suomi-englanti sanakirjasurface englannista suomeksi
nousta pinnalle
pinnalta katsoen
pulpahtaa pinnalle
surface englanniksi
The overside or up-side of a flat object such as a table, or of a liquid.
(RQ:Allingham China Governess).
(quote-web)|work=Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting|url=|text=Use the lowest light level required. Be mindful of surface conditions, as some surfaces may reflect more light into the night sky than was intended.
Outward or external appearance.
(quote-book)|title=Liberal education: (nb...)|chapter=On knowing the world at an early age|url=|pages=393–394|text=Such characters as have nothing but external accompliſhments to recommend them, may indeed be greatly admired and approved by vain and weak underſtandings, which penetrate no deeper than the ſurface; but they are deſpiſed by all the truly ſenſible, and pitied by all the truly good.
(RQ:Chambers Younger Set).
The locus of an equation (especially one with exactly two of freedom|degrees of freedom) in a more-than-two-dimensional space. (C)
To provide something with a surface.
To apply a surface to something.
To rise to the surface.
To bring to the surface.
{{quote-text|en|year=2007|author=Patrick Valentine|title=The Sage of Aquarius|page=182
To come out of hiding.
2024 May 24, Keith Habersberger, "The Try Guys Tell All" (video on Anthony Padilla's YouTube channel), 5:20:
- They're not growing. Why would I surface them to new people? ...That makes our video surface less, and that makes the next video surface less.
To make (information, facts, content, etc) known.