
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lista englanniksi

  1. furring strip

  2. cleat

  3. lath

  4. batten

  5. slate, ticket

  6. molding, moulding

  7. list, listing

  8. lag, stave

  1. a list

  2. a record

  3. (syn)

  4. act of registering someone, up someone

  5. to list; to make a list

  6. list

  7. very little, insufficient

  8. 1562, Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq:

  9. Lista. Parum.
  10. (l)

  11. list (gloss)

  12. (n-g).

  13. (uxi)

  14. (n-g) or (m).

  15. batten (gloss)

  16. molding

  17. chart (gloss).

  18. (inflection of)

  19. strip, band

  20. {{quote-text|gl|year=1370|editor=Ramón Lorenzo|title=Crónica troiana|page=469|publisher=Fundación Barrié|location=A Coruña

  21. list, pile

  22. strip, stripe

  23. inventory, list (gl)

  24. (pt-verb form of)

  25. to put on a list

  26. to make a list

  27. to print (gl)

  28. list, roll

  29. stripe

  30. roster

  31. (adj form of)

  32. (es-verb form of)

  33. a list; a register or roll of paper consisting of an enumeration or compilation of a set of possible items.

  34. to add items to a list; to compile a list

  35. listing

  36. list; roll

  37. notes

  38. (feminine of)

  39. of contents