
suomi-englanti sanakirja

like englannista suomeksi

  1. samanlainen, kuten

  2. tahtoa

  3. haluta

  4. pitää

  5. välittää

  6. lainen, kaltainen

  7. sama

  8. kaltaisuus

  9. samankaltainen

  1. pitää, tykätä, nauttia

  2. pitää, tykätä

  3. tykätä

  4. tahtoa, haluta

  5. mieltymys

  6. tykkäys

  7. samanlainen

  8. lainen, kaltainen

  9. kuten, kuin

  10. kuten

  11. niinku

  12. Substantiivi

  13. Verbi

like englanniksi

  1. To enjoy, be pleased by; favor; be in favor of.

  2. (ant)


  3. (RQ:Locke Human Understanding)

  4. (quote-book)

  5. (RQ:Chambers Younger Set)

  6. To please.

  7. (quote-text)| passage=I willingly confess that it likes me much better when I find virtue in a fair lodging than when I am bound to seek it in an ill-favoured creature.|url=| title=The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia|year=16th century

  8. To derive pleasure ''of'', ''by'' or ''with'' someone or something.

  9. (quote-book)|title=Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Systems of the World|section=(Dialogue Two)|passage=And therefore it is the best way, if you like of it, to examine these taken from experiments touching the Earth, and then proceed to those of the other kind.

  10. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  11. To prefer and maintain (an action) as a regular habit or activity.

  12. (quote-av)

  13. (audio)
  14. To have an appearance or expression; to look; to seem to be (in a specified condition).

  15. (RQ:Shakespeare As You Like It)

  16. To come near; to avoid with difficulty; to escape narrowly.

  17. To find attractive; to prefer the company of; to have mild romantic feelings for.

  18. (syn)

  19. (quote-video game)Enju: “Apparently when you like someone, you start talking like them.”

  20. To liken; to compare.

  21. (senseid) To show support for, or approval of, something posted on the Internet by marking it with a vote.

  22. (cot)

  23. To want, desire. ''See also ''like''.''

  24. (n-g)

  25. To be prone to.

  26. (usex)

  27. Of a computer or other system: to tolerate as an input; to accept.

  28. Something that a person likes (prefers).

  29. (senseid) An individual vote showing support for, approval of, or enjoyment of, something posted on the Internet.

  30. (quote-song)

  31. (quote-web)

  32. Similar.

  33. {{quote-text|en|year=1902|author=John Buchan|title=The Outgoing of the Tide

  34. (RQ:Carlyle Past and Present)and this is not a sky, it is a Soul and living Face! Nothing liker the Temple of the Highest, bright with some real effulgence of the Highest, is seen in this world.

  35. (RQ:Haggard She)

  36. Likely; probable.

  37. 1668, (w), ''The Messiah's Sufferings for the Sins of the People'' (sermon, March 20, 1668)

  38. But it is like the jolly world about us will scoff at the paradox of these practices.
  39. (RQ:Clarendon History) not easy to be govern'd, nor like to conform themselves to such strict rules.

  40. (RQ:Swift Gulliver)

  41. inclined (''to''), prone (''to'').

  42. {{quote-book|en

  43. (label) Likely.

  44. (RQ:Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing)

  45. In a like or similar manner.

  46. (RQ:KJV)

  47. (senseid) ''(sometimes as the likes of)'' Someone similar to a given person, or something similar to a given object; a comparative; a type; a sort.

  48. (RQ:Doyle Land of Mist)

  49. 1935, (w) on (w)

  50. We shall never see his like again.
  51. {{quote-av

  52. The stroke that equalizes the number of strokes played by the opposing player or side.

  53. As, way.

  54. 1966, Advertising slogan for (w)

  55. (w)
  56. {{quote-text|en|year=1978|title=Do Unto Others|author=Bob Dylan

  57. if|As if; though.

  58. Similar to, reminiscent of

  59. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients). It twisted and turned,(..)and opened out into a big clear space like a lawn. And, back of the lawn, was a big, old-fashioned house, with piazzas stretching in front of it, and all blazing with lights. 'Twas the house I'd seen the roof of from the beach.

  60. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)

  61. (RQ:Travers Cuckoo in the Nest)

  62. (RQ:Allingham China Governess). The captive made no resistance and came not only quietly but in a series of eager little rushes like a timid dog on a choke chain.

  63. (quote-journal)

  64. Typical of

  65. ''It would be just like Achilles to be sulking in his tent.''

  66. Approximating

  67. ''Popcorn costs something like $10 dollars at the movies.''

  68. In the manner of, similarly to

  69. ''He doesn't act like a president.''

  70. as|Such as

  71. ''It's for websites like Wikipedia.''

  72. As if there would be

  73. ''It looks like a hot summer in Europe.''

  74. Used to ask for a description or opinion of someone or something

  75. ''I hear she has a new boyfriend. What's he like?''

    ''What's the weather like in Ürümqi today?''

  76. Likely.

  77. (quote-text) |passage=“You'll try it, some day, like enough; but you'll get tired of the change pretty soon.” “Why?” “Well, I'll tell you. Now you've always been a sailor; did you ever try some other business?” |title=(w) |year=1909

  78. {{quote-book|en|year=1936|title=New Mexico: The Sunshine State's Recreational and Highway Magazine

  79. (non-gloss definition)

  80. {{quote-journal|en|date=December 1 1972|author=Charles M. Schulz|journal=Peanuts

  81. {{quote-text|en|year=2006|author=Lily Allen|title=Knock 'Em Out

  82. {{quote-book|en|year=2014|author=Geoffrey Riddell|title=The Fly-ahead Boy||isbn=9780987497888|page=108

  83. To be likely.

  84. (quote-text)

  85. like

  86. appreciation; approval

  87. to like

  88. (alt form).

  89. like

  90. to like

  91. (inflection of)

  92. a (l)

  93. (verb form of)

  94. like, alike, similar

  95. to (l)

  96. (infl of)

  97. (monikko) nb|lik

  98. as, equally

  99. (monikko) nn|lik

  100. just, immediately

  101. (alt sp)

  102. (l-lite) (gl)

  103. To like.

  104. To be hesitant to do something.

  105. To love somebody or something.

  106. like

  107. Used to place emphasis upon a statement.

  108. (l)

  109. (adj form of)

  110. match (qualifier)