
suomi-englanti sanakirja

done englannista suomeksi

  1. kypsä

  2. valmis

  1. kypsä, valmis

  2. valmis

  3. loppu, kulutettu

  4. tuhoon tuomittu|lit=doomed">tuhoon tuomittu|lit=doomed, pulassa|lit=in trouble

  5. käydä verb: to be acceptable, sopia verb: to be acceptable, sopiva; muoti / muotia|lit=fashionable, in

  6. Substantiivi

  7. Verbi

done englanniksi

  1. Having completed or finished an activity.

  2. (ux)

  3. Completed or finished.

  4. Ready, fully cooked.

  5. Being exhausted or fully spent.

  6. Without hope or prospect of completion or success.

  7. Fashionable, socially acceptable, tasteful.

  8. (inflection of)

  9. (infl of); did.

  10. (quote-journal)

  11. (rfdate) Be Still... and Know That I Am God: Devotions for Every Day of the Year

  12. She opened it up to find a quarter and a note scrawled in childish letters that said, "I done it for love."
  13. Used in forming the perfective aspect; have.

  14. (quote-song)

  15. (non-gloss)

  16. (quote-av)

  17. (inflection of)

  18. (RQ:Spenser Shepheardes Calender)

  19. (RQ:Nathaniel Baxter Ourania)

  20. (RQ:More Complete Poems)

  21. (clipping of)

  22. ''on the done''

  23. (alt form)

  24. holy, saint

  25. (syn)

  26. saint

  27. (infl of)

  28. person

  29. (tlb) gift, present

  30. (RQ:Malory Le Morte Darthur)

  31. (es-verb form of)