
suomi-englanti sanakirja

as englannista suomeksi

  1. yhtä, kuin

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

as englanniksi

  1. AS

  2. As

  1. (SI-unit-abb)

  2. arcsecond

  3. (ISO 639)

  4. To such an extent or degree; to the same extent or degree.

  5. (ux)

  6. {{RQ:Ferguson Zollenstein|IV

  7. (RQ:Travers Cuckoo in the Nest)

  8. Considered to be, in relation to something else; in the relation (specified).

  9. (quote-text)

  10. example|For example; instance. (qualifier).

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=1820|author=John Strype|title=The Life of the Learned Sir Thomas Smith|page=48

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1913|chapter=Aboriginal|title=Webster's Unabridged Dictionary

  13. In the (same) way or manner that; to the (same) degree that.

  14. {{quote-book|en|year=2001|author=Jason Manning|title=Mountain Honor|publisher=Signet Book|isbn=9780451204806

  15. (n-g) or (m) to introduce a comparison.

  16. (n-g) with the result that it is.

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=1868|title=Proceedings and Debates of the York Constitutional Convention Held in 1867 and 1868 in the City of Albany|page=2853

  18. {{quote-book|en|year=2006|author=Eric Manasse|title=The Twenty-First Man|publisher=iUniverse|isbn=9780595391288|page=7

  19. {{quote-book|en|year=2011|author=Herwig C. H. Hofmann; Gerard C. Rowe; Alexander H. Türk|title=Administrative Law and Policy of the European Union|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=9780199286485|page=507

  20. (n-g) though.

  21. 1843 (first published), (w), ''Essays''

  22. We wish, however, to avail ourselves of the interest, transient as it may be, which this work has excited.
  23. {{quote-book|en|year=2009|author=Matthew Friedman; Laurie B. Slone; J Friedman|title=After the War Zone|isbn=9780786731954

  24. At the time that; during the time when:

  25. At the same instant or moment that: when.

  26. At the same time that, during the same time when: while.

  27. Varying through time in the same proportion that.

  28. Being that, considering that, because, since.

  29. (synonyms)

  30. (n-g) though, if. (defdate)

  31. (RQ:Dryden Spanish Fryar)

  32. (RQ:Tyndale NT)

  33. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-2)eene the haughty Cardinall, More like a Souldier then a man o' th' Church, As (long )tout and proud as he were Lord of all (..)

  34. (quote-journal)

  35. (n-g); specifically.

  36. (ux) (makes explicit that the case is continued between other parties to the litigation)

    (ux) (makes explicit that it is continued against some other defendant)

  37. (n-g) that, which, who. (q) (defdate)

  38. (RQ:Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet)

  39. (RQ:Burton Melancholy)

  40. (RQ:Dickens Hard Times)

  41. {{quote-book|en|year=2016|author=Alan Moore|title=Jerusalem|publisher=Liveright|year_published=2016|page=99

  42. Than.

  43. (RQ:Fuller Church History)

  44. (quote-book)

  45. (n-g)

  46. {{RQ:Belloc Lowndes Lodger|I|0016

  47. In the role of.

  48. {{quote-text|en|year=2000|author=Tom Pendergast; Sara Pendergast|title=St. James encyclopedia of popular culture|volume=2|page=223

  49. {{quote-journal|en|year=2013|month=July-August|author=Catherine Clabby

  50. way of

  51. A libra.

  52. Any of several coins of Rome, coined in bronze or later copper; or the equivalent value.

  53. (syn)

  54. (alt form).

  55. (n-g); very much; extremely

  56. (co)

  57. (quote-web)

  58. (abbreviation of) (ng)

  59. water

  60. ash

  61. ashes

  62. axle

  63. axis

  64. if

  65. when

  66. like

  67. not, neither, nor

  68. the

  69. an ace (gloss)

  70. an 2|as or a libra (gloss)

  71. an 2|as (gloss)

  72. One of the Æsir

  73. Contraction of the preposition (m) with the salty article (m)

  74. (monikko) ca|a

  75. if

  76. one of the Æsir

  77. A-flat (A♭)

  78. (inflection of)

  79. (senseid)ash

  80. (senseid)axis

  81. (alternative spelling of)

  82. ''eive ... as'': (l) ... (l)

  83. (ng); the

  84. (ng); them

  85. A-flat

  86. ace (gloss)

  87. (l) (gloss)

  88. board

  89. the

  90. flat

  91. (l)

  92. the pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves, or which revolves with a wheel

  93. axletree: a transverse bar or shaft connecting the opposite wheels of a car or carriage.

  94. propeller shaft in fishing boat.

  95. (l):

  96. card with a single spot.

  97. point scored without the opponent hitting the ball.

  98. a (l).

  99. to, until

  100. the way to

  101. since

  102. the way from

  103. of

  104. from (qualifier)

  105. off

  106. (inflection of) (gloss)

  107. off (gloss)

  108. out (gloss)

  109. shoe

  110. milk

  111. (archaic form of)

  112. as; a Roman coin originally made of bronze and weighing one pound, but later made of copper and reduced to two ounces, one ounce, and eventually half an ounce.

  113. a penny, a copper (gl)

  114. pound as a unit of weight

  115. any undivided unit of measurement

  116. a whole estate

  117. a circular flap or valve

  118. any circular object; a slice, disk (gl)

  119. and

  120. as

  121. ace (gl)

  122. The lowest possible throw in dice.

  123. luck

  124. to sit

  125. oh: (n-g)

  126. ace

  127. (inflection of)

  128. fermentation

  129. unrest, noice

  130. (infl of)

  131. a score of one on a die

  132. (alternative form of) ("to the")

  133. milk

  134. (RQ:sga:TBFr)

  135. I, the first-person singular pronoun

  136. god

  137. the runic character (lang) ((IPAchar) or (IPAchar))

  138. as

  139. As ich des Poscht schreib...

    As I write this post...

  140. than

  141. but

  142. which

  143. who

  144. Leit as nix zu duh hen

    People who have nothing to do

  145. ace (gl)

  146. (senseid) (inflection of)

  147. (RQ:mul:Rowling Harry Potter)

  148. (senseid) them (''as a direct object''; ''the corresponding indirect object is lhes''; ''the form used after prepositions is elas'')

  149. (monikko) pt|a

  150. ace

  151. as

  152. Creates the superlative when preceding the comparative form of an adjective or an adverb.

  153. (m)(m)

  154. swollen

  155. An ace; in a game of cards.

  156. An ace; somebody very proficient at an activity.

  157. an ace, a hotshot (gloss)

  158. an asNoun (gloss)

  159. I

  160. (RQ:xsv:Narew) — aſ|I

  161. (RQ:xsv:Narew) (l) — aſ irm|I am

  162. Carrion, carcass (''of an animal killed by a predator'').

  163. an asshole (inconsiderate or otherwise contemptible person)

  164. one of the gods from Old Norse religion, in particular one of the Æsir

  165. to come

  166. to receive, to be awarded

  167. to suit, to fit

  168. (ux)

  169. buttocks, backside

  170. bottom, base

  171. reason, meaning, motivation

  172. beginning, source

  173. ermine

  174. weasel

  175. (tr-verb form of)

  176. woman

  177. if, that

  178. as, like (qualifier)

  179. axle (gloss)

  180. a small (gloss)

  181. (alt form)