
suomi-englanti sanakirja

print englannista suomeksi

  1. tekstata

  2. painokuva

  3. jälki

  4. painettuna, saatavilla

  5. printata, tulostaa

  6. painatus, tuloste

  7. painokangas

  8. julkaista

  9. vedostaa

  10. kopio

  11. vedos

  1. Verbi

  2. painaa, tulostaa

  3. painaa

  4. tekstata

  5. printata

  6. Substantiivi

  7. painettu media">painettu media; printti slang, printtimedia

  8. tekstaus

  9. präntti, teksti

  10. kuva, jälki

  11. painokuva

  12. vedos

  13. elokuvakopio, kopio

  14. painokangas

print englanniksi

  1. Of, relating to, or writing for printed publications.

  2. (ux)

  3. To produce one or more copies of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine; often used with ''out'' or ''off'': out, off.

  4. To produce a microchip (an circuit) in a process resembling the printing of an image.

  5. To write very clearly, especially, to write without connecting the letters as in cursive.

  6. To publish in a book, newspaper, etc.

  7. (quote-book)

  8. To stamp or impress (something) with coloured figures or patterns.

  9. To fix or impress, as a stamp, mark, character, idea, etc., into or upon something.

  10. To stamp something in or upon; to make an impression or mark upon by pressure, or as by pressure.

  11. {{RQ:Dryden Virgil|Palamon and Arcite

  12. To display a string on the terminal.

  13. To produce an observable value.

  14. To fingerprint (a person).

  15. {{quote-text|en|year=1998|author=Eric Lustbader|title=Pale Saint|page=24

  16. Books and other material created by presses, considered collectively or as a medium.

  17. Clear handwriting, especially, writing without connected letters as in cursive.

  18. The letters forming the text of a document.

  19. A newspaper.

  20. A visible impression on a surface.

  21. A fingerprint.

  22. A footprint.

  23. (senseid) A picture that was created in multiple copies by printing.

  24. A photograph that has been printed onto paper from the negative.

  25. A copy of a film that can be projected.

  26. Cloth that has had a pattern of dye printed onto it.

  27. (RQ:Landon Lady Anne Granard)

  28. A cast in relief.

  29. to print; to out or off; to produce one or more copies of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine

  30. to (l) with a printer or a photocopier

  31. (infl of)

  32. screenshot

  33. (syn)

  34. (l)

  35. Output of a computer printer.