandere,
    : At the stern, at the bow everything is flags,
  245. (Latn-def); (l)

  246. (n-g) to

  247. (n-g) is used. in, to

  248. (n-g) with

  249. (uxi)

  250. (senseid) (n-g).

  251. (n-g) you...

  252. (n-g) and followed by verb infinitives. -ing. (n-g)

  253. (n-g) by

  254. (n-g) by. (n-g).

  255. (misspelling of)

  256. Indicates location: at, in, on.

  257. of

  258. to

  259. be

  260. is, it's

  261. are, am

  262. is, are

  263. (ng)

  264. ''A'' letter ''of the Jersey Dutch'' alphabet'', written in the Latin script.''

  265. this

  266. I (1st-person personal pronoun)

  267. ah, aah

  268. and (gloss)

  269. (l) (gloss)

  270. (ng); ah!

  271. ''a'' the first letter of Kayan alphabet.

  272. used for he, she, third person.

  273. ''indicator of a question''

  274. your

  275. pig

  276. not

  277. the first letter of the Latin alphabet.

  278. (n-g)''.

  279. (q) from, away from, out of

  280. (Q)

  281. (q) down from

  282. (q) by, means of

  283. (q) by, means of, with

  284. (q) to, with

  285. (q) at, on, in

  286. (q) after, since

  287. ah

  288. (n-g)/(l).

  289. (spelling of)

  290. The first letter of the Laz alphabet, written in the Latin script.

  291. to have

  292. (usex)

  293. (ng); er, uh.

  294. (cmn-pinyin of)

  295. (nonstandard spelling of)

  296. he, him (q)

  297. she, her (q)

  298. it (q)

  299. and, but, whereas

  300. and; that

  301. ah! (ng)

  302. wake, awaken

  303. flea

  304. river, stream, water

  305. (alt form) (q)

  306. to; towards

  307. O (vocative particle)

  308. who, which, that

  309. Pendeuic Dyuet|Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet:

  310. (quote) Prince of of Dyfed|Dyfed was lord of the seven cantrefs of Dyfed.
  311. whether, ''used to introduce an indirect question''

  312. (quote)
    : it will be small vengeance if we are burnt or put to death because of the child
  313. with

  314. a, an

  315. (superseded spelling of)

  316. I (q)

  317. (..)

    a = (IPAchar)

    ą = (IPAchar)

    á = (IPAchar)

    ą́ = (IPAchar)

    aa = (IPAchar)

    ąą = (IPAchar)

    áa = (IPAchar)

    ą́ą = (IPAchar)

    aá = (IPAchar)

    ąą́ = (IPAchar)

    áá = (IPAchar)

    ą́ą́ = (IPAchar)

  318. from (referring to a place)

  319. by (introducing the actor in the passive voice)

  320. to (implying necessity)

  321. in (locative: staying in a place of relative width)

  322. to (locative: moving towards a place of relative width)

  323. to (dative)

  324. to eat

  325. (inflection of)

  326. the letter (l), the first letter of the Norwegian alphabet

  327. (quote-book)|title=I kamp for norsk kultur|page=234|passage=bruken av a i bestemt form i hunkjønnsord|t=the use of a in the definite form of feminine words

  328. indicates the first or best entry of a list, order or rank

  329. (quote-book)|title=Samlede digter-verker I|trans-title=Collected poetic works 1|page=454|passage=begynte at gaa sammen, to og to: a stod og hvilte under et træ, som hedte b|t=letters began to go together, two by two: a stood and rested under a tree called b

  330. (quote-book)|title=Samlede Digterverker V|page=389|passage=begynde paa Ø istedet for A|t=start with Ø instead of A

  331. (quote-book)|title=Mogning og manndom I|page=172|passage=jeg traf sammen med et par generalbanditter, gamle gutter, storartede ranglefanter, 1ste klasse 1 A med stjerne, deilige herremænd|t=I met a couple of general bandits, old boys, great revelers, 1st class 1 A with a star, lovely gentlemen

  332. (quote-book)|title=Artikler|page=99|passage=historie er hvad A mener til forskel fra B, og hvad C igen mener til forskel baade fra A og B om den samme sag|t=story is what A thinks differently from B and what C again thinks differently from both A and B about the same case

  333. the highest grade in a school or university using the A-F scale

  334. (quote-book)|title=Stillheten etterpå|page=14|passage=jeg har gode karakterer. Bare A-er og B-er|t=I have good grades. Only A's and B's

  335. designation of the sixth note from C and the corresponding tone

  336. (quote-book)|title=Avreisen|page=127|passage=han slår énstrøken a på klaveret|t=he strikes one stroke A on the piano

  337. (quote-book)|title=G for Georg|page=42|passage=så gal at man virkelig tror at svaler er g-nøkler og bass-nøkler og a’er og c’er som svever rundt hverandre og lager konsert i himmelen|t=so crazy that you really think swallows are g-keys and bass-keys and a's and c's floating around each other and making a concert in the sky

  338. symbol for ampere

  339. symbol for number

  340. symbol for avance

  341. symbol for (l)

  342. short form of (l)

  343. an are, a unit of area one hundredth of a hectare; ares

  344. (''used in Latin expressions, before a consonant'') from, of

  345. (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l), (l)

  346. (''used in Italian expressions, before a consonant'') from, of, with

  347. (l), (l), (l), (l), (l)

  348. weak form of av (of)

  349. (''dialectal, used enclitically after a conjunction or subjunction'') she

  350. (quote-book)|title=Skuespill I|page=43|passage=jagu slår a ja. Og det så det kjens. Forleden dag ga hun meg en knallende ørefik|t=she can certainly punch. And so you feel it. The other day she gave me a popping slap to the ear

  351. (quote-book)|title=Den guddommelige tragedie|passage=hu kunne ikke henge på seg så mye som et enrada perlebånd, uten at a måtte skotte opp i skyene for å høre hva den aller høyeste mente|t=she could not put on as much as a single string of pearls, without having to shoot up into the clouds to hear what the very highest one meant

  352. (''dialectal, about grammatically feminine animals or objects'') it, she

  353. (quote-book)|title=Vi og Voreses|page=45|passage=hos Hansens laa dem te klokka var ni, og 10 var a mange ganger ogsaa|t=at Hansen's they laid until nine o'clock, and 10 she was many times too

  354. (quote-book)|title=Lasso rundt fru Luna|page=476|passage=hvor ligger a duskeluen henne?|t=where is the hat?

  355. ''hvor er a katta di?''

    where is your cat?

  356. (''dialectal, used enclitically'') her; ''object form of'' (l) (=''she'')

  357. ''hva gjorde du med a?''

    what did you do to her?

  358. (quote-book)|title=Av hans efterladte papirer|page=245|passage=jeg skrev klaverstykker … en lille scherzo med nordisk motiv … «gjenta» og «Jørgen Matros», som gjør kur til ’a og «Ola Spelman» som hun foretrækker|t=I wrote piano pieces… a small scherzo with a Nordic motif… «gjenta» and «Jørgen Matros», which makes cure for her and «Ola Spelman» which she prefers

  359. (quote-book)|title=Samlede romaner og fortællinger fra nutiden I|page=6|passage=jeg kan da gjerne skjære litt mat til a|t=I could happily cut some food for her

  360. (quote-book)|title=En sjømann går i land|page=19|passage=han stakk henne med kniven, riktig kylt’n midt i magan på a|t=he stabbed her with the knife, really threw in the middle of her stomach

  361. (''dialectal, about grammatically feminine animals or objects'') it, her

  362. ''hvis katta stikker av, må du fange a!''

    if the cat runs away, you need to catch her!

  363. (quote-book)|title=Over Ævne II|page=136|passage=naar kjærka ikke kan holde arbejderne i ave age, aa faen skal vi saa me’a|t=when the church can not keep the workers in duty, what the hell do we do with her then

  364. (''dialectal, used proclitically with a woman's name or female relation'') she, her

  365. (quote-book)|title=Samlede romaner og fortællinger fra nutiden V|page=96|passage=ta a Guldborg|t=consider Guldborg

  366. (quote-book)|title=Samlede romaner og fortællinger fra nutiden V|page=64|passage=har du glemt a mamma|t=did you forget about mom

  367. (quote-book)|title=Samlede dikt|page=88|passage=a Paula kom plystrende hjem|t=Paula came home whistling

  368. (quote-book)|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20230128025336/https://www.oa.no/fire-ar-uten-radio/o/5-35-61166|archivedate=2023-01-28|text=a tante Karen, mor hennes Reidun, hadde ordne med sengeplasser i stua, Booken på en divan og a Rita på flatseng på golvet|t=aunt Karen, her mother Reidun, had arranged beds in the living room, Booken on a daybed and Rita on a flat bed on the floor

  369. (quote-book)|title=Fram over Polhavet I|page=345|passage=a, kunde vi bare gi «Fram» slige vinger|t=oh, if only we could give "Fram" wings like that

  370. (quote-book)|title=Fru Inger til Østråt|page=99|passage=a nej, det kan være det samme|t=oh no, it does not matter

  371. (quote-book)|title=Brytnings-år I|page=25|passage=a ja, lad Schirmer tegne staburet|t=oh yes, let Schirmer draw the storehouse

  372. (quote-book)|title=Giacomettis forunderlige reise|passage=verden er vakker, bestemor. Selv når det regner og blåser. A ja da.|t=the world is beautiful, grandma. Even when it's raining and windy. Oh yes.

  373. ''uff a meg!''

    oh, my!

    ''huff a meg!''

    oh, no!

  374. the letter a

  375. ah!

  376. not (gloss)

  377. (n-g) (gloss)

  378. a (the letter a)

  379. (ng); and

  380. then, as, if

  381. yes, course

  382. and, but, whereas (gloss)

  383. stream, river

  384. on, in, at

  385. river, stream, water

  386. ever, always

  387. (alternative form of): law

  388. (alternative form of): to, in

  389. towards

  390. belonging to

  391. by, means of

  392. (roa-opt-cite-cantigas)

  393. fugiu con el a Egipto. terra de Reẏ faraon.
    : ran away with him to Egypt. land of King pharaoh.
  394. (senseid) that which, what

  395. when

  396. O (gloss)

  397. of

  398. ah! (gloss)

  399. and then (gloss)

  400. creek, river

  401. arm

  402. a, the

  403. (non-gloss definition).

  404. (coi)

  405. (l), (w)

  406. (abbreviation of)

  407. and such (gloss)

  408. is (gloss)

  409. about

  410. (senseid) (Latn-def)

  411. (senseid) (alt sp)

  412. (senseid) (inflection of)

  413. (RQ:mul:Rowling Harry Potter)

  414. (senseid) her, it (as a direct object; as an indirect object, see lhe; after prepositions, see ela)

  415. (senseid) to, ''introduces the indirect object''

  416. (senseid) to; towards, ''indicates destination''

  417. (senseid) away, ''indicates a physical distance''

  418. (senseid) with; means of, ''using as an instrument or means''

  419. (senseid) with; on, ''using as a medium or fuel''

  420. (senseid) by, ''using the specified measurement; in the specified quantity''

  421. (senseid) by, ''indicates a steady progression''

  422. (senseid) ''in the style or manner of''; la

  423. (senseid) at, ''during the specified period''

  424. (senseid) at; in, ''indicates a location or position''

  425. {{ux|pt|Isto fica à frente do altar.|This stays in front of the altar.

  426. (senseid) ''indicates the direct object, mainly to avoid confusion when it, the subject, or both are displaced, or for emphasis''

  427. (senseid) ''forms the present participle''

  428. {{ux|pt|Estou a preparar a canja.|I am preparing the chicken soup.

  429. (senseid) to, ''forms the future participle''

  430. (senseid) oh, ''expression of mild surprise''

  431. along, towards

  432. verbal suffix for marking benefactive of the V.

  433. proximate demonstrative pronoun

  434. I

  435. (monikko) rgn|a|t=we

  436. (monikko) rgn|te|t=you

  437. to; at

  438. oh, ah

  439. (feminine singular of)

  440. ''the infinitive marker:'' to

  441. at (now almost completely replaced by (m))

  442. , (m), (m) like, of

  443. (he/she) has...


  444. (only used in)

  445. (n-g); to

  446. (n-g); in, to

  447. (n-g); with

  448. (senseid) (n-g); to, (n-g)

  449. (senseid) (n-g); to

  450. (senseid) (n-g); at

  451. (senseid) (n-g); in

  452. (senseid) in, about, regard to

  453. (senseid) (n-g)

  454. a, an (indefinite article)

  455. (Latn-def) ''It is followed by (l). Its traditional name is (l).''

  456. (n-g); O

  457. his, its

  458. her, its

  459. (form of)

  460. (form of)'' used before (l)''

  461. The 1st letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), followed by (l).

  462. but, and (compare (m))

  463. while (on the contrary), whereas

  464. (q) without (usually after negative verbs)

  465. ((m)) and yet

  466. ((m)) not to mention, alone

  467. ((m)) if

  468. ((m)) and so, and also, and too

  469. (Latn-def); a

  470. her

  471. it, this or that thing

  472. (n-g) is used; in, to

  473. (senseid) (n-g); with

  474. but

  475. how, about

  476. (q) ''Phonetic transcription of sound'' (IPAlink).

  477. (n-g), (IPAlink), (IPAlink)/''.

  478. oh

  479. ''Used at the end of a sentence for confirmation, similarly to'' 'didn't I' ''in English.''

  480. (synonyms)

  481. (form of), particle used to form a yes- no question.

  482. and, but, whereas

  483. (n-g).

  484. 1605, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, ''Don Quijote de la Mancha''1, Chapter I:

  485. Tenía en su casa una ama que pasaba de los cuarenta y una sobrina que no llegaba a los veinte, y un mozo de campo y plaza que así ensillaba el rocín como tomaba la podadera.
    : He had in his house a housekeeper past forty, a niece under twenty, and a lad for the field and market-place, who used to saddle the hack as well as handle the billhook.
  486. he, she, it

  487. {{quote-book|srn|title=Nieuwe en nooit bevoorens geziene Onderwyzinge in het Bastert, of Neeger Engels, zoo als het zelve in de Hollandsze Colonien gebruikt word|trans-title=New and unprecedented instruction in Bastard or Negro English, as it is used in the Dutch colonies|author=Pieter van Dyk|location=Frankfurt/Madrid|publisher=Iberoamericana|year= ca. 1765|

  488. at, to

  489. to be (used with a noun phrase as complement)

  490. (n-g); (n-g); of

  491. (RQ:Abdallah bin Ali Inkishafi)

  492. from (q)

  493. (alt form of)

  494. (tl-letter-def)

  495. (tl-letter-def)

  496. (tl-letter name)

  497. (tl-letter name)

  498. ah: ''an exclamation of pity, admiration or surprise''

  499. oh (gloss)

  500. ouch (gloss)

  501. alright?; okay?; you?

  502. already

  503. aunt

  504. sister

  505. eh?

  506. (RQ:Buk Baibel)

  507. (n-g) and (l) and before personal names or names of months

  508. (n-g); of

  509. ah (expression of surprise, question)

  510. you (2nd person subject singular personal pronoun)

  511. he/she (3rd person singular personal pronoun)

  512. they (indefinite) (3rd person plural personal pronoun)

  513. the (''establishing a parallel between two comparatives'')

  514. a cutting tool consisting of two blades inserted into a long handle to cut grass or to harvest rice

  515. to rush or charge forward at

  516. (non-gloss definition)

  517. (non-gloss definition)

  518. but (Following a negative clause or sentence) the contrary|On the contrary, but rather

  519. However, although, nevertheless, the other hand

  520. ah!, oh!

  521. oops!

  522. ouch!

  523. (Latn-def) ''It is followed by (l).''

  524. that, which, who ''(used in 'direct' relative clauses, i.e. where the pronoun refers to the subject or the direct object of an inflected verb (as opposed to a periphrastic construction with ''bod'', to be)).''

  525. ''a'' is not used with the third person singular present of the verb bod, where the relative verb form ''sydd'' is used instead

  526. not ''*Y dyn a yw'n ifanc''

  527. ''a'' is not used in indirect relative clauses, where the pronoun is part of a genitive or periphrastic construction. Instead the second relative pronoun ''y'' is used

  528. not ''*Y dyn a oedd ei chwaer yma''

  529. to be cooked

  530. to be done, finished

  531. the, in later times ''the''.

  532. one

  533. on

  534. we (gloss)

  535. him, her, it (gloss)

  536. you (gloss)

  537. crow

  538. mother

  539. hen