suomi-englanti sanakirjaspecial englannista suomeksi
erityis-, tietty
erikoisjakso, erikoislähetys
erityinen, lajityypillinen
special englanniksi
Of or related to disabilities, especially disability|learning or disability|intellectual disabilities.
Stupid, lacking intelligence.
Constituting or relating to a species.
Of or related to unconventional warfare.
Appointed specifically to examine a single event or issue.
For the few times the U.S. Supreme Court has to actually try a case, they will appoint a special master to do so.
After the ''Watergate'' break in, a special prosecutor was appointed.
{{quote-book|en|date=2012-11-01|author=Klyde|title=How To Hide The Smell Of Weed|publisher=Lulu.com|isbn=9781622094080|page=9
{{quote-book|en|date=2020-03-19|author=I. D. Oro|title=Mexico Wall 130|publisher=I. D. Oro|page=136
{{quote-book|en|date=2021-06-15|author=Laura Heffernan|title=Sweet Reality|publisher=Empress Books
{{quote-book|en|date=2021-09-23|author=Gillian A. Corsiatto|title=Duck Light|publisher=FriesenPress|isbn=9781039109629|page=5
A reduction in consumer cost (usually for a limited time) for items or services rendered.
One of a rotation of meals systematically offered for a lower price at a restaurant.
A constable.
(quote-song), (w)|artist=Marie Lloyd|title=My Old Man|url=https://www.lyricsplayground.com/alpha/songs/m/myoldman.html|passage=And you can't trust a "Special" like the old-time copper when you can't find your way home.
Anything that is not according to normal practice, plan, or schedule, as an unscheduled run of transportation that is normally scheduled.
Any unlicensed medicine produced or obtained for a specific individual patient.
A correspondent; a journalist sent to the scene of an event to report back.
A dispatch sent back by a special correspondent.
A light that illuminates a specific person or thing on the stage.
{{quote-text|en|year=2009|author=Steven Shelley|title=A Practical Guide to Stage Lighting|page=132
{{quote-text|en|year=2009|author=Jennifer Bringle|title=Lighting|page=23
To supervise a patient one-on-one.
(l); extraordinary; beyond what is usual
a large-scale map folded into the main map or nautical chart