
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ruse englannista suomeksi

  1. kavala suunnitelma, juoni

  1. Substantiivi

  2. ketunlenkki

  3. juoni, temppu

  4. juoni

  5. Verbi

ruse englanniksi

  1. A turning or back|doubling back, especially of animals to get out of the way of dogs.

  2. (quote-book)|year=1867|pages=367–368|pageurl=|oclc=2292820|passage=The boar was evidently most averse to leave the field in which he had spent so may pleasant hours of uninterrupted rest; (..) He turned sharply to one flank; he stopped dead, and went away in the opposite direction as he heard the hunters gallop past; every ruse he tried, but tried in vain.

  3. An action intended to deceive; a trick.

  4. (nearsyn)

  5. (quote-journal)|month=November|year=1839|year_published=1840|volume=XX (2nd Series; volume XCV, Old Series)|issue=CXV|page=53|pageurl=|oclc=385568558|passage=It must be borne in mind that huntsmen sometimes make casts which they know must lose them their fox: (..) At the same time, it would be bad policy to explain these little matters: some parties, who are not sufficiently acquainted with the management of hounds, might be discontented, whereas by such a ''ruse'' no offence is given, as nine-tenths of the Field are not aware that it is not the most likely cast to recover the scent.

  6. (quote-book)|year=1857|pages=64–65|pageurl=|oclc=228702385|passage=He was soon upon his feet, another assegai whistled through the air, and pierced through the neck of the lioness. But, as before, the wound was not fatal, and the animal, now enraged to a frenzy, charged once more upon her assailant. So rapid was her advance that it was with great difficulty Congo got under cover. A moment later, and his ''ruse'' would have failed, for the claws of the lion rattled upon the shield as it descended.

  7. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher="Englishman" Office, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, London|date=7 August 1873|year_published=1877|volume=IV|page=69|pageurl=|column=2|oclc=977621727|passage=I have that strong impression on my mind that a person who is guilty of a ruse will hesitate at no falsehood. If it was a ruse, and if it was a deceit, you are to judge whether that elevates the persons in your mind who are parties to that trick.

  8. (quote-journal)|month=May|year=1922|volume=XLV, part 7|section=chapter I|page=474|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=870086995|passage=Soon, however, Courvoisier forced matters, when, despairing of ever catching the wily outlaw leader by fair means, he resorted to the ruse of carrying off Friar Tuck of Copmanhurst and holding him as a hostage.

  9. (quote-book)

  10. (quote-journal)

  11. (quote-web)

  12. Cunning, guile, trickery.

  13. (quote-book) 1360–1380.|title=A History of France down to the Year 1453|series=Clarendon Press Series|location=Oxford|publisher=At the University Press|University Press|year=1873|pages=456–457|pageurl=|oclc=854848200|passage=He &91;(w)&93; had great natural cunning, that half-savage quality, was full of ruse and trick in war, he was contemptuous towards the high noblesse, but gentle to the poor, and generous to his friends.

  14. To deceive or trick using a ruse.

  15. Of an animal: to turn or back to elude hunters or their dogs.

  16. (rfc-sense) (RQ:Chaucer Workes)

  17. (rfc-sense) (quote-book)|chapter=Of the Hart and His Nature|editors=Adolf Baillie Grohman|William Adolf Baillie-Grohman; Florence Baillie-Grohman|title=Master of Game|The Master of Game by Edward, Second Duke of York: The Oldest English Book on Hunting|location=London|publisher=Chatto & Windus|year=c. 1425|year_published=1909|page=33|pageurl=|oclc=7391857537|passage=And he hart fleeth then mightily and far from the hounds, that is to say he hath gone a great way from them, then he will go into the 2|stank, and will soil therein once or twice in all the stank and then he will come out again by the same way that he went in, and then he shall ruse again the same way that he came (the length of) a bow shot or more, and then he shall ruse out of the way, for to stall or squatt to rest him, and that he doeth for he knoweth well that the hounds shall come by the fues footing into the stank where he was.

  18. (quote-book) Ultimately, the stag would tire, and its signals of exhaustion (short rusing runs, downwind flight, and the narrowing of the toe prints) would be evident to the trackers.

  19. fish-trap

  20. in the Russian language

  21. in the manner of a Russian person

  22. cunning, guile

  23. ruse, trick

  24. (topics) Russian

  25. (tlb) (alt form)

  26. trap

  27. to rev an engine

  28. to (l)

  29. To use illegal drugs

  30. (alternative form of)

  31. evasive movements of a pursued animal

  32. trickery

  33. dream; daydream; fantasy

  34. lie; untruth

  35. (inflection of)