


  1. löysä

  2. irrallinen, irtonainen

  3. halventava|k=en helposti vieteltävä

Esimerkkejä loose sanan käytöstä:

Shes very loose

Liittyvät sanat: loosen



  1. siveetön, epäsiveä, helppo, kevytkenkäinen, löyhämoraalinen, irrallisia suhteita harrastava, moraaliton, epäsiveellinen, irtosuhteita harrastava, löyhätapainen, irstas, rietas, epätarkka, epätäsmällinen, vapaa, liberaalinen, karkuteillä oleva, karkuteillä, vapaana, karannut, vapaalla jalalla oleva, vapaalla jalalla, irrallaan, irti.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



irti, vapaana

löyhämoraalinen, epäsiveellinen

vapaa puhekieltä To let loose, to free from restraints.
Bible, Matthew xxi. 2

Ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her; loose them, and bring them unto me.
puhekieltä To unfasten, to loosen.
puhekieltä To make less tight, to loosen.
puhekieltä Of a grip or hold, to let go.
puhekieltä to shoot (an arrow)
puhekieltä To set sail.
1611: w:King James Bible|King James Bible, wikisource:Bible (King James)/ActsChapter 13|Acts 13:13
Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia: and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem.
puhekieltä To solve; to interpret.


Not fixed in place tightly or firmly.

This wheelbarrow has a loose wheel.

Not held or packaged together.

You can buy apples in a pack, but they are cheaper loose.

Not under control.

The dog is loose again.

Now I stand / Loose of my vow; but who knows Cato's thoughts?
Not fitting closely

I wear loose clothes when it is hot.

Not compact.

It is difficult walking on loose gravel.

a cloth of loose texture

with horse and chariots ranked in loose array
relaxed Relaxed.

She danced with a loose flowing movement.

Not precise or exact; vague; indeterminate.

a loose way of reasoning

The comparison employed (..) must be considered rather as a loose analogy than as an exact scientific explanation.
indiscreetEnglish Indiscreet.

Loose talk costs lives.

puhekieltä Free from moral restraint; immoral, unchaste.
1819, Lord Byron, Don Juan, I:
In all these he was much and deeply read; / But not a page of any thing that's loose, / Or hints continuation of the species, / Was ever suffer'd, lest he should grow vicious.
loose ladies in delight
Sir Walter Scott
the loose morality which he had learned
puhekieltä Not being in the possession of any competing team during a game.

He caught an elbow going after a loose ball.

The puck was momentarily loose right in front of the net.

puhekieltä Not costive; having lax bowels.
puhekieltä The release of an arrow.
puhekieltä A state of laxity or indulgence; unrestrained freedom, abandonment.
puhekieltä All play other than set pieces (scrums and line-outs).
2011, Tom Fordyce, Rugby World Cup 2011: England 12-19 France http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/rugby_union/15210221.stm
The defeat will leave manager Martin Johnson under pressure after his gamble of pairing Jonny Wilkinson and Toby Flood at 10 and 12 failed to ignite the England back line, while his forwards were repeatedly second best at the set-piece and in the loose.
Freedom from restraint.
Vent all its griefs, and give a loose to sorrow.
(RQ:Fielding Tom Jone)
The doctor now interposed, and prevented the effects of a wrath which was kindling between Jones and Thwackum; after which the former gave a loose to mirth, sang two or three amorous songs, and fell into every frantic disorder which unbridled joy is apt to inspire (..)
A letting go; discharge.
puhekieltä begin shooting; release your arrows
väärinkirjoitettu muoto

Im going to loose this game.''


  • "(Voileivän syötään) You're a loose cannon, sandvich! But you are a damn good cop! (Olet helposti vietävä tykki, voileipä! Mutta olet hemmetin hyvä kyttä!)"


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looginen, loogisesti, loogisuus, look, loosi, loota

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