
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sort englannista suomeksi

  1. laatu, laji

  2. lajitella

  3. sortti

  4. sorttaus, lajittelu

  5. selvittää

  6. kaveri, tyyppi

  1. tyyppi, laji, sortti informal

  2. tyyppi

  3. lajittelu, järjestely, aakkostus alphabetically

  4. sorttaus

  5. kirjake, kirjasin

  6. lajitella, erotella

  7. järjestää, alphabetically aakkostaa

  8. selvittää, hoitaa

  9. Substantiivi

sort englanniksi

  1. A general type.

  2. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)

  3. {{quote-book|en|year=1922|author=Ben Travers|title=A Cuckoo in the Nest

  4. (RQ:Allingham China Governess). He was not a mongol but there was a deficiency of a sort there, and it was not made more pretty by a latter-day hair cut which involved eccentrically long elf-locks and oiled black curls.

  5. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-06-14|author=Sam Leith

  6. Manner; form of being or acting.

  7. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  8. (quote-book)

  9. (RQ:Hough Purchase Price)

  10. Condition above the vulgar; rank.

  11. A person evaluated in a certain way (''bad'', ''good'', ''strange'', etc.).

  12. Group, company.

  13. A good-looking woman.

  14. An act of sorting.

  15. (ux)

  16. An algorithm for sorting a list of items into a particular sequence.

  17. (senseid) A piece of metal type used to print one letter, character, or symbol in a particular size and style.

  18. A type.

  19. Chance; lot; destiny.

  20. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  21. A full set of anything, such as a pair of shoes, or a suit of clothes.Samuel Johnson, "A Dictionary of the English Language", publisher=W. G. Jones year=1768

  22. (senseid) To separate items into different categories according to certain criteria that determine their sorts.

  23. (syn)

  24. (quote-journal)

  25. (senseid) To arrange into some sequence, usually numerically, alphabetically or chronologically.

  26. To conjoin; to put together in distribution; to class.

  27. To conform; to adapt; to accommodate.

  28. To choose from a number; to select; to cull.

  29. To join or associate with others, especially with others of the same kind or species; to agree.

  30. To suit; to fit; to be in accord; to harmonize.

  31. (senseid) To fix (a problem) or handle (a task).

  32. (quote-web)

  33. To attack physically.

  34. To geld.

  35. luck

  36. (uxi)

  37. fortune

  38. black (q)

  39. the table; done in secret so as to avoid taxation

  40. the table; secretly, so as to avoid taxation

  41. sort, kind

  42. quality

  43. brand

  44. cultivar

  45. kind, (l), brand

  46. fate, destiny (gloss)

  47. lot (gloss)

  48. spell (gloss)

  49. (inflection of)

  50. deaf

  51. shorts (gloss)

  52. fate

  53. illegal; in avoidance of taxes

  54. a (l), kind or type

  55. sort, kind, type, ilk, variety

  56. (l) (gl)

  57. (l), kind, variety

  58. kind, (l)