
suomi-englanti sanakirja

along englannista suomeksi

  1. eespäin

  2. pitkin, eteenpäin

  3. pitkällä

  4. mukana, mukaan

  1. pitkin

  2. mukana, mukaan

  3. eteenpäin

  4. Substantiivi

along englanniksi

  1. By the length of; in a line with the length of; lengthwise next to.

  2. (quote-book)|chapter=The Adventure of the Copper Beeches|title=The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes| page=294| url=| passage=They were waiting for me in the drawing-room, which is a very large room, stretching along the entire front of the house, with three long windows reaching down to the floor

  3. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. In a line with, with a progressive motion on; onward on; forward on.

  6. (RQ:KJV)went along the highway.

  7. (quote-book)

  8. (quote-book)|chapter=The Boscombe Valley Mystery|title=The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes| page=93| url=| passage=Swiftly and silently he made his way along the track which ran through the meadows.

  9. In company; together.

  10. (ux)

  11. {{quote-journal

  12. Onward, forward, with progressive action.

  13. son (gloss)

  14. (l) (l) of (l).

  15. (l) (l).

  16. (acronym of).

  17. nosebleed

  18. shadow