
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cashier englannista suomeksi

  1. kassaneiti, kassamyyjä, kassanhoitaja, kassa

  2. heittää pois, hylätä

  3. erottaa

  4. kassavirkailija

  1. erottaa

  2. kassamyyjä in a grocery etc., kassa general, kassaneiti, kassavirkailija in a bank or similar

  3. kassanhoitaja, pääkassa

cashier englanniksi

  1. To dismiss (someone, especially military personnel) from service.

  2. (RQ:Montaigne Florio Essayes).

  3. 1968, P. Oliver|Revilo P. Oliver, “What We Owe Our Parasites” (speech):

  4. They found an Army officer who had been a military failure until Bernard Baruch promoted him to General, and who in 1945 should have been able to hope for nothing better than that he could escape a court martial and thus avoid being cashiered, if he could prove that all the atrocities and all the sabotage of American interests of which he had been guilty in Europe had been carried out over his protest and under categorical orders from the President.
  5. (quote-text)|title=The Great Nation|page=510|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2003

  6. {{quote-journal|en|year=2012|author=Jonathan Keates|title=Mon Père, ce héros|journal=Literary Review|section=402

  7. To discard, away.

  8. (quote-journal) was published, (w) threw both (w) and Pasternak under the bus. Besotted to the end, her cashiered toy soldier never revealed whether or not he had done her bidding.

  9. To annul.

  10. One who works at a till or receives payments.

  11. Person in charge of the cash of a business or bank.

  12. To work as a cashier (at a till or receiving payment)