
suomi-englanti sanakirja

play englannista suomeksi

  1. toimia

  2. leikittely, karkelointi

  3. näytelmä

  4. leikinlasku, pila

  5. pelata, veikata

  6. löysä, holkkuvuus

  7. veto, temppu, siirto

  8. soittaa

  9. pelata vastaan

  10. lyödä vetoa

  11. leikkiä

  12. leikitellä

  13. vahvistaa, upota

  14. liikkumavara, toimintavapaus

  15. liikkua vapaasti

  16. esiintyä jssk, esiintyä

  17. pelitapa

  18. olla osana, pelata jnk pussiin

  19. vuoro

  20. ottelu

  21. soida

  22. ruiskuttaa

  23. häälyä

  24. siirtää

  25. peluuttaa

  26. väsyttää

  27. lyödä

  28. lento

  29. erä

  30. tuottaa

  31. leikki

  32. peli

  33. uhkapeli

  34. esittää

  35. huvitella

  1. Verbi

  2. leikkiä usually of children, telmiä of physical activity, pitää hauskaa

  3. soittaa

  4. näytellä

  5. pelata, osallistua

  6. toistaa, soittaa

  7. naruttaa, huijata

  8. leikkiä

  9. hoitaa

  10. Substantiivi

  11. leikki, peli

  12. peli

  13. siirto, peli

  14. näytelmä

  15. siirto

  16. kenttä, esiintymä

  17. toisto, toistokerta

play englanniksi

  1. To act in a manner such that one has fun; to engage in activities expressly for the purpose of recreation or entertainment.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)listed some of the things his pet did not do:(..)go on vacation, play in the same way that he did with his friends, and so on.

  4. 2003, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont et al. (eds.), ''Joining Society: Social Interaction and Learning in Adolescence and Youth'', Cambridge Univ. Press, p.52:

  5. To toy or trifle; to act with levity or thoughtlessness; to be careless.

  6. (RQ:Temple Miscellanea)

  7. To perform in (a sport); to participate in (a game).

  8. (hyper)


  9. (n-g)

  10. To compete against, in a game.

  11. (quote-journal)

  12. To be the opposing score to.

  13. To act or behave in a stated way.

  14. (RQ:Shakespeare Merchant of Venice)

  15. (quote-song)|album=(w)|year=1977|artist=Stevie Nicks|url=|text=Now here you go again, you say you want your freedom / Well, who am I to keep you down? / It's only right that you should play the way you feel it / But listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness

  16. To give a false appearance of being; to pretend to be.

  17. (RQ:Scott Ivanhoe)

  18. {{quote-text|en|year=1985|author=Sharon S. Brehm|title=Intimate Relationships

  19. {{quote-text|en|year=1996|author=Michael P. Malone|title=James J Hill: Empire Builder of the Northwest

  20. {{quote-text|en|year=2003|author=John U. Ogbu|title=Black American Students in an Affluent Suburb: A Study of Academic Disengagement|page=194

  21. To act as (the indicated role).

  22. To portray (a character) in (a film or theatre).

  23. 1984, (w), commercial for Vicks Formula 44:

  24. (quote)
  25. ''To produce sound (especially music), pictures{{, or theatrical performance.''

  26. To produce music using a instrument.

  27. (syn)

  28. To produce music.

  29. {{quote-book|en|year=2007|author=Dan Erlewine|title=Guitar Player Repair Guide|isbn=0879309210|page=220

  30. To operate (a device or media) so as to cause sound (especially music) or moving pictures to be produced.

  31. To render (a musical title, compositional style, film title, etc.) using a musical instrument or device.

  32. To emit or relay sound (especially music) or moving pictures; to operate media.

  33. To be performed, reproduced{{, or shown.

  34. To perform or give performances in or at (a venue or location).

  35. {{quote-book|en|year=2008|title=My Life: From Normandy to Hockeytown|page=30|isbn=0966412087

  36. To act or perform (a play).

  37. To move briskly, sweepingly, and forth, in a directed manner, etc.

  38. To move in a light or brisk manner.

  39. (ux)

  40. (RQ:Pope Essay on Man)

  41. To move so as to upon or sweep across something, or to direct or operate (something) in such a manner.

  42. (RQ:Addison Cato)

  43. {{RQ:Ferguson Zollenstein|I

  44. (quote-song)|passage=The Poet and the PainterCasting shadows on the waterAs the sun plays on the infantryReturning from the sea.

  45. To move in an alternating or reciprocal manner; to move and fro.

  46. (RQ:Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew)

  47. (quote-text)|title=Philosophical Principles of Religion

  48. To bring into action or motion; to exhibit in action; to execute or deploy.

  49. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  50. (RQ:Rinehart Hopwood Bat). He'd never been in stir, the bulls had never mugged him, he didn't run with a mob, he played a lone hand, and fenced his stuff so that even the fence couldn't swear he knew his face.

  51. To handle or with (a matter or situation) in a stated way.

  52. To handle or with (something) in a calculating manner intended to achieve profit or gain.

  53. To be received or accepted (in a given way); to down.

  54. To gamble.

  55. (quote-book)|title=Celestina|publisher=Broadview|year_published=2004|page=407

  56. To keep play, as a hooked fish in order to land it.

  57. To manipulate, deceive, or swindle.

  58. (quote-song)

  59. To kid; to joke; to say something for amusement; to act, or to treat something, unseriously.

  60. (quote-book)

  61. To take part in amorous activity; to love; ''see also around''.

  62. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  63. (quote-song)|title=Cheree|artist=(w)|passage=Cheree, Cheree / Je t'adore, baby / I love you / Oh, come play with me

  64. (n-g)

  65. Activity for amusement only, especially among the young.

  66. (RQ:Austen Northanger Abbey) to dolls (..)

  67. 1964, Sullivan|Lou Sullivan, personal diary, quoted in 2019, Ellis Martin, Zach Ozma (editors), ''We Both Laughed In Pleasure''

  68. You know, when I was around 7-11 years old, my favorite play would be "boys." One of us, Bridget, Maryellen, or I, would say "Let's play boys." We all had boy names, set up the pretend surroundings, and acted like boys.
  69. Similar activity in young animals, as they explore their environment and learn new skills.

  70. The conduct, or course, of a game.

  71. An individual's performance in a sport or game.

  72. A short sequence of action within a game.

  73. An action carried out when it is one's turn to play.

  74. {{quote-text|en|year=2009|author=Joe Edley; John Williams|title=Everything Scrabble: Third Edition|page=85

  75. (senseid) A literary composition, intended to be represented by actors impersonating the characters and speaking the dialogue.

  76. A theatrical performance featuring actors.

  77. An attempt to move forward, as in a plan or strategy, for example by a business, investor, or political party.

  78. A geological formation that contains an accumulation or prospect of hydrocarbons or other resources.

  79. Movement (of a pattern of light etc.)

  80. Freedom to move.

  81. ''give play to your imagination''

  82. The extent to which a part of a mechanism can move freely, as for example lash, backlash, or slack.

  83. Sexual activity or sexual role-playing.

  84. 1996, "toptigger", (on Internet newsgroup ''alt.personals.spanking.punishment'')

  85. Palm Springs M seeks sane F 4 safe bdsm play
  86. An instance of watching or listening to media.

  87. {{quote-journal|en|journal=Time|author=Victor Luckerson|date=Dec 3 2014|title=These Were Spotify's Most-Streamed Songs This Year

  88. An instance or instances of causing media to be watched or heard, such as by broadcasting.

  89. A button that, when pressed, causes media to be played.

  90. (collocation)

  91. An instance of wordplay.

  92. (m)

  93. Activity relating to martial combat or fighting.

  94. (m), (m)

  95. play (gloss)

  96. (zh-x)

  97. (l) (theatrical performance; start key)

  98. (l) (gloss)