
suomi-englanti sanakirja

paper englannista suomeksi

  1. lehti

  2. artikkeli, tutkielma, esitelmä

  3. essee

  4. tapetoida

  5. paperi

  6. paperoida

  1. Substantiivi

  2. paperi

  3. raportti

  4. julkaisu, tutkimus, artikkeli, esitelmä

  5. aine, tutkielma

  6. tuohi

  7. kurssi

  8. paperipakkaus, aski

  9. paperinen, paperi / paperi-

  10. Verbi

  11. paperoida general, tapetoida with wallpaper

paper englanniksi

  1. A sheet material typically used for writing on or printing on (or as a non-waterproof container), usually made by draining cellulose fibres from a suspension in water.

  2. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)

  3. A newspaper or anything used as such (such as a newsletter or listing magazine).

  4. {{RQ:Marshall Squire's Daughter|II

  5. {{quote-book|en|year=1935|author=George Goodchild

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. Wallpaper.

  8. {{RQ:Belloc Lowndes Lodger|II|0091

  9. paper|Wrapping paper.

  10. An open hand (a handshape resembling a sheet of paper), that beats rock and loses to scissors. It loses to lizard and beats Spock in rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock.

  11. A written document, generally shorter than a book (''white paper'', ''term paper''), in particular one written for the Government.

  12. A written document that reports scientific or academic research and is usually subjected to review before publication in a scientific journal (as a journal article or the manuscript for one) or in the proceedings of a scientific or academic meeting (such as a conference, workshop, or symposium).

  13. A scholastic essay.

  14. (quote-journal) years. Drawing on insights gained in psycho- and sociolinguistics, educational linguistics and linguistic anthropology with regard to language and culture, it is organized around five major questions that concern language educators.

  15. A set of examination questions to be answered at one session.

  16. Money.

  17. (senseid) Any financial assets other than specie.

  18. {{quote-text|en|year=1812|author=William Major|title=Theory of Money and Exchanges|page=XV

  19. {{quote-text|en|year=1859|title=The Bankers' Magazine, and Statistical Register|page=244

  20. A university course. (rfex)

  21. A paper packet containing a quantity of items.

  22. (ux)

  23. A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application.

  24. A substance resembling paper secreted by certain invertebrates as protection for their nests and eggs.

  25. Free passes of admission to a theatre, etc.

  26. The people admitted by free passes.

  27. Made of paper.

  28. {{RQ:Besant Ivory Gate|II

  29. Insubstantial (gloss)

  30. 2016: Manila Standard, "Speed limiter la A paper tiger"; ''Maricel Cruz''

  31. Speed limiter la A paper tiger
  32. 2016: The Australian, "China says Australia ‘is no paper tiger, only a paper cat at best’"; ''Rowan Callick''

  33. It concluded that Australia was “not even a paper tiger, it’s only a paper cat at best”
  34. Planned (gloss)

  35. {{quote-text|en|year=2015|author=Flight Global|chapterurl=|chapter=Airbus Helicopters to begin Arrano tests for H160 shortly|title=Dominic Perr

  36. 2015: CBS News, "ULA unveils new rocket to replace Russian boosters"; ''William Harwood''

  37. In a background teleconference hosted by SpaceX late last week, an unnamed official dismissed ULA's new booster as a "paper rocket," saying he doubted it would be significantly cheaper than ULA's current stable of launchers.
  38. 2010: BBC News, "Pratt & Whitney eyes global plane engine deals"; ''Jorn Madslien''

  39. Ours is not a paper engine... these are real engines that are in production today
  40. {{quote-text|en|year=2010|author=Spaceflight Now|chapterurl=|chapter=Musk refutes report slamming safety standards|title=Stephen Clark

  41. Having a title that is merely official, or given by courtesy or convention.

  42. ''a paper baron; a paper lord''

  43. To apply paper to.

  44. ''to paper the hallway walls''

  45. To document; to memorialize.

  46. ''After they reached an agreement, their staffs papered it up.''

  47. To fill (a theatre or other paid event) with complimentary seats.

  48. (syn)

  49. {{quote-text|en|year=2020|author=Kelly Kessler|title=Broadway in the Box|page=198

  50. To submit official papers to (a law court, etc.).

  51. (quote-book)

  52. (quote-book) the warning received only six weeks later for poor attendance as proof that the employer was unjustly papering his personnel file in an effort to create a reason for discharge.

  53. To give public notice (typically by displaying posters) that a person is wanted by the police or other authority.

  54. To sandpaper.

  55. To enfold in paper.

  56. To paste the endpapers and flyleaves at the beginning and end of a book before fitting it into its covers.

  57. To cover someone's house with toilet paper. Otherwise known as toilet papering or TPing.

  58. (l)

  59. role

  60. paper

  61. paper (short essay or research document), particularly a paper

  62. (altform)

  63. (infl of)

  64. (qualifier) (infl of)

  65. (l) (gloss)

  66. A message or note; something that is written.

  67. A record or accounting document.

  68. {{quote-journal|es|journal=PanAm Post|date=July 23 2020|author=Juan Felipe Vélez|title=Colombia discute la legalización y comercialización de la cocaína