
suomi-englanti sanakirja

liken englannista suomeksi

  1. samastaa

  1. Verbi

  2. verrata, rinnastaa

  3. tehdä jonkinlaiseksi">tehdä jonkinlaiseksi

  4. Substantiivi

liken englanniksi

  1. ''Followed by'' to ''or (archaic)'' unto: to regard or state that (someone or something) is like another person or thing; to compare.

  2. (antonyms)


  3. (RQ:Latimer Sermons) And then they alſo may be likened together for the diverſity of vvorks, and variety of offices that they have to do.

  4. (quote-book)|location=Antwerp|publisher=(...) William Silvius(nb...)|year=1566|section=folio cclxxii, verso|sectionurl=|oclc=15432814|passage=In this ſaing S. of Hippo|Auguſtin likeneth the ſacramentes of the olde lavve in reſpect of the ſacramentes of the nevve lavve vnto childrens games, and our ſacramentes he likeneth to the thinges of more profett, vvhich are to be geuen to the ſonnes of God, vvhen they vvaxe of more age, knovvledge, and ripeneſſe.

  5. (RQ:Plutarch North Lives) Captaines I can liken none ſo vvell vnto him, as ''(w)'' the (smallcaps).

  6. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-2)

  7. (quote-book)|title=Practique Theories: Or, Votiue Speculations, vpon Iesus Christs Prediction. Incarnation. Passion. Resurrection.(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(...) &91;(w)&93; for Iames Bowler|year=1629|page=141|pageurl=|oclc=83104216|passage=He merited not the Abaſement; vve vvere vvorthy the Damnation. Ah, ah my good Sauiour! A Nethermoſt depth cannot ſincke me lovv enough, ſince thou ſtoop'ſt to a Footſtoole. Thou likenedſt thee to me, I vvill compare me to Nothing: (..)

  8. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  9. (RQ:Richardson Clarissa)

  10. (RQ:Fielding Tom Jones)

  11. (RQ:Poe Works)

  12. (RQ:Cooper Mercedes)

  13. (quote-book); Dublin: E. Ponsonby,(nb...)|year=1880|volume=II|page=192|pageurl=|oclc=316690359|passage=And the tufted isles which thou likenedst to the isles that rise from the face of some still gleaming lake—these are the peaks of the northern hills and the tops of the mountain ranges of the north, standing above the suspended steam of their host.

  14. (RQ:Guardian)

  15. ''Chiefly followed by'' to: to make (oneself, someone, or something) resemble another person or thing.

  16. (RQ:Tupper Proverbial Philosophy)

  17. To represent or symbolize (something).

  18. ''Followed by'' to: to like or resemble; also, to become like.

  19. to like (on social media)

  20. to like

  21. (cot)

  22. {{quote-book|de|year=2012|author=Claudia Hilker|title=Erfolgreiche Social-Media-Strategien für die Zukunft: Mehr Profit durch Facebook, Twitter, Xing und Co.|page=94|publisher=Linde Verlag GmbH|isbn=9783709303689

  23. {{quote-book|de|year=2012|author=Tim Sebastian|title=Facebook Fanpages Plus|page=22|publisher=mitp Verlags GmbH & Co. KG|isbn=9783826691843

  24. {{quote-book|de|year=2014|author=Markus Pfeifer|title=Facebook - Kommunikation und Interaktion mit dem Kunden: Eine Facebook-Marketing Analyse zu den Top 13 österreichischen Biermarken bezugnehmend auf die Interaktion und den Einfluss auf die Facebook Welt|page=50|publisher=Bachelor + Master Publication|isbn=9783958202191

  25. {{quote-text|de|year=2014|author=Wolfgang H. Weinrich|title=Der liebe Gott kommt nicht voran|page=unnumbered

  26. {{quote-text|de|year=2014|author=Katherine Womser|title=Wenn Fernsehen alleine nicht genug ist|page=183

  27. (quote-journal)

  28. (alternative form of)

  29. to please, (in archaic English usage) to like

  30. To like.

  31. (noun form of)

  32. (monikko) fy|lyk