
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sum englannista suomeksi

  1. laskea yhteen, ynnätä

  2. olemus

  3. koko, loppusumma

  4. tiivistää, vetää yhteen

  5. lopputulos

  6. summa

  7. unioni, yhdiste

  1. summa

  2. laskutehtävä

  3. summata, ynnätä old, laskea yhteen

  4. Substantiivi

  5. Verbi

sum englanniksi

  1. A quantity obtained by addition or aggregation.

  2. (syn)


  3. (RQ:KJV)

  4. (quote-web)

  5. An arithmetic computation, especially one posed to a student as an exercise (not necessarily limited to addition).

  6. (RQ:Dickens David Copperfield) a large sheet of paper (..) covered with long sums (..)

  7. A quantity of money.

  8. ''a tidy sum''

    ''the sum of forty pounds''

  9. (RQ:KJV)With a great ſumme obteined I this freedome.

  10. (quote-video game)|location=Redwood City|publisher=Electronic Arts|year=2008|genre=fiction|Science Fiction|system=PC|scene=Noveria|isbn=9780784546642|oclc=246633669|passage=Merchant Opold: This one promised compensation for services rendered. It humbly suggests that a sum of 250 credits would be most appropriate.Shepard: Would you have had any chance of getting this past customs without me? You can be a bit more generous.Merchant Opold: The other's words possess the discomforting ring of truth.Merchant Opold: This one could raise the sum to 500 credits. That is half this one's profit taken by the other. It can offer no more.

  11. A summary; the principal points or thoughts when viewed together; the substance.

  12. A central idea or point; gist.

  13. The utmost degree; the greatest or most perfect realization (of some concept).

  14. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)|year=1873

  15. (quote-book)

  16. An old English measure of corn equal to the quarter.

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=1882|author=James Edwin Thorold Rogers|title=A History of Agriculture and Prices in England|volume=4|page=207

  18. To add together.

  19. {{quote-book|en|year=2005|author=Plato|title=Sophist|translator=Lesley Brown|page=250b

  20. To give a summary of.

  21. The basic unit of money in Kyrgyzstan.

  22. The basic unit of money in Uzbekistan.

  23. (eye dialect of)

  24. (pronunciation spelling of)

  25. A type of administrative district used in China, Mongolia, and Russia. In Mongolia, a sum is smaller than a province. In China, it is only used in Mongolia, where it is equivalent to a township.

  26. under

  27. (infl of)

  28. like, as

  29. when, as

  30. that, who, which

  31. (romanization of)

  32. (alt form)

  33. (inflection of)

  34. urine

  35. hoof

  36. to be, exist, belong (+obj)

  37. (uxi)

  38. (Q)

  39. (quote-book)|Suetonius|The Twelve Caesars|''De Vita Caesarum''|||Alea iacta est.|The die is cast.|section=''Caesar|Iulius'' vita Caesarum libri VIII/Vita divi Iuli33|33

  40. be

  41. to go

  42. {{ux|la|Ad quod castrum vincendum Pisani fuerunt cum quinquaginta navibus, plattis et schafis, etc,

  43. , imperative be

  44. a (l) (''addition or aggregation'')

  45. a (l) (''amount of money'')

  46. buzz (''continuous noise'')

  47. an act of swimming

  48. (nn-former)

  49. some

  50. "Gospel of Saint John", chapter 9, verse 9

  51. (quote)
  52. mud (dry), dust

  53. to bathe

  54. wels, catfish, sheatfish (gl)

  55. say

  56. suspicion, mistrust

  57. to drink