
suomi-englanti sanakirja

order englannista suomeksi

  1. määräys, päätös

  2. tilata

  3. järjestää

  4. määrätä

  5. järjestys

  6. vihkiä papiksi

  7. veljeskunta

  8. käskeä

  9. komentaa

  10. tilaus

  11. luokka

  12. pylväsjärjestelmä

  13. lahko

  14. kunto

  15. käsky

  16. järjestäminen

  17. organisoida

  1. Substantiivi

  2. järjestys

  3. käsky, komento

  4. tilaus

  5. veljeskunta, lahko

  6. ritarikunta

  7. kunniamerkki

  8. lahko

  9. taso

  10. lyöntijärjestys

  11. aste

  12. kertaluku

  13. osittain järjestetty joukko

  14. järjestysrelaatio, järjestys

  15. Verbi

  16. järjestää

  17. käskeä, määrätä

  18. tilata

order englanniksi

  1. Order

  1. Arrangement, disposition, or sequence.

  2. (ux)

  3. A position in an arrangement, disposition, or sequence.

  4. (quote-book)

  5. 1897, (w) (translator), (w), Extract from a commentary by Eutocius, quoted in 1897 CUP, T. L. Heath (editor), ''The Works of Archimedes'', 2002, Dover, unnumbered page,

  6. His attempt I shall also give in its order.
  7. The state of being well arranged.

  8. Conformity with law or decorum; freedom from disturbance; general tranquillity; public quiet.

  9. (senseid) A command.

  10. {{quote-book|en|year=1907|author=Edward Bindloss|Harold Bindloss

  11. (quote-journal)

  12. A request for some product or service; a commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods.

  13. {{quote-journal|en|title=An internet of airborne things|date=2012-12-01|volume=405|issue=8813|page=3 (Technology Quarterly)|magazine=The Economist|url=http://www.economist.com/news/technology-quarterly/21567193-networking-enthusiasts-dream-building-drone-powered-internet-carry-objects

  14. A group of religious adherents, especially monks or nuns, set apart within their religion by adherence to a particular rule or set of principles.

  15. An association of knights.

  16. Any group of people with common interests.

  17. A decoration, awarded by a government, a dynastic house, or a religious body to an individual, usually for distinguished service to a nation or to humanity.

  18. {{quote-web

  19. A category in the classification of organisms, ranking below class and above family; a taxon at that rank.

  20. {{quote-journal|en|year=2013|month=May-June|author=Katie L. Burke

  21. A number of things or persons arranged in a fixed or suitable place, or relative position; a rank; a row; a grade; especially, a rank or class in society; a distinct character, kind, or sort.

  22. (RQ:Taylor Holy Living)

  23. (quote-text)|title=upon Several Occasions/89|The British Enchanters

  24. {{RQ:Hawthorne Scarlet Letter

  25. An ecclesiastical rank or position, usually for the sake of ministry, (q) orders.

  26. The disposition of a column and its component parts, and of the entablature resting upon it, in classical architecture; hence (since the column and entablature are the characteristic features of classical architecture) a style or manner of architectural design.

  27. The sequence in which a side’s batsmen bat; the order.

  28. A power of polynomial function in an electronic circuit’s block, such as a filter, an amplifier, etc.

  29. The overall power of the rate law of a reaction, expressed as a polynomial function of concentrations of reactants and products.

  30. The cardinality, or number of elements in a set, group, or other structure regardable as a set.

  31. 1911 University Press, William Burnside, ''Theory of Groups of Finite Order'', 2nd Edition, Reprint, Dover (Dover Phoenix), 2004, page 222,

  32. In this case, the conjugate set contains ''n''(''n'' − 1)/''x''(''x'' − 1) distinct sub-groups of order ''m'', and ''H'' is therefore self-conjugate in a group ''K'' of order ''x''(''x'' − l)''m''.
  33. {{quote-book|en|year=2000|author=Michael Aschbacher|title=Finite Group Theory|edition=2nd|pageurl=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=BprbtnlI6HEC&pg=PA260&dq=%22order%22%7C%22orders%22+set%7Cgroup&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj87tPq0fPaAhWG-lQKHdE4DaEQ6AEIsgIwMgv=onepage&q=%22order%22%7C%22orders%22%20set%7Cgroup&f=false|page=260|publisher=Cambridge University Press

  34. (senseid) For given group ''G'' and element ''g'' ∈ ''G'', the smallest positive number ''n'', if it exists, such that (using multiplicative notation), ''gn = e'', where ''e'' is the element of ''G''; ''if no such number exists, the element is said to be of infinite order (or sometimes zero order).''

  35. {{quote-book|en|year=1997|author=Frank Celler; C. R. Leedham-Green|chapter=Calculating the Order of an Invertible Matrix|editors=Larry Finkelstein; William M. Kantor|title=Groups and Computation II|publisher=American Mathematical Society|pageurl=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=lyL8Ui36FKsC&pg=PA55&dq=%22order+of+an+element%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6gPTexsDbAhVIjpAKHbudDeEQ6AEIWTAIv=onepage&q=%22order%20of%20an%20element%22&f=false|page=55

  36. 1999, A. Ehrenfeucht, T. Harju, G. Rozenberg, ''The Theory of 2-structures'', World Scientific, page 15,

  37. If \Delta is a finite group, its cardinality is called the order of \Delta. The order of an element a \in \Delta is defined as the smallest nonnegative integer n such that a^n = 1_\Delta. The second case of the following result is known as Cauchy's theorem.
    Theorem 1.10 ''Let \Delta be a finite group.''
    : ''(i) The order of an element a \in \Delta divides the order |\Delta| of the group.''
    : ''(ii) If a prime number p divides |\Delta|, then there exists an element a \in \Delta of order p.''
  38. 2010, A. R. Vasishta, A. K. Vasishta, ''Modern Algebra'', Krishna Prakashan Media, 60th Edition, page 180,

  39. Since in a finite group the order of an element must be a divisor of the order of the group, therefore ''o'' (''a'') cannot be 3 and so we must have ''o'' (''a'')=4=the order of the group ''G''.
  40. The number of vertices in a graph.

  41. A ordered set.

  42. The relation on a partially ordered set that determines that it is, in fact, a partially ordered set.

  43. The sum of the exponents on the variables in a monomial, or the highest such among all monomials in a polynomial.

  44. A written direction to furnish someone with money or property; compare (m), (m).

  45. {{quote-book|en|year=1763|author=James Boswell|editor=Gordon Turnbull|title=London Journal 1762-1763|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2014|page=233

  46. To set in some sort of order.

  47. To arrange, set in proper order.

  48. To issue a command to.

  49. To request some product or service; to secure by placing an order.

  50. To admit to holy orders; to ordain; to receive into the ranks of the ministry.

  51. {{RQ:Book of Common Prayer

  52. (l) (gloss)

  53. (verb form of)

  54. (l),

  55. a command.

  56. a request for some product or service; a commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods.

  57. (syn)

  58. (l) (gl)

  59. (hyper)

  60. (l)

  61. an (l) (command)

  62. an (l) (request for some product or service – often of a larger or more involved order)