
suomi-englanti sanakirja

light englannista suomeksi

  1. kevyt

  2. sytyttää palamaan, saada palamaan

  3. valoisa

  4. vaalean-

  5. kepeä

  6. astua alas

  7. valo, valaistus

  8. kevytkenkäinen

  9. pieni

  10. sytytin

  11. valaista

  12. välähdys

  13. ilmava

  14. vähäinen

  15. kevyesti

  16. sytyttää savuke

  17. merkkivalo

  18. heikko

  19. välke

  20. tyhjänpäiväinen

  21. pien-

  22. kohtuullinen

  23. laskeutua

  24. tulla jkn osaksi

  1. sytyttää

  2. valaista

  3. syttyä

  4. valoisa

  5. vaalea

  6. maidolla|lit=with milk, maito-">maito- compounded: maitokahvi

  7. kevyt

  8. kevyt, kevytrakenteinen

  9. in compounds kevyt / kevyt-

  10. kevytmielinen

  11. huoleton, kevytmielinen

  12. pinnallinen

  13. sekaisin

  14. kevyesti

  15. purkaa, keventää

  16. keventää

  17. löytää sattumalta">löytää sattumalta, törmätä

  18. päätyä, laskeutua, pudota

  19. Substantiivi

light englanniksi

  1. Light

  1. radiationNoun|Electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range visible to the human eye (about 400–750 nanometers); lightNoun|visible light.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity), and the light of the reflector fell full upon her.

  4. (RQ:Allingham China Governess)

  5. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-07-20|volume=408|issue=8845|magazine=The Economist

  6. 2016, VOA Learning English (public domain)

  7. When the studio light is on, I am recording my evening show.
    : (audio)
  8. Infrared or ultraviolet radiation.

  9. A source of illumination.

  10. (RQ:King James Version)

  11. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp), the height and vastness of this noble fane, its antiquity and its strength—all these things seemed to have their part as causes of the thrilling emotion that accompanied his thoughts.

  12. A lightbulb or similar light-emitting device, regardless of whether it is lit.

  13. (RQ:NYT)

  14. A lightNoun|traffic light, or an intersection controlled by traffic lights.

  15. Spiritual or mental illumination; enlightenment, useful information.

  16. (RQ:Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona)

  17. (RQ:Mencken American Language)

  18. Facts; pieces of information; ideas, concepts.

  19. (RQ:Burton Melancholy), which are durable lights and notions, which we may use when we will.

  20. A notable person within a specific field or discipline.

  21. (RQ:Tennyson Poems 1842)

  22. The manner in which the light strikes a picture; that part of a picture which represents those objects upon which the light is supposed to fall; the more illuminated part of a landscape or other scene; opposed to ''shade''.

  23. A point of view, or aspect from which a concept, person or thing is regarded.

  24. (RQ:South Twelve Sermon), "Why Christ's Doctrine was Rejected by the Jews"

  25. Frequent consideration of a thing (..) shows it in its several lights and various ways of appearance.
  26. {{RQ:Orwell Animal Farm|3

  27. A flame or something used to create fire.

  28. (RQ:Doyle Poison Belt)

  29. A cigarette lighter.

  30. A firework made by filling a case with a substance which burns brilliantly with a white or coloured flame.

  31. A window in architecture, carriage design, or motor car design: either the opening itself or the window pane of glass that fills it, if any.

  32. (hyponyms)

  33. The series of squares reserved for the answer to a crossword clue.

  34. A cross-light in a acrostic or acrostic.

  35. Open view; a visible state or condition; public observation; publicity.

  36. (RQ:Shakespeare Measure)

  37. The power of perception by vision.

  38. (RQ:KJV)

  39. The brightness of the eye or eyes.

  40. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet)

  41. To start (a fire).

  42. (syn)


    ''We lit the fire to get some heat.''

  43. To fire to; to set burning.

  44. ''She lit her last match.''

  45. {{RQ:Hakewill Apologie

  46. To illuminate; to provide light for when it is dark.

  47. ''I used my torch to light the way home through the woods in the night.''

  48. ''19th century, (w), ''The Fortnightly Review''

  49. One hundred years ago, to have lit this theatre as brilliantly as it is now lighted would have cost, I suppose, fifty pounds.
  50. {{RQ:Dryden Fables|The Flower and the Leaf

  51. (quote-book)

  52. To become ignited; to take fire.

  53. ''This soggy match will not light.''

  54. To attend or conduct with a light; to show the way to by means of a light.

  55. (quote-text): Richard I and the Abbot of Boxley

  56. To make (a bonus) available to be collected by hitting a target, and thus light up the light corresponding to that bonus to indicate its availability.

  57. ''Light the extra ball by amassing 500 million points in the wizard mode.''

  58. Having light; bright; clear; not dark or obscure.

  59. (quote-journal)

  60. Pale or whitish in color; highly luminous and more or less deficient in chroma.

  61. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)

  62. Served with extra milk or cream.

  63. Having little or relatively little actual weight; not cumbrous or unwieldy.

  64. (RQ:Spectator) insomuch that I could not guess which was light or heavy whilst I held them in my hand.

  65. Having little weight as compared with bulk; of little density or gravity.

  66. Of short or insufficient weight; weighing less than the legal, standard{{, or proper amount; clipped or diminished.

  67. Lacking that which burdens or makes heavy.

  68. Free from burden or impediment; unencumbered.

  69. Lightly built; typically designed for speed or small loads.

  70. Not heavily armed; armed with light weapons.

  71. Riding high because of no cargo; (n-g) pertaining to a ship which is light.

  72. Without any piece of equipment attached or attached only to a caboose.

  73. With low viscosity.

  74. Not heavy or soggy; spongy; well raised.

  75. Low in fat, calories, alcohol, salt, etc.

  76. ''This light beer still gets you drunk if you have enough of it.''

  77. Slight, not forceful or intense; small in amount or intensity.

  78. ''a light drizzle''; ''a light rain was falling''; ''a light snow set in''

  79. (senseid)Gentle; having little force or momentum.

  80. ''This artist clearly had a light, flowing touch.''

  81. Easy to endure or perform.

  82. ''light duties around the house''

  83. {{RQ:Dryden Virgil|Palamon and Arcite

  84. Unimportant, trivial, having little value or significance.

  85. ''I made some light comment, and we moved on.''

  86. {{quote-text|en|year=1902|author=John Buchan|title=The Outgoing of the Tide

  87. Unchaste, wanton.

  88. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  89. (RQ:Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost)

  90. (RQ:Shakespeare Merchant of Venice)

  91. Not encumbered; unembarrassed; clear of impediments; hence, active; nimble; swift.

  92. (RQ:Bacon Essayes) but not always best subjects, for they are light to run away.

  93. Easily influenced by trifling considerations; unsteady; unsettled; volatile.

  94. ''a light, vain person; a light mind''

  95. {{quote-text|en|year=1633|author=John Tillotson|title=The Wisdom of being Religious

  96. Indulging in, or inclined to, levity; lacking dignity or solemnity; frivolous; airy.

  97. ''Ogden Nash was a writer of light verse.''

  98. {{quote-text|en|year=1851|author=Nathaniel Hawthorne|title=Old News

  99. Not quite sound or normal; somewhat impaired or deranged; dizzy; giddy.

  100. (RQ:Shakespeare Othello)

  101. Easily interrupted by stimulation.

  102. ''light sleep; light anesthesia''

  103. Cheerful.

  104. (quote-song)

  105. Carrying little.

  106. A stone that is not thrown hard enough.

  107. (n-g).

  108. A low-alcohol lager.

  109. A member of the cavalry.

  110. To unload a ship, or to jettison material to make it lighter

  111. To lighten; to ease of a burden; to take off.

  112. To find by chance.

  113. ''I lit upon a rare book in a second-hand bookseller's.''

  114. To stop upon (gloss); to notice

  115. (RQ:London Call of the Wild)

  116. To alight; to land or come down.

  117. ''She fell out of the window but luckily lit on her feet.''

  118. (RQ:Defoe Crusoe) I drew my little Troop in among thoſe Trees, and placing our ſelves in a Line, behind one long Tree, I advis'd them all to light, and keeping that Tree before us, for a Breaſt-Work, to ſtand in a Triangle, or three Fronts, encloſing our Horſes in the Center.

  119. 1769, Benjamin Blayney (Ed.), ''King James Bible'' (Genesis 25:64)

  120. And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel.
  121. {{quote-text|en|year=1885|author=Theodore Roosevelt|title=Hunting Trips of a Ranchman

  122. 1957, (w) (Theodor Geisel), ''(w)''

  123. And our fish came down, too. He fell into a pot! He said, "Do I like this? Oh, no! I do not. This is not a good game," Said our fish as he lit.
  124. light, slight

  125. diet, low-fat, fat-free, light

  126. The radiation which allows for vision by brightening objects and colours.

  127. Illumination in general, or any source thereof.

  128. The metaphorical clarity resulting from philosophical or religious ideals such as truth, wisdom, righteousness, etc.

  129. Mental or spiritual acuity; the presence of life in a living being.

  130. The property of lustre; how shiny a substance is.

  131. Heavenly radiance; glory

  132. an opening in a wall allowing for the transmission of light; a window.

  133. The sense of sight.

  134. The state of being easily seen.

  135. (l) (gloss)

  136. (l) (gloss)

  137. Lacking substance or seriousness; lite