
suomi-englanti sanakirja

interest englannista suomeksi

  1. mielenkiinnon kohde, harrastus

  2. osakkuus, osuus

  3. kiinnostaa

  4. hyöty, etu

  5. kiinnostus, intressi

  6. eturyhmä

  7. mielenkiinto

  8. korko

  1. Substantiivi

  2. korko

  3. kiinnostus, mielenkiinto

  4. omistus, sidonnaisuus, intressi, etu business interest

  5. mielenkiinnon kohde">mielenkiinnon kohde, kiinnostuksen kohde">kiinnostuksen kohde, harrastus

  6. vahingonkorvaus

  7. ala

  8. Verbi

  9. kiinnostaa

interest englanniksi

  1. (senseid) The price paid for obtaining, or price received for providing, money or goods in a credit transaction, calculated as a fraction of the amount or value of what was borrowed. (defdate)

  2. (ux)

  3. (senseid) Any excess over and above an exact equivalent

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-1)

  5. (senseid) A great attention and concern from someone or something; intellectual curiosity. (defdate)

  6. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  7. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)

  8. (senseid) Attention that is given to or received from someone or something.

  9. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp) St. Bede's at this period of its history was perhaps the poorest and most miserable parish in the East End of London. Close-packed, crushed by the buttressed height of the railway viaduct, rendered airless by huge walls of factories, it at once banished lively interest from a stranger's mind and left only a dull oppression of the spirit.

  10. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-08-10|volume=408|issue=8848|magazine=The Economist

  11. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-06-21|author=Chico Harlan|volume=189|issue=2|page=30|magazine=The Guardian Weekly

  12. (senseid) An involvement, claim, right, share, stake in or link with a financial, business, or other undertaking or endeavor.

  13. (senseid) Something which, or someone whom, one is interested in.

  14. (senseid) Condition or quality of exciting concern or being of importance.

  15. {{quote-journal|en|year=1809|author=Samuel Taylor Coleridge|journal=The Friend|section=Essay VIII

  16. Injury, or compensation for injury; damages.

  17. (RQ:Montaigne Florio Essayes)

  18. The persons interested in any particular business or measure, taken collectively.

  19. (cot)

  20. a genre of factual films, generally more amusing than informative, especially those not covered by a more specific genre label

  21. 1921 Davidson Boughey, ''The Film Industry'' (London : Sir Isaac Pitman) p. 76

  22. By interest films is meant a variety of subjects which cannot be classified under such recognized headings as fiction, travel, or topical. They include wonderful inventions, little known industries, applied art, feats of engineering, and other events capable of effective illustration.
  23. {{quote-journal|en|date=March 5 1924|author=Kevin O'Higgins|Kevin O'Higgins|titleurl=|title=CENSORSHIP OF FILMS ACT, 1923|journal=Dáil debates|volume=6|number=22

  24. *1939 March-April, J. Neill-Brown, "The Industry's Front Page" ''The Cine-Technician'' (London) Vol. 4 no. 20 p. 200

  25. At the top of Charing Cross Road is the "Tatler," which has specialised for a long time in a general sort of program, built up of about 15 minutes of news, a cartoon (sometimes two), an interest picture, occasionally a comedy, and nearly always a documentary.
  26. To engage the attention of; to awaken interest in; to excite emotion or passion in, in behalf of a person or thing.

  27. ''It might interest you to learn that others have already tried that approach.''

    ''Action films don't really interest me.''

  28. To be concerned with or engaged in; to affect; to concern; to excite.

  29. (quote-text)|title=Perkin Warbeck

  30. To cause or permit to share.

  31. {{RQ:Hooker Laws

  32. interest

  33. (inflection of)

  34. (l) (gloss)