
suomi-englanti sanakirja

break englannista suomeksi

  1. pettää, sortua

  2. pako

  3. muuttaa suuntaa

  4. katkaista

  5. lopettaa

  6. murtua

  7. hajaantua

  8. hajottaa

  9. särkyminen

  10. rikkoa

  11. koittaa, valjeta, sarastaa

  12. paussi

  13. rikkoutua

  14. puhkaista

  15. tuhota, kaataa

  16. luhistua

  17. romahtaa

  18. nousta

  19. luopua

  20. särkeä

  21. murtaa

  22. katkos

  23. laantua

  24. hajota

  25. tulla julki

  26. rako

  27. syntyä

  28. murros, äänenmurros

  29. ratkaista, purkaa

  30. totuttaa

  31. särkyä

  32. tauko

  33. hellittää

  34. aloituslyönti

  35. murtautua

  36. pitää tauko

  37. paljastaa

  38. käänne

  39. leimahtaa

  40. pehmittää, lieventää

  41. murtuma

  42. paeta

  43. murto

  44. breikata

  45. turmella

  46. syöksähdys

  47. tiputtaa

  48. erottaa

  49. välirikko

  50. tapahtua

  51. julkistaa

  52. puhjeta

  53. katketa

  54. muuttua

  1. särkyä, mennä rikki, hajota, murtua

  2. murtaa, rikkoa, särkeä, taittaa, hajottaa, pirstoa

  3. murtua

  4. murtaa, murskata, katkaista

  5. jakaa, särkeä, rikkoa of money

  6. murtaa (tahto)">murtaa (tahto), lannistaa, nujertaa

  7. kesyttää

  8. lopettaa

  9. kaataa

  10. rikkoa

  11. ratkaista

  12. hajota, mennä rikki, colloquial tiltata

  13. rikkoa, särkeä

  14. murtaa

  15. hellittää

  16. pitää tauko">pitää tauko, keskeyttää

  17. pysäyttää

  18. uutisoida, kertoa

  19. koittaa

  20. kajahtaa

  21. muuttua (yhtäkkiä">muuttua (yhtäkkiä

  22. madaltua

  23. aloittaa, breikata

  24. alentaa

  25. katkaista

  26. hajota

  27. murtautua

  28. murtuma, murtaminen, särkeminen, särkyminen, rikkominen, rikkoutuminen

  29. aukko

  30. tauko

  31. väliaika, tauko

  32. murros, käänne

  33. käänne

  34. aamunkoitto, aamunkoite

  35. pako

  36. syötönmurto

  37. aloituslyönti

  38. vastahyökkäys

  39. Substantiivi

break englanniksi

  1. To separate into two or more pieces, to fracture or crack, by a process that cannot easily be reversed for reassembly.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. To crack or fracture (bone) under a physical strain.

  5. To divide (something, often money) into smaller units.

  6. To cause (a person or animal) to lose spirit or will; to crush the spirits of.

  7. (RQ:King James Version)

  8. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 8)

  9. To turn an animal into a of burden.

  10. (quote-text)

  11. To be crushed, or overwhelmed with sorrow or grief.

  12. To interrupt; to destroy the continuity of; to dissolve or terminate.

  13. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest)

  14. To end the run of (a play).

  15. {{quote-text|en|year=1958|author=Walter Macqueen-Pope|title=St. James's: Theatre of Distinction|page=134

  16. {{quote-text|en|year=1986|author=Kurt Gänzl|title=The British Musical Theatre: 1865-1914|page=610

  17. To ruin financially.

  18. (RQ:Dryden Juvenal Satires)

  19. To fail in business; to go broke, to become bankrupt.

  20. (RQ:Bacon Essayes)

  21. 1791-92, (w), ‘A Collection of Letters’, ''Juvenilia'':

  22. ‘I knew he was in some such low way—He broke did not he?’
  23. Of prices on the exchange: to fall suddenly.

  24. {{quote-text|en|year=2008|author=George Angell|title=Small Stocks for Big Profits

  25. To violate; to fail to adhere to.

  26. (RQ:Milton Paradise Regained)

  27. To go down, in terms of temperature, indicating that the most dangerous part of the illness has passed.

  28. To end.

  29. To begin or end.

  30. To arrive.

  31. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-1)

  32. To render (a game) unchallenging by altering its rules or exploiting loopholes or weaknesses in them in a way that gives a player an unfair advantage.

  33. To stop, or to cause to stop, functioning properly or altogether.

  34. To cause (some feature of a program or piece of software) to stop functioning properly; to cause a regression.

  35. To cause (a barrier) to no longer bar.

  36. To cause the shell of (an egg) to crack, so that the inside (yolk) is accessible.

  37. To open (a safe) without using the correct key, combination{{, or the like.

  38. To destroy the arrangement of; to throw into disorder; to pierce.

  39. To collapse into surf, after arriving in shallow water. storm at Pors-Loubous.jpg|right|thumb|196px|A wave breaking.

  40. To forth; to make its way; to come into view.

  41. (RQ:Dryden Metamorphoses)

  42. {{quote-text|en|year=1800|author=William Wordsworth|title=Ballads (1800)/Volume 2/The Fountain|The Fountain

  43. To interrupt or cease one's work or occupation temporarily; to go on break.

  44. To interrupt (a fall) by inserting something so that the falling object does not (immediately) hit something else beneath.

  45. To disclose or known an item of news, a band, etc.

  46. {{quote-text|en|year=2010|author=Jon Kutner; Spencer Leigh|title=1,000 UK Number One Hits

  47. (quote-journal)

  48. To become audible suddenly.

  49. (circa), (w), ''The Battle-Day of Germantown'', reprinted in ''Washington and His Generals "1776"'', page 45

  50. Like the crash of thunderbolts..., the sound of musquetry broke over the lawn, ....
  51. To change a steady state abruptly.

  52. To (attempt to) disengage and flee to; to a run for it|make a run for.

  53. (quote-av)

  54. To suddenly become.

  55. To become deeper at puberty.

  56. To alter in type due to emotion or strain: in men, generally to go up, in women, sometimes to go down; to crack.

  57. To surpass or do better than (a specific number); to do better than (a record), setting a new record.

  58. :

  59. To win a game (against one's opponent) as receiver.

  60. To make the first shot; to scatter the balls from the initial neat arrangement.

  61. To remove one of the two men on (a point).

  62. To demote; to reduce the military rank of.

  63. {{quote-book|en|year=1926|author=T.E. Lawrence|title=Seven Pillars of Wisdom|location=New York|publisher=Anchor|year_published=1991|page=167

  64. {{quote-journal|en|date=February 9 1953|title=Books: First Rulers of Asia|titleurl=,9171,889691,00.html|journal=Time

  65. {{quote-book|en|year=1968|author=William Manchester|title=The Arms of Krupp|pageurl=|page=215|publisher=Back Bay|year_published=2003|isbn=978-0-316-52940-2

  66. {{quote-book|en|year=2006|author=Collier (political author)|Peter Collier|title=Medal of Honor: Portraits of Valor Beyond the Call of Duty|publisher=Second Edition, Artisan Books|isbn=978-1-57965-314-9|pageurl=|page=42

  67. To end (a connection); to disconnect.

  68. To demulsify.

  69. To counter-attack.

  70. (quote-journal) broke from midfield and pulled the trigger from 15 yards but Paul Robinson did superbly to tip the Scot's drive around the post.

  71. To open, as a purpose; to disclose, divulge, or communicate.

  72. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 5)

  73. To become weakened in constitution or faculties; to lose health or strength.

  74. {{quote-text|en|year=1731|publisher=Jonathan Swift|title=s:Verses on His Own Death

  75. To destroy the strength, firmness, or consistency of.

  76. To destroy the official character and standing of; to cashier; to dismiss.

  77. January 11, 1711, (w), ''The Examiner'' No. 24

  78. when I see a great officer broke.
  79. To make an abrupt or sudden change; to change gait.

  80. To out; to terminate friendship.

  81. c. 1700 (w), ''On Friendship''

  82. To break upon the score of danger or expense is to be mean and narrow-spirited.
  83. (label) To terminate the execution of a program before normal completion.

  84. (label) To suspend the execution of a program during debugging so that the state of the program can be investigated.

  85. To cause, or allow the occurrence of, a break.

  86. An instance of breaking something into two or more pieces.

  87. (syn)

  88. A physical space that up|opens up in something or between two things.

  89. An interruption of continuity; departure from or rupture with.

  90. (quote-web)

  91. (topics) (senseid) A rest or pause, usually from work.

  92. A time for students to talk or play between lessons.

  93. A scheduled interval of days or weeks between periods of school instruction; a holiday.

  94. A short holiday.

  95. A temporary split with a romantic partner.

  96. An interval or intermission between two parts of a performance, for example a theatre show, broadcast, or sports game.

  97. A significant change in circumstance, attitude, perception, or focus of attention.

  98. A sudden fall in prices on the exchange.

  99. {{quote-text|en|year=1947|title=Reports of the Tax Court of the United States|volume=8|page=459

  100. The beginning (of the morning).

  101. An act of escaping.

  102. (label) The separation between lines, paragraphs or pages of a written text.

  103. {{quote-text|en|year=2001|author=Nan Barber; David Reynolds|title=Office 2001 for Macintosh: The Missing Manual|page=138

  104. A keystroke or other signal that causes a program to terminate or suspend execution.

  105. (short for)

  106. A change, particularly the end of a spell of persistent good or bad weather.

  107. (senseid) A game won by the receiving player(s).

  108. The first shot in a game of billiards.

  109. The number of points scored by one player in one visit to the table.

  110. The counter-attack.

  111. The curve imparted to the ball's motion on the green due to slope or grass texture.

  112. A place where waves break (that is, where waves pitch or spill forward creating water).

  113. The start of a horse race.

  114. {{quote-text|en|year=1999|author=Jay Hovdey|title=Cigar: America's Horse|page=63

  115. {{quote-text|en|year=2010|author=John Alexander|title=Exotic Wagering the Winning Way|page=60

  116. A large four-wheeled carriage, having a straight body and calash top, with the driver's seat in front and the footman's behind.

  117. (alt form)

  118. A sharp bit or snaffle.

  119. {{quote-text|en|year=1576|author=George Gascoigne|title=The Steele Glas

  120. A short section of music, often between verses, in which some performers stop while others continue.

  121. The point in the musical scale at which a woodwind instrument is designed to overblow, that is, to move from its lower to its upper register.

  122. The transition area between a singer's vocal registers; the passaggio.

  123. An area along a river that features steep banks, bluffs, or gorges (e.g., (w), US).

  124. An error. (defdate)

  125. {{quote-journal|en|year=1916|journal=The Saturday Evening Post|title=Three Kings and a Pair|author=Ring W. Lardner

  126. (senseid) A section of extended repetition of the break to a song, created by a hip-hop DJ as rhythmic music.

  127. (quote-song)

  128. To B-boy; to breakdance.

  129. (quote-song)|passage=Let the poppers pop and the breakers break / We're cool, cool cats, it's like that

  130. To brake.

  131. (quote-journal).

  132. (l) (gloss)

  133. (uxi)

  134. (l) (gloss)

  135. car, wagon

  136. (ant)

  137. (''gay culture'') (l) (intermission or brief suspension of activity)

  138. (l)! (boxing)

  139. (l)