
suomi-englanti sanakirja

hit englannista suomeksi

  1. osua

  2. kuluttaa liikaa

  3. iskeä

  4. huumeannos, annos, satsi

  5. saavuttaa

  6. vahingoittaa

  7. tappaa

  8. osuma

  9. hyökätä

  10. tehdä pisteitä

  11. käynti

  12. isku

  13. soittaa

  14. palkkamurha

  15. törmätä

  16. hitti

  17. lyödä

  18. iskeä mieleen

  1. iskeä, lyödä

  2. murhata, tappaa

  3. käydä, mennä, pistäytyä

  4. tulla

  5. vaikeuttaa, vahingoittaa, haitata, kärsiä

  6. isku, lyönti

  7. hitti, menestys

  8. isku

  9. osuma

  10. käyntikerta

  11. hitti

  12. annos, satsi; klikki, töötti of intravenal drugs; lappu, trippi of LSD

  13. tilausmurha

  14. sivallus

  15. Substantiivi

hit englanniksi

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. ''To strike.''

  3. To administer a blow to, directly or with a weapon or missile.

  4. (ux-lite)

  5. (RQ:Jefferies Amateur Poacher)

  6. (quote-book)

  7. (RQ:Joyce Ulysses): (Shouts) Good, by the rumping jumping general! That's the best bit of news I heard these six weeks. Here, don't keep me waiting, damn you! (He slaps her face)(smallcaps): (Whimpers) You're after hitting me. I'll tell(nb..)

  8. To come into contact with forcefully and suddenly.

  9. (RQ:Swift Gulliver's Travels)

  10. To strike against something.

  11. (RQ:Locke Malebranche)how can they move and hit one against another?

  12. To activate a button or key by pressing and releasing it.

  13. To kill a person, usually on the instructions of a third party.

  14. 1973, Mario Puzo, Francis Ford Coppola, ''The Godfather Part II'' (screenplay, second draft)

  15. FREDO: Mikey, why would they ever hit poor old Frankie Five-Angels? I loved that ole sonuvabitch.
  16. To attack, especially amphibiously.

  17. (label) To affect someone, as if dealing a blow to that person.

  18. (label) To manage to touch (a target) in the right place.

  19. (ux)


  20. To on.

  21. To commence playing.

  22. To briefly visit.

  23. To encounter an obstacle or other difficulty.

  24. ''To attain, to achieve.''

  25. To reach or achieve.

  26. (usex)

  27. (quote-journal)

  28. To meet or reach what was aimed at or desired; to succeed, often by luck.

  29. (RQ:Shakespeare All's Well)

  30. (RQ:Swift On Poetry)

  31. To guess; to upon or discover.

  32. (RQ:Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew)

  33. (RQ:Tennyson In Memoriam)

  34. To affect negatively.

  35. To attack.

  36. (quote-web)

  37. ''To make a play.''

  38. In blackjack, to deal a card to.

  39. To come up to bat.

  40. To take up, or replace by a piece belonging to the opposing player; said of a single unprotected piece on a point.

  41. To use; to connect to.

  42. To have sex with.

  43. To inhale an amount of smoke from a narcotic substance, particularly marijuana.

  44. (quote-song)

  45. (of an exercise) to affect, to work a part.

  46. to out

  47. A blow; a punch; a striking against; the collision of one body against another; the stroke that touches anything.

  48. (RQ:Dryden Juvenal Satires)

  49. (senseid) Something very successful, such as a song, film, or game, that receives widespread recognition and acclaim.

  50. {{quote-journal|en|year=1848|journal=The Musical World|volume=23|title=Her Majesty's Theatre

  51. An attack on a location, person or people.

  52. A collision of a projectile with the target.

  53. In the game of ''(game)|Battleship'', a correct guess at where one's opponent ship is.

  54. A match found by searching a computer system or engine

  55. A measured visit to a site, a request for a single file from a web server.

  56. An approximately correct answer in a set.

  57. The complete play, when the batter reaches base without the benefit of a walk, error, or fielder’s choice.

  58. A dose of an illegal or addictive drug.

  59. A premeditated murder done for criminal or political purposes.

  60. A peculiarly apt expression or turn of thought; a phrase which hits the mark.

  61. (RQ:Pope Essay on Man)

  62. A move that throws one of the opponent's men back to the entering point.

  63. A game won after the adversary has removed some of his men. It counts for less than a gammon.

  64. Very successful.

  65. ''The band played their hit song to the delight of the fans.''

  66. (l-lite).

  67. {{quote-journal|en|year=1922|author=Philip Gengembre Hubert|journal=The Atlantic monthly|volume=130

  68. {{quote-text|en|year=1998|author=Nancy A. Walker|title=What's so funny?: humor in American culture

  69. today

  70. (l-lite) (gloss-lite)

  71. (syn)

  72. {{quote-journal|ca|journal=Time Out Barcelona|page=8|column=Sèries|volume=583|date=February 6 2020

  73. we, us (inclusive)

  74. (l-lite); popular; hot

  75. hit (a success, especially in the entertainment industry)

  76. (l-lite) (q)

  77. A (l-lite) song, a very popular and successful song.

  78. A success, something popular and successful (q).

  79. A pony.

  80. Any pony or small horse.

  81. faith, belief

  82. oath, of honour (gloss-lite) and (m-lite)

  83. (rfdef)

  84. here

  85. this

  86. something popular (book, song, band, country)

  87. (alternative form of)

  88. (senseid) (n-g-lite) (l-lite)

  89. (n-g-lite) (l-lite), (l-lite)

  90. (n-g-lite) (l-lite)

  91. (n-g-lite) it

  92. (RQ:William of Palerne)

  93. here (gloss-lite), hither

  94. a leather bag (usually made from a hide in a single piece)

  95. (n-g-lite)

  96. it

  97. (infl of)

  98. until

  99. (l-lite) (gl)

  100. (l-lite) (a success, especially in the entertainment industry)

  101. (l) (gloss-lite)

  102. to here, hither, (often in practice, in translations) here

  103. (ant)

  104. a (l-lite) (popular song, or some other popular or successful thing)

  105. heat, warmth