
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bodkin englannista suomeksi

  1. tikari

  2. pujotinneula

  3. naskali

  1. Substantiivi

  2. naskali

  3. pujotusneula

  4. kärki">bodkin-kärki

bodkin englanniksi

  1. A small sharp pointed tool for making holes in cloth or leather.

  2. A blunt needle used for threading ribbon or cord through a hem or casing.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. A hairpin.

  5. (RQ:Landon Romance)

  6. A dagger.

  7. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet)

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=1932|author=D. H. Lawrence|title=The Ship of Death

  9. A type of long thin arrowhead.

  10. A sharp tool, like an awl, formerly used for pressing down individual type characters (e.g. letters) from a column or page in making corrections.

  11. Closely wedged between two people.

  12. (co)

  13. (RQ:Thackeray Vanity Fair)

  14. {{quote-book|en|year=1904|author=Elizabeth von Arnim|title=The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen|publisher=MacMillan|year_published=1904

  15. 2018, ''Delphi Complete Works of R. S. Surtees (Illustrated)''

  16. Moreover, Mr. Jorrocks insisted upon riding bodkin — a very awkward-sized bodkin he was — especially as he would have all three to sit back, so that the conversation might be general.