
suomi-englanti sanakirja

slack englannista suomeksi

  1. laantua

  2. löysääntyä

  3. velttoilla

  4. veltto

  5. hiljainen, tyyni

  6. suvantopaikka

  7. vetelehtiä, löysäillä, laiskotella

  8. höllentää

  9. höllä, löyhä

  10. sammuttaa kalkki

  11. hiilipöly, hiilijäte

  12. höllyys

  13. hiljainen kausi

  14. letto

  15. höllä köysi

  16. löyhätä

  1. kluuvi

  2. hiilipöly dust, hiilimurska small coal

  3. notko, notkelma

  4. löysä

  5. veltto

  6. huolimaton

  7. hiljainen

  8. löysästi, veltosti, huolimattomasti

  9. velttoilla, viivytellä, vetelehtiä

  10. löysäillä

slack englanniksi

  1. The part of anything that hangs loose, having no strain upon it.

  2. (ux)

  3. A tidal marsh or shallow that periodically fills and drains.

  4. Unconditional listening attention given by client to patient.

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1979|author=Richard Dean Rosen|title=Psychobabble|page=93

  6. {{quote-text|en|year=1983|author=Harvey Jackins|title=The Reclaiming of Power|page=14

  7. (attributive form of).

  8. (quote-book)

  9. Lax; not tense; not firmly extended.

  10. Weak; not holding fast.

  11. Moderate in some capacity.

  12. Moderately warm.

  13. Moderate in speed.

  14. Lacking diligence or care; not earnest or eager.

  15. (RQ:KJV).

  16. Not active or busy, successful, or violent.

  17. {{quote-book|en|year=1928|author=Lawrence R. Bourne

  18. (quote-journal)

  19. Excess; surplus to requirements.

  20. Vulgar; sexually explicit, especially in dancehall music.

  21. Lax.

  22. Slackly.

  23. To slacken.

  24. (RQ:Lyly Mother Bombie)

  25. (RQ:South Twelve Sermons) should slack their pace.

  26. To mitigate; to reduce the strength of.

  27. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene).

  28. To lose cohesion or solidity by a chemical combination with water; to slake.

  29. A temporary speed restriction where track maintenance or engineering work is being carried out at a particular place.

  30. (senseid) A valley, or small, shallow dell.

  31. A flat-bottomed, hollow zone within a sand-dune system that has developed over impervious strata. The slack may result from erosion or blow-out of the dune system, and the flat base level is therefore close to or at the permanent water-table level. Consequently (dune) slacks have rich, marshy flora, with Salix species (willows) as typical woody colonisers.

  32. Small coal; coal dust.

  33. (synonyms)

  34. {{quote-text|en|year=1905|title=Colliery Engineer|volume=25|page=107