suomi-englanti sanakirjasum englannista suomeksi
laskea yhteen, ynnätä
koko, loppusumma
tiivistää, vetää yhteen
unioni, yhdiste
sum englanniksi
A quantity obtained by addition or aggregation.
An arithmetic computation, especially one posed to a student as an exercise (not necessarily limited to addition).
(RQ:Dickens David Copperfield) a large sheet of paper (..) covered with long sums (..)
A quantity of money.
''a tidy sum''
''the sum of forty pounds''
(RQ:KJV)With a great ſumme obteined I this freedome.
(quote-video game)|location=Redwood City|publisher=Electronic Arts|year=2008|genre=fiction|Science Fiction|system=PC|scene=Noveria|isbn=9780784546642|oclc=246633669|passage=Merchant Opold: This one promised compensation for services rendered. It humbly suggests that a sum of 250 credits would be most appropriate.Shepard: Would you have had any chance of getting this past customs without me? You can be a bit more generous.Merchant Opold: The other's words possess the discomforting ring of truth.Merchant Opold: This one could raise the sum to 500 credits. That is half this one's profit taken by the other. It can offer no more.
A summary; the principal points or thoughts when viewed together; the substance.
A central idea or point; gist.
The utmost degree; the greatest or most perfect realization (of some concept).
(RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)|year=1873
An old English measure of corn equal to the quarter.
{{quote-text|en|year=1882|author=James Edwin Thorold Rogers|title=A History of Agriculture and Prices in England|volume=4|page=207
To add together.
{{quote-book|en|year=2005|author=Plato|title=Sophist|translator=Lesley Brown|page=250b
To give a summary of.
The basic unit of money in Kyrgyzstan.
The basic unit of money in Uzbekistan.
(eye dialect of)
(pronunciation spelling of)
A type of administrative district used in China, Mongolia, and Russia. In Mongolia, a sum is smaller than a province. In China, it is only used in Mongolia, where it is equivalent to a township.
(infl of)
when, as
(romanization of)
(alt form)
(inflection of)
(quote-book)|Suetonius|The Twelve Caesars|''De Vita Caesarum''|||Alea iacta est.|The die is cast.|section=''Caesar|Iulius'' vita Caesarum libri VIII/Vita divi Iuli33|33
to go
{{ux|la|Ad quod castrum vincendum Pisani fuerunt cum quinquaginta navibus, plattis et schafis, etc,
, imperative be
a (l) (''addition or aggregation'')
a (l) (''amount of money'')
buzz (''continuous noise'')
an act of swimming
"Gospel of Saint John", chapter 9, verse 9
- (quote)
mud (dry), dust
to bathe
to drink