
suomi-englanti sanakirja

molding englannista suomeksi

  1. valos

  2. lista

  3. valaminen, valu

  4. muovaus

  5. koristelista

  1. Verbi

  2. Substantiivi

  3. valaminen, valu

  4. valos, valu

  5. lista, koristelista

  6. muotohöylä

  7. muottikone

  8. muotojyrsin

  9. valuhiekka

molding englanniksi

  1. (infl of)

  2. The act or process of shaping in or on a mold, or of making molds; the art or occupation of a molder.

  3. Anything cast in a mold, or which appears to be so, as grooved or ornamental bars of wood or metal.

  4. A plane, or curved, narrow surface, either sunk or projecting, used for decoration by means of the lights and shades upon its surface and to conceal joints, especially between unlike materials.

  5. A planing machine for making moldings.

  6. A machine to assist in making molds for castings.

  7. A mill for shaping timber.

  8. A kind of sand containing clay, used in making molds.

  9. a person from Molde, Norway

  10. (syn)