
suomi-englanti sanakirja

office englannista suomeksi

  1. liikehuoneisto, toimisto, konttori

  2. toimiston väki

  3. valta

  4. virka

  5. jumalanpalvelus

  6. ministeriö

  7. toimi

  1. Substantiivi

  2. virka

  3. toimisto, virasto, konttori, liikehuoneisto, toimipaikka

  4. virasto, ministeriö

  5. Verbi

office englanniksi

  1. (label) A ceremonial duty or service|service, ''particularly'':

  2. (RQ:Coverdale Bible)for all maner of veſſels of euery offyce(..)

  3. (label) The authorized form of ceremonial worship of a church.

  4. (label) Any special liturgy, as the for the Dead|Office for the Dead or of the Virgin|of the Virgin.

  5. (label) A daily service|service without the eucharist.

  6. (label) The daily service|service of the breviary, the of the hours|liturgy for each hour, including psalms, collects, and lessons.

  7. ''In the rite, all bishops, priests, and deacons are obliged to recite the Divine Office daily.''

  8. {{quote-book|en|year=1674|author=Richard Strange|title=The Life and Gests of S. Thomas Cantilupe, Bishop of Hereford|page=287

  9. (label) Various prayers used with modification as a morning or evening service|service.

  10. (label) rites|Last rites.

  11. (RQ:Douay Bible)

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1618|author=S. Rowlands|title=Sacred Memorie|section=37

  13. (RQ:Scott Fortunes of Nigel)will be first to render thee the decent offices due to the dead.

  14. (label) Mass, (label) the introit sung at its beginning.

  15. {{quote-text|en|year=1549|chapter=Svpper of the Lorde|title=of Common Prayer|The Book of Common Prayer|page=121

  16. A position of responsibility.

  17. ''When the office of Secretary of State is vacant, its duties fall upon an official within the department.''

  18. (RQ:Tyndale NT)in as moche as I am the apoſtle off the gentyls I will magnify myn office(..)

  19. 1787, States Constitution|United States Constitution, of office of the President of the United States|Article II, §1:

  20. I do solemnly swear... that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
  21. Official position, particularly high employment within government; tenure in such a position.

  22. ''She held office as secretary of state until she left office to run for office.''

  23. (RQ:Shakespeare Timon of Athens)Well, would I were / Gently put out of Office, before I were forced|forc'd out(..)

  24. {{quote-text|en|year=1923|author=Rose Macaulay|title=Told by an Idiot|section=act III, scene xv|line=227

  25. A duty, ''particularly'' owing to one's position or station; a charge, trust, or role; (label) duty.

  26. (RQ:Shakespeare Measure)

  27. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)|year=1873

  28. (RQ:Fielding Tom Jones)

  29. (RQ:Austen Sense and Sensibility)might bring herself to submit to the offices of a nurse, for the sake of the provision and security of a wife.

  30. (RQ:Austen Pride and Prejudice)there I readily engaged in the office of pointing out to my friend, the certain evils of such a choice.

  31. (label) Function: anything typically done by or expected of something.

  32. (RQ:Newton Opticks)

  33. (RQ:Austen Pride and Prejudice)and the gown which had been let down to hide it, not doing its office.

  34. {{quote-book|en|year=1971|author=John Needham|title=Science and Civilisation in China|chapter=iii|page=590

  35. (quote-book)

  36. (label) A service, a kindness.

  37. (ux)

  38. 1575, I of England|Elizabeth I, letter:

  39. ...which we have hitherto forborne to graunt... for the evell offices whiche her other Secretary did there.
  40. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 2)

  41. (RQ:Austen Sense and Sensibility)am sure you will be too generous to do us any ill offices.

  42. {{quote-text|en|year=1830|author=Joseph Smith|title=Doctrine and Covenants|sectionurl=|section=25:5

  43. (RQ:Maugham Of Human Bondage)he got her slippers and took off her boots. It delighted him to perform menial offices.

  44. (label) information|Inside information.

  45. {{quote-journal|en|year=1803|journal=Sporting Magazine|issue=21|page=327

  46. (RQ:Doyle Land of Mist)What is there for me in it?" "Not a shilling." "What? Wasn't it I that gave the information? Where would you have been if I had not given you the office?"

  47. A room, set of rooms, or building used for non-work, ''particularly'':

  48. ''The office of the Secretary of State is cleaned when it is vacant.''

  49. (RQ:King James Version)

  50. {{quote-journal|en|year=1885|journal=The Law Times Reports|issue=53|page=459

  51. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  52. (RQ:Mencken American Language Supplement)

  53. {{quote-journal|en|date=August 3 2013|title=Revenge of the Nerds|titleurl=|journal=The Economist|issue=408

  54. A room, set of rooms, or building used for administration and bookkeeping.

  55. (RQ:Thackeray Pendennis)in Catherine Street(..)

  56. A room, set of rooms, or building used for selling services or tickets to the public.

  57. 1819 September 22, Keats|John Keats, letter to Reynolds:

  58. There will be some of the family waiting for you at the coach-office.
  59. (label) A room, set of rooms, or building used for consultation and diagnosis, but not surgery or other major procedures.

  60. {{quote-book|en|year=1975|author=M. Duke|title=Death of Holy Murderer|chapter=viii|page=108

  61. (label) The staff of such places.

  62. ''The whole office was there... well, except you, of course.''

  63. (label) The administrative departments housed in such places, ''particularly'':

  64. ''He's from our public relations office.''

  65. (label) A ministry or other department of government.

  66. ''The secretary of state's British colleague heads the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.''

  67. (label) ''Short for'' Office|Holy Office: the court of final appeal in cases of heresy.

  68. {{quote-book|en|year=1642|author=J. Howell|title=Forraine Travell|chapter=x|page=131

  69. {{quote-text|en|year=1658|title=Pilgrim's Book|page=3

  70. A particular of business of a larger white-collar business.

  71. ''He worked as the receptionist at the Akron office.''

  72. {{quote-book|en|year=1647|author=W. Bridge|title=Saints Hiding-place|page=17

  73. {{quote-text|en|year=1732|author=Benjamin Franklin|title=Proposals & Queries to be Asked the Junto

  74. (RQ:Austen Emma)there are advertising offices, and(..)by applying to them I should have no doubt of very soon meeting with something that would do.

  75. (RQ:Dickens Great Expectations)a large Danish sun or star hanging round his neck by a blue ribbon(..)had given him the appearance of being insured in some extraordinary Fire Office.

  76. The parts of a house or estate devoted to work and storage, as the kitchen, scullery, laundry, stables, etc., ''particularly'' (label) a house or estate's facilities for urination and defecation: outhouses or lavatories.

  77. 1720, William Willymott translating Bacon|Francis Bacon as "Of Building" in ''Lord Bacons Essays'', Vol. I, page 283:

  78. As for the (smallcaps), let them stand at some Distance from the House, with some low covered Galleries, to pass from them to the Palace it self.
  79. {{quote-text|en|year=1727|title=The Grand Mystery

  80. {{quote-book|en|year=1887|author=Arthur Conan Doyle|title=A Study in Scarlet|chapter=iii

  81. {{quote-book|en|year=1957|author=Emyr Estyn Evans|title=Irish Folk Ways|chapter=viii|page=112

  82. {{quote-book|en|year=1957|author=John Braine|title=Room at Top|chapter=i|page=13

  83. {{quote-book|en|year=1980|author=William Golding|title=Rites of Passage|chapter=i|page=6

  84. (label) (clipping of): an inquest undertaken on occasions when the Crown claimed the right of possession to land or property.

  85. {{quote-book|en|year=1768|author=William Blackstone|title=Commentaries on the Laws of England|volume=III|page=259

  86. {{quote-text|en|year=1977|author=John McDonald Burke|title=Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law|volume=I|page=280

  87. (label) A piece of land used for hunting; the area of land overseen by a gamekeeper.

  88. (label) A hangout: a place where one is normally found.

  89. {{quote-text|en|year=1699|title=A New Dictionary of the Terms Ancient and Modern of the Canting Crew

  90. (label) A plane's cockpit, ''particularly'' an observer's cockpit.

  91. {{quote-text|en|year=1917|author=Alan Bott|title=An Airman's Outings|page=161

  92. {{quote-journal|en|date=March 24 1941|journal=Life (magazine)|Life|page=85

  93. {{quote-journal|en|date=May 13 1966|journal=New Statesman|page=687

  94. (label) A collection of business software typically including a processor and spreadsheet and slideshow programs.

  95. (label) An official or group of officials; (label) a personification of officeholders.

  96. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet)For who would beare...The pangs of despised|despiz'd loue, the lawe-'s|s delay,The insolence of office...When he himselfe might his quietas make...With a bare bodkin?

  97. (RQ:Beaumont Fletcher Comedies and Tragedies)

  98. (label) A function, (label) urination and defecation; an act of urination or defecation.

  99. (RQ:Shakespeare Othello)

  100. {{quote-text|en|year=1613|author=Samuel Purchas|title=Purchas, His Pilgrimage|page=623

  101. 1764 August 5, Garrick|David Garrick, letter:

  102. I never, since I left England, till now, have regaled|regal'd Myself with a good of office|house of Office... the holes in Germany are... too round, chiefly owing... to the broader bottoms of the Germans.
  103. (RQ:Byron Don Juan)

  104. (label) The performance of a duty; an instance of performing a duty.

  105. (RQ:Coverdale Bible)whan the Quene of riche Arabia sawe all the wyſzdome of Salomon(..)⁊ the offyces of his miniſters, and their garmentes(..)ſhe wondred exceadingly(..)

  106. (RQ:Dryden Juvenal Satires)

  107. To provide (someone) with an office.

  108. {{quote-book|en|year=1966|author=United States. Congress. Senate|title=Hearings - Volume 8|isbn=|page=451|url=

  109. {{quote-book|en|year=1976|author=|title=General Technical Report RM.|isbn=|page=128|url=

  110. To have an office.

  111. {{quote-journal|en|date=December 2, 1988|author=Grant Pick|title=He Survived Operation Greylord|work=Chicago Reader|url=

  112. charge, task, mandate

  113. administrative bureau, department

  114. religious service, notably liturgical office

  115. place where a household's table (food and drink)-related services are conducted, especially by domestic staff

  116. (inflection of)

  117. The state of being employed or having a work or job; employment:

  118. Ecclesiastical or religious work; a church career.

  119. Unskilled work; any work that is unimportant or base.

  120. A position of responsibility or control; a crucial occupation:

  121. (c.), ''St. Thomas Becket'', ll. 244 ff.

  122. (quote)
  123. A clerical or church post or position; an religious (l).

  124. A governmental or administrative position or post; a political (l).

  125. (c.), ''St. Thomas Becket'', ll. 223 ff.

  126. The situation, status, or rank one has in the wider world or within society.

  127. A task, chore or assignment, especially one which is important or required; an obligation:

  128. {{quote-text|enm|year=c. 1330|title=Lai le Freine

  129. The role, purpose, or intended use or utility of something (especially a bodily part).

  130. {{quote-text|enm|year=c. 1380|translator=Geoffrey Chaucer|author=Boethius|title=(Chaucer)|Boece

  131. (c.), Gower|John Gower, ''Amantis|Confessio Amantis'', Book VII, ll. 467 ff.:

  132. (c.), Chaucer|Geoffrey Chaucer, "The Tale of the Wyf of Bathe" in ''Canterbury Tales|Tales of Caunterbury'', ll. 127 ff.:

  133. A task or function that one organ does to assist another or the body as a whole.

  134. {{quote-text|enm|year=1340|title=Ayenbite

  135. A religious ceremony or ritual; a task performed for religious reasons.

  136. (ante), ''Arthour & Merlin'', ll. 2758 ff.:

  137. The beginning or the initial portion of the Eucharist.

  138. (c.), ''St. Thomas Becket'', ll. 942 ff.:

  139. A core human faculty (gloss)

  140. A part, faculty, or division of a larger body:

  141. A part of a house or estate devoted to manual work and storage.

  142. (ante), petition, P.R.O. 117, 5842:

  143. A part or subdivision of an estate devoted to a specified function.

  144. A part or subdivision of a government devoted to a specified function.

  145. 1435, petition, P.R.O. 130, 6460A:

  146. An inquest undertaken to investigate the possession of land or property.

  147. 1432, petition, P.R.O. 26, 1259:

  148. The intended or ideal working or operation of something.

  149. An officeholder invested with powers and authority.

  150. {{quote-book|enm|year=c. 1440|translator=Stephen Scrope|author=Christine de Pisan|title=The Epistle of Othea|page=85

  151. A building or structure used for business purposes; an office.

  152. {{quote-text|enm|year=c. 1395|author=Geoffrey Chaucer|chapter=The Friar's Tale|The Freres Tale|title=Tales|Tales of Caunterbury

  153. {{quote-text|enm|year=1440|title=Promptorium Parvulorum|page=363

  154. The process or undertaking of a task or assignment.

  155. (c.), ''The Romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun'', ll. 3555 ff.:

  156. The activities typical of and concomitant to one's place in society.

  157. A favour; a beneficial deed or act.

  158. (RQ:Wycliffe NT Lichfield)

  159. (alt form)

  160. (l)

  161. (l) (gloss)

  162. service