
suomi-englanti sanakirja

wood englannista suomeksi

  1. puupuhallin

  2. puut, metsä, metsikkö

  3. puu

  4. puumaila

  1. puu

  2. puulaji

  3. metsä, metsikkö

  4. puu (monikko) / puut, polttopuu

  5. puu, puumaila

  6. puupuhallin

  7. stondis, kanki

  8. metsittää, istuttaa metsää">istuttaa metsää

wood englanniksi

  1. Wood

  1. (senseid) The substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree. Used as a material for construction, to manufacture various items, etc. or as fuel.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  4. (RQ:Allingham China Governess) of some wood engravings far off and magical, in a printshop in his childhood.

  5. The wood of a particular species of tree.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. A forested or wooded area.

  8. (synonyms)

  9. (RQ:Shakespeare Macbeth)

  10. Firewood.

  11. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)

  12. {{quote-journal|en|year=2013|month=July-August|author=Henry Petroski

  13. A type of club, the head of which was traditionally made of wood.

  14. A woodwind instrument.

  15. An erection of the penis.

  16. Chess pieces.

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=1971|title=Chess Life & Review|volume=26|page=309

  18. To cover or plant with trees.

  19. 1542, Devereux (died 1547)|Sir Richard Devereux, letter, in ''Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica'', London: J. Nichols, published 1792, page 155:

  20. Their be ii good bellys, a chales, and a few veſtments of litil valure, the ſtuff beſide is not worth xl s. lead ther ys non except in ii gutters the which the p’or hath convey’d in to ye town, but that is ſuar yt is metely wodey’d in hege rowys.
  21. To hide behind trees.

  22. (circa), Lane|Sir Ralph Lane, “Lane’s Account of the Englishmen Left in Virginia”, in (w), editor, ''Early English and French Voyages: Chiefly from Hakluyt, 1534–1608'', New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, published 1906, page 246:

  23. Immediatly, the other boate lying ready with their shot to skoure the place for our hand weapons to lande upon, which was presently done, although the land was very high and steepe, the Savages forthwith quitted the shoare, and betooke themselves to flight: wee landed, and having faire and easily followed for a smal time after them, who had wooded themselves we know not where (..)
  24. To supply with wood, or get supplies of wood for.

  25. ''to wood a steamboat or a locomotive''

  26. (quote-journal)

  27. To take or get a supply of wood.

  28. Mad, insane, crazed.

  29. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  30. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-1)

  31. A peckerwood.

  32. 1991, Mary E. Pelz, James W. Marquart and Terry Pelz, "Right-Wing Extremism in the Texas Prisons: The Rise and Fall of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas", ''The Prison Journal'', Winter-Fall 1991:

  33. He further stated that "I can't remember ever seeing a wood inmate assault a nigger without being provoked".
  34. {{quote-text|en|year=2009|author=Brendan Joel Kelly|chapter=Pride vs. Power|chapterurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20100720171716/http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/2009-05-14/calendar/pride-vs-power/|title=The Phoenix New Times

  35. insane; crazy