
suomi-englanti sanakirja

government englannista suomeksi

  1. valtioneuvosto, valtiojohto, viranomaiset, hallitus

  2. valtiotiede

  3. hallitseminen, johto

  4. hallinto, hallitustapa

  1. Substantiivi

  2. hallitus

  3. rektio

  4. hallitus, valtiovalta

  5. hallinta

  6. hallitus; toimikausi

government englanniksi

  1. The body with the power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country, land area, people or organization.

  2. ''British government has historically centred exclusively on London.''

  3. (RQ:Lincoln Gettysburg)and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

  4. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-07-06|volume=408|issue=8843|page=68|magazine=The Economist

  5. The relationship between a word and its dependents.

  6. (syn)


  7. The state and its administration viewed as the ruling political power.

  8. (ux)

  9. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-06-22|volume=407|issue=8841|page=76|magazine=The Economist

  10. The management or control of a system.

  11. {{quote-book|en|year=1908|author=Walter Frederic Adeney|title=Greek and Eastern Churches|The Greek and Eastern churches|page=Greek and Eastern churches.djvu/301|275

  12. (quote-book)

  13. The tenure of a of government; the ministry or administration led by a specified individual.

  14. In a parliamentary system, the party or coalition in power, as opposed to the opposition; the state of being in power.

  15. The team tasked with presenting and speaking in favour of a resolution, as opposed to the opposition.

  16. (ellipsis of), one's legal name according to a government.