

  1. (ruoasta) valmis; keitetty

  2. valmis, työnsä tai haluamansa asian tehnyt

  3. tuhoontuomittu

Esimerkkejä done sanan käytöstä:

Im 'done'.

:Olen 'valmis'. t. Minulla 'ei ole muuta sanottavaa'.

America is 'done'.



  1. kypsennetty, kypsä, valmis, loppuun saatettu.

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valmis puhekieltä ready Ready, fully cooked.

As soon as the potatoes are done we can sit down and eat.

In a state of having completed or finished an activity.

He pushed his empty plate away, sighed and pronounced "I am done."

They were done playing and were picking up the toys when he arrived.

Being exhausted or fully spent.

When the water is done we will only be able to go on for a few days.

Without hope or prospect of completion or success.

He is done, after three falls there is no chance he will be able to finish.

fashionable Fashionable, socially acceptable, tasteful.

I cant believe he just walked up and spoke to her like that, those kind of things just aren't done!''

What is the done thing these days? I cant keep up!''

(inflection of)

I have done my work.

puhekieltä Used in forming the perfective aspect; haveVerb have.

I done did my best to raise yall.''

I woke up and found out she done left.

puhekieltä plural simple present form of (l)
1579, (w), ''(w)
The while their Foes done each of hem scorn.
1606, (w), Sir Philip Sydneys Ourania, that is, Endimions Song and Tragedie, containing all Philosophie
O you Caelestiall ever-living fires,
That done inflame our hearts with high desires;
1647, (w), The Praeexistency of the Soul
The soul of Naboth lies to Ahab told,
As done the learned Hebrew Doctours write,
(es-verb form of)


done rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kone, matkustajakone, aikakone, matematiikkakone, voimakone, vesivoimakone, lämpövoimakone, kuorimakone, puimakone, hiomakone

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