
suomi-englanti sanakirja

list englannista suomeksi

  1. luetella, listata

  2. kirjata, merkitä luetteloon

  3. kallistuma

  4. luettelo, lista

  5. kallistua

  6. luetteloida

  7. kallistaa

  1. nauha

  2. räsy

  3. luettelo, lista

  4. aita

  5. lista

  6. listata, luetella

  7. kuunnella

  8. miellyttää

  9. haluta

  10. kallistuma, kallistus

  11. kallistua

  12. Substantiivi

  13. Verbi

list englanniksi

  1. A strip of fabric, especially from the edge of a piece of cloth.

  2. (RQ:Shakespeare Measure)

  3. (RQ:Doyle Poison Belt)

  4. (senseid) Material used for cloth selvage.

  5. (quote-journal); and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Among the Jews|British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Among the Jews,(nb...)|date=18 September 1871|year_published=1 November 1871|page=174|pageurl=|oclc=749304689|passage=Previous to the offering up of prayer, however, the persons chosen for this office praying for the people had divested themselves of their boots and put on list slippers, their hands being washed by "the descendants of Levi" at a basin near the Holy of Holies.

  6. (quote-book)|year2=January 1950|page2=255|pageurl2=|oclc2=632221174|passage="How is it, then, that the woman who came into the room about nine left to traces with her muddy boots?" / "I am glad you raise the point. It occurred to me at the time. The charwomen are in the habit of taking off their boots at the commissionaire's office, and putting on list slippers."

  7. (senseid) A register or roll of paper consisting of a compilation or enumeration of a set of possible items; the compilation or enumeration itself. (defdate)

  8. (RQ:Bacon Essayes) And yet he Severus was the Ableſt Emperour, almoſt, of all the Liſt.

  9. (RQ:Dickens Christmas Carol)

  10. (quote-journal) Research over the past few years, however, has implicated it in diseases from atherosclerosis to asthma to autism. Dr Yoshimoto and his colleagues would like to add liver cancer to that list.

  11. (senseid) The barriers or palisades used to off a space for jousting or tilting tournaments.

  12. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 2)

  13. (RQ:Butler Hudibras)

  14. (RQ:Homer Pope Iliad)

  15. (RQ:Scott Ivanhoe) armed at all points, rode up and down the lists to enforce and preserve good order among the spectators.

  16. (quote-book)

  17. The scene of a military contest; the ground or field of combat; an enclosed space that serves as a battlefield; the site of a battle.

  18. (Q)|quote=The sun’s bright lances rout the mists of morning, and by George! Here’s Longstreet struggling in the lists, hemmed in an ugly gorge. Pope and his Yankees, whipped before, “Bay’nets and grape!” hear Stonewall roar; “Charge, Stuart! Pay off Ashby’s score!” in “Stonewall Jackson’s Way.”|year=1862

  19. A codified representation of a (abstract data type)|list used to store data or in processing; especially, in the Lisp language, a structure consisting of a sequence of zero or more items.

  20. (quote-journal) A function call or function definition is only coded in the syntax of a list, which can be of an indefinite length. Thus, the list is the only data structure for a Lisp program.

  21. A little square moulding; a fillet or listel.

  22. (quote-book)|edition=new|location=London|publisher=Printed for E. Newbery,(nb...)|year=1788|page=284|pageurl=|oclc=12051583|passage=STRIÆ, in ancient architecture, the liſts, fillets or rays which ſeparate the ſtriges or flutings of columns.

  23. (quote-book)|edition=11th|location=Philadelphia, Pa.|publisher=Henry Carey Baird & Co.,(nb...)|year=1876|page=22|pageurl=|column=2|oclc=191228916|passage=A ''volute'' is a kind of spiral scroll, used in the Ionic and Composite capitals, of which it makes the principal characteristic and ornament. (..) There are several diversities practised in the volute. In some, the list or edge, throughout all the circumvolutions, is in the same line or plane. (..) In others, the canal or one circumvolution is detached from the list of another by a vacuity or aperture.

  24. A narrow strip of wood, especially sapwood, cut from the edge of a board or plank.

  25. A piece of woollen cloth with which the yarns are grasped by a worker.

  26. The first thin coating of tin; a wire-like rim of tin left on an edge of the plate after it is coated.

  27. A stripe.

  28. (RQ:Browne Pseudodoxia Epidemica)

  29. A boundary or limit; a border.

  30. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-1 Q1) to ſet ſo rich a maine / On the nice hazard of one doubtfull houre? / It were not good for therein ſhould we read / The very bottome and the ſoule of hope, / The very liſt, the very vtmost bound / Of all our fortunes.|translation=Is it good / (..) to place so high a stake / On the risky hazard of one doubtful hour? / No, it would be no good for we would read into it that we had reached / The end of our hope, / The very limit, the very utmost boundary / Of all our luck.

  31. To create or recite a list.

  32. To place in listings.

  33. To sew together, as strips of cloth, so as to make a show of colours, or to form a border.

  34. To cover with list, or with strips of cloth; to put list on; to stripe as if with list.

  35. (ux)

  36. (RQ:Tennyson Idylls)

  37. To plough and plant with a lister.

  38. To prepare (land) for a cotton crop by making alternating beds and alleys with a hoe.

  39. To cut away a narrow strip, as of sapwood, from the edge of.

  40. To enclose (a field, etc.) for combat.

  41. To engage a soldier, etc.; to enlist.

  42. (quote-book)|location=Colchester, Essex|publisher=Printed and sold by I. Marsden, ...|date=28 October 1642|year_published=1810|pages=48–49|pageurl=|oclc=14454124|passage=(..) It is therefore ordered that the Maior and Aldermen of Colchester ''et al.'', shall forthwith procure and raise in the said severall townes, and other pleces adjacent, two thousand horses for dragooners, or as manie as possible they may, for the service as aforesaid, and with all possible speed to send them up to London unto Thomas Browne Grocer, and Maximilian Beard Girdler, by us appointed to list horses for the service aforesaid; (..)

  43. (RQ:Scott Peveril of the Peak)

  44. To engage in service by enrolling one's name; to enlist.

  45. To give a building of architectural or historical interest listed status; see also the adjective (m).

  46. (quote-journal)

  47. Art; craft; cunning; skill.

  48. (quote-journal)|date=16 November 1877|volume=XVI|issue=420 (New Series)|page=313|pageurl=|column=3|oclc=221123288|passage=In discussing the Syllabus and the last dogma of 1870, so much must be allowed for Italian list and cunning, or a word-fence. An Englishman, with his matter-of-fact way of putting things, is no match for these gentry.

  49. (quote-book),(nb...)|year=1893|volume=III (Ch. xxi.–xxxi.)|page=349|pageurl=|oclc=610436370|passage=Sophos, fable 40. "The foxes had heard that the fowls were sick, and went to see them decked in peacock's feathers; said of men who speak friendly, but only with list or cunning within."

  50. (quote-book)|year=1897|page=44|pageurl=|oclc=456507096|passage=For when the guileful monster smiled / Snakes left their holes and hissed,— / And stroking soft his silken beard / Raised creatures full of list.

  51. (quote-journal)|year=1992|page=92|issn=0950-3129|oclc=624457645|passage=Pleier|Der Pleier (..) provides a 'courtly corrective' to Daniel in the shape of his hero, (w). The latter wins his fight not by ''list'' but through straightforward knightly prowess, (..)

  52. (quote-book).

  53. To listen.

  54. (RQ:Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra)

  55. (quote-book)|year=1860–1861|year_published=1862|volume=II|page=96|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=910200780|passage=We list to the trumpings that herald the storm, / To the roll of the drum, and the order to form!

  56. To listen to.

  57. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet Q1-2)

  58. To desire, like, or wish (to do something).

  59. (RQ:Wyatt Egerton)

  60. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest)

  61. (RQ:King James Version)

  62. (RQ:Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress)

  63. (RQ:Carlyle Past and Present)

  64. (quote-book); Winchester, Hampshire: Warren and Son,(nb...)|year=1881|pages=65–66|pageurl=|oclc=911826265|passage=Ye hold me as a woman, weak of will, / And strive to sway me: but my heart is stout, / Nor fears to speak its uttermost to you, / Albeit ye know its message. Praise or blame, / Even as ye list,—I reck not of your words.

  65. To be pleasing to.

  66. Desire, inclination.

  67. (RQ:Shakespeare Othello Q1)

  68. A tilt to a building.

  69. A careening or tilting to one side, usually not intentionally or under a vessel's own power. (defdate)

  70. To cause (something) to tilt to one side. (defdate)

  71. To tilt to one side. (defdate)

  72. list; enumeration or compilation of items; the paper or document of which the list is written or printed on (zh-mw)

  73. to (l); to create a (l) of items

  74. leaf (gloss)

  75. letter (gloss)

  76. (syn)

  77. sheet (gloss)

  78. newspaper

  79. (uxi)

  80. certificate (gloss)

  81. (coi)

  82. cunning, trick

  83. (infl of)

  84. a cunning plan, a ruse, a trick

  85. art

  86. (ux) (l) list!|that's|That's not art!

  87. skill

  88. leaf, foliage

  89. letter (gloss)

  90. leaf (gl)

  91. letter (gl)

  92. (l), (l), (l)

  93. (l)

  94. (inflection of)

  95. leaf (gl)

  96. sheet; page (gl)

  97. phylactery (gl)

  98. letter; deed (gl)

  99. uvula

  100. sheet, place; slice (gl)

  101. plates (gl)

  102. art; cunning, guile, craft

  103. (RQ:zlw-opl:Fl)

  104. (RQ:zlw-opl:BZ)

  105. (RQ:zlw-opl:AKH)

  106. (RQ:zlw-opl:Gn)

  107. (RQ:zlw-opl:Gałka)

  108. legal document (gl)

  109. (RQ:zlw-opl:Pozn)

  110. (RQ:zlw-opl:WokLub)

  111. sheet (gl)

  112. scale; petal

  113. official document

  114. thin plate or sheet (gl)

  115. skill, proficiency

  116. art, craft

  117. cunning, slyness

  118. resort

  119. (senseid) leaf (gl)

  120. petal; slice; plaque; layer (gl)

  121. sheet (gl)

  122. leaves (gl)

  123. paper tracking financial interest

  124. (def-uncertain)

  125. (RQ:pl:MurzOrt)

  126. leaf, page

  127. leaf

  128. leaf

  129. sheet (of paper or other material manufactured in thin sheets)

  130. a special purpose certificate (any official document attesting a fact, e.g. of birth, ownership etc.)

  131. newsletter, newspaper

  132. letter (qualifier)

  133. calf (qualifier)

  134. sole, flatfish (qualifier)

  135. leaves

  136. document

  137. letter; a written message

  138. leaf; a part of a tree

  139. sheet; a piece of paper

  140. piece of paper

  141. sole

  142. calf (gloss)

  143. smartness, trick, cunning

  144. a long, thin strip (of wood (or metal or the like), to conceal a joint (or for isolation or decoration), like for example a thin and long board), a border, a beading, edging

  145. a bar

  146. letter