suomi-englanti sanakirjasuit englannista suomeksi
juttu, kanne
asu, puku
sopia, käydä
olla sopiva, pukea
liituraitamies, pukumies
suit englanniksi
(senseid) A set of clothes to be worn together, now especially a man's matching jacket and trousers (also suit or suit), or a similar outfit for a woman.
(RQ:Allingham China Governess)
{{quote-journal|en|date=2013-08-03|volume=408|issue=8847|magazine=The Economist
A garment or set of garments suitable and/or required for a given task or activity: suit, suit, protective suit, swimsuit.
a dress.
A person who wears matching jacket and trousers, especially a boss or a supervisor.
(quote-song)|title=Napoleon|passage=You had an army / Of suits behind you
A full set of armour.
The attempt to gain an end by legal process; a process instituted in a court of law for the recovery of a right or claim; a lawsuit.
(RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)
(RQ:Homer Pope et al Odyssey)
The act of suing; the pursuit of a particular object or goal.
(RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)
The full set of sails required for a ship.
(senseid) Each of the sets of a pack of cards distinguished by color and/or specific emblems, such as the spades, hearts, diamonds{{, or clubs of traditional Anglo, Hispanic{{, and French playing cards.
{{quote-text|en|year=1785|author=William Cowper|title=The Task
Regular order; succession.
(RQ:Bacon Essayes)
Every five and thirty years the same kind and suit of weather comes again.
A company of attendants or followers; a retinue.
A group of similar or related objects or items considered as a whole; a suite (of rooms etc.)
(RQ:Landon Ethel Churchill)
(RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet)
To be suitable or apt for one's image.
To be appropriate or apt for.
(RQ:Dryden Fables)
c. 1700, (w), ''epistle to Dr. Sherlock''
- Raise her notes to that sublime degree / Which suits song of piety and thee.
(RQ:Hough Purchase Price) it is not fair of you to bring against mankind double weapons ! Dangerous enough you are as woman alone, without bringing to your aid those gifts of mind suited to problems which men have been accustomed to arrogate to themselves.”
(quote-song) / Going where the weather suits my clothes
To dress; to clothe.
(RQ:Shakespeare Twelfth Night)
To please; to make content; to fit one's taste.
To agree; to be fitted; to correspond (usually followed by ''to'', archaically also followed by ''with'').
(RQ:Addison Cato)
(clipping of)
(inflection of)
(l) (gloss)
(past participle of)