
suomi-englanti sanakirja

relation englannista suomeksi

  1. omainen, sukulainen

  2. taannehtivuus

  3. suhteet

  4. suhde

  5. kertomus

  1. Substantiivi

  2. suhde

  3. relaatio

  4. sukulainen, omainen

  5. kertomus

relation englanniksi

  1. The manner in which two things may be associated.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Hough Purchase Price)

  4. A member of one's family; a relative.

  5. A relationship; the manner in which and tone with which people or states, etc. interact.

  6. The act of relating a story.

  7. (RQ:Skelton Complete)How I, Skelton laureat,Devysed and also wrateUppon a lewde curate, (..)

  8. 1669, Letter from Dr. Merrett to (w), in (w) (ed.), ''Sir Thomas Browne’s Works including his Life and Correspondence'', London: William Pickering, 1836, Volume I, p. 443,

  9. Many of the ''lupus piscis'' I have seen, and have bin informed by the king’s fishmonger they are taken on our coast, but was not satisfied for some reasons of his relation soe as to enter it into my Pinax (..)
  10. 1691, (w) (translator), ''The Wisdom of the Ancients'' by (w) (1609), London, Preface,

  11. (..) seeing they are diversly related by Writers that lived near about one and the self-same time, we may easily perceive that they were common things, derived from precedent Memorials; and that they became various, by reason of the divers Ornaments bestowed on them by particular Relations (..)
  12. (quote-book) was easily prevailed on to satisfy Mr Dowling's curiosity, by relating the history of his birth and education, which he did, like Othello. (..) Mr Dowling was indeed very greatly affected with this relation; for he had not divested himself of humanity by being an attorney.

  13. A set of ordered tuples.

  14. {{quote-book|en|year=1974|author=Thomas S. Szasz, M.D.|title=The Myth of Mental Illness|chapter=7|isbn=0-06-091151-4|page=107

  15. ''Specifically'', a set of ordered pairs; a relation.

  16. A set of ordered tuples retrievable by a database; a table.

  17. A statement of equality of two products of generators, used in the presentation of a group.

  18. A subobject of a product of objects.

  19. (senseid) The act of intercourse.

  20. (collocation)

  21. (l)

  22. relationship

  23. relation

  24. (syn)

  25. (l); how two things may be associated

  26. relation; set of ordered tuples

  27. relation; retrievable by a database