
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cut englannista suomeksi

  1. leikkautua

  2. laimentaa

  3. kopioida

  4. pois leikkaaminen

  5. katkaista

  6. leikattu

  7. lyödä kierrelyönti

  8. sivallus, ilkeys

  9. leikata

  10. pysäyttää, sammuttaa

  11. leikkaus

  12. tallentaa

  13. niittää

  14. pinnaus

  15. otos

  16. aste

  17. puhjeta

  18. uurtaa, kaivaa

  19. kastroida

  20. viilto

  21. nosto

  22. levyttää

  23. suorittaa

  24. keskeyttää

  25. ohentaa

  26. kanava

  27. kulkea yli, kulkea läpi

  28. kulkea poikki

  29. auki leikattu

  30. tieleikkaus

  31. erottaa

  32. viillos, haava

  33. kaataa

  34. leikkaaminen

  35. pala

  36. viiltää

  37. pärjätä

  38. teeskennellä olevansa huomaamatta

  39. lintsata, pinnata

  40. vaikuttaa

  41. kierrelyönti

  42. lyhentää

  43. nostaa

  44. osuus

  45. saksittu

  46. oikaista

  47. lyönti

  48. kirjoittaa

  49. huoliteltu, siisti

  50. loukkaus

  51. muuttaa äkkiä suuntaa

  52. madaltaa

  1. Verbi

  2. leikata

  3. jättää pois">jättää pois

  4. etuilla, kiilata

  5. katkaista, poikki!">poikki! interjection

  6. leikata, hioa

  7. jakaa (kahtia)">jakaa (kahtia)

  8. lintsata

  9. mutkitella, koukata

  10. nostaa

  11. leikattu

  12. leikattu, vähennetty, kevennetty, heikennetty

  13. hioa / hiottu

  14. silvottu

  15. loukkaantunut

  16. päihtynyt

  17. Substantiivi

  18. leikkaus, viilto

  19. leikkaus, viilto; viipale, siivu; haava wound

  20. haava, viilto, viiltohaava

  21. leikkaus

  22. kanava

  23. osuus; siivu informal

  24. kierrelyönti stroke; kierre spin

  25. versio

  26. nosto

  27. pala

  28. raita, kappale, piisi, biisi

  29. kaiverrus

  30. ohari

  31. rasvanpolttokausi

  32. poikki / poikki!

cut englanniksi

  1. To incise, to cut into the surface of something.

  2. To perform an incision on, for example with a knife.

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Merchant of Venice)

  4. To divide with a knife, scissors, or another sharp instrument.

  5. (uxi)

  6. (RQ:Homer Pope et al Odyssey)

  7. (quote-book)

  8. To form or shape by cutting.

  9. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  10. To wound with a knife.

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=1990|author=Stephen Dobyns|title=The house on Alexandrine

  12. To engage in self-harm by making cuts in one's own skin.

  13. To deliver a stroke with a whip or like instrument to.

  14. {{RQ:Ferguson Zollenstein|IV

  15. To wound or hurt deeply the sensibilities of; to pierce.

  16. (ux)

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=1829|author=Elijah Hoole|title=Personal Narrative of a Mission to the South of India, from 1820 to 1828

  18. To castrate or geld.

  19. To interfere, as a horse; to strike one foot against the opposite foot or ankle in using the legs.

  20. To admit of incision or severance; to yield to a cutting instrument.

  21. (quote-text)'', ''The Deacon's Masterpiece|chapter=XI

  22. ''To separate, remove, reject or reduce.''

  23. To separate or omit, in a situation where one was previously associated.

  24. To abridge or shorten a work; to remove a portion of a recording during editing.

  25. To reduce, especially intentionally.

  26. (quote-journal)

  27. To absent oneself from (a class, an appointment, etc.).

  28. (quote-text)|title=Men and Manners in America|passage=An English tradesman is always solicitous to cut the shop whenever he can do so with impunity.

  29. To leave abruptly.

  30. (syn)

  31. (quote-web)

  32. To ignore as a social rebuff or snub.

  33. (Q)

  34. To make an abrupt transition from one scene or image to another.

  35. ''The camera then cut to the woman on the front row who was clearly overcome and crying tears of joy.''

  36. To edit a film by selecting takes from original footage.

  37. To remove (text, a picture, etc.) and place in memory in order to paste at a later time.

  38. To enter a queue in the wrong place.

  39. To intersect or cross in such a way as to divide in half or nearly so.

  40. To make the ball spin sideways by running one's fingers down the side of the ball while bowling it. (rfex)

  41. To deflect (a bowled ball) to the off, with a chopping movement of the bat.

  42. To change direction suddenly.

  43. To divide a pack of cards into two.

  44. (senseid) To make, to negotiate, to conclude.

  45. (coi)

  46. To dilute or adulterate something, especially a recreational drug.

  47. To exhibit (a figure having some trait).

  48. To stop, disengage{{, or cease.

  49. To renounce or up.

  50. To drive (a ball) to one side, as by (in billiards or croquet) hitting it fine with another ball, or (in tennis) striking it with the racket inclined.

  51. (senseid) To lose mass, aiming to keep muscle but lose fat.

  52. (cot)

  53. To perform (an elaborate dancing movement etc.).

  54. ''to a caper''

  55. To move.

  56. ''He cut down the street.''

  57. Having been cut.

  58. {{quote-book

  59. Reduced.

  60. Carved into a shape; not raw.

  61. (rfc-sense) Played with a horizontal bat to hit the ball backward of point.

  62. Having muscular definition in which individual groups of muscle fibers stand out among larger muscles.

  63. {{quote-journal|en|year=1988|author=Steve Holman|title=Christian Conquers Columbus|journal=Man (magazine)|Ironman|section=47 (6): 28-34

  64. {{quote-text|en|year=2010|author=Bill Geiger|chapter=6-pack Abs in 9 Weeks|title=Reps!|section=17:106

  65. Circumcised or having been the subject of genital mutilation.

  66. Upset, angry; emotionally hurt. (defdate)

  67. 1999, (w), ''The Hunter'', Faber & Faber 2012, p. 41:

  68. ‘Here y'are,’ says the happy butcher, dragging out a bucket. ‘Good riddance. But me dogs'll be cut tonight, I tell ya. That's their grub.’
  69. (senseid) Intoxicated as a result of drugs or alcohol.(R:Dictionary of Modern Slang)

  70. (RQ:Thackeray Pendennis)

  71. The act of cutting.

  72. The result of cutting.

  73. (senseid) An opening resulting from cutting; an incision or wound.

  74. A notch, passage, or channel made by cutting or digging; a furrow; a groove.

  75. {{RQ:Knolles Turkes

  76. An artificial navigation channel as distinguished from a navigable river.

  77. A share or portion of profits.

  78. {{quote-journal|en|journal=Time|title=Inside Epic's Unreal Engine 5|author=Andrew R. Chow|date=April 6 2022

  79. A decrease.

  80. (ant) (q); increase

  81. A batsman's shot played with a swinging motion of the bat, to hit the ball backward of point.

  82. Sideways movement of the ball through the air caused by a bowler imparting spin to the ball.

  83. In tennis, etc., a slanting stroke causing the ball to spin and bound irregularly; also, the spin thus given to the ball.

  84. In a play competition, the early elimination of those players who have not then attained a preannounced score, so that the rest of the competition is less pressed for time and more entertaining for spectators.

  85. A passage omitted or to be omitted from a play, movie script, speech, etc.

  86. A particular version or edit of a film.

  87. ''the director's cut''

  88. The act or right of dividing a deck of playing cards.

  89. The card obtained by dividing the pack.

  90. The manner or style in which a garment or an article of clothing is fashioned.

  91. (RQ:Shakespeare As You Like It)

  92. A slab or slice, especially of meat.

  93. (RQ:H. B. Fuller Bertram Cope)

  94. An attack made with a chopping motion of the blade, landing with its edge or point.

  95. A deliberate snub, typically a refusal to return a bow or other acknowledgement of acquaintance.

  96. (quote-text)

  97. {{RQ:Melville Omoo

  98. An unkind act; a cruelty.

  99. An insult

  100. 1966-1969, Sullivan|Lou Sullivan, personal diary, quoted in 2019, Ellis Martin, Zach Ozma (editors), ''We Both Laughed In Pleasure''

  101. We got out & there was a group of boppers, bout 25 of 'm in a group. They started yellin cuts, "queer" seemed to be the favorite they all began chanting it. "Hey, yer not gonna serve those queers, are ya Howie?"
  102. A definable part, such as an individual song, of a recording, particularly of commercial records, audio tapes, CDs, etc.

  103. {{quote-journal|en|year=1975|journal=Billboard|volume=87|issue=24|page=50

  104. A truncation, a context that represents a moment in time when other archaeological deposits were removed for the creation of some feature such as a ditch or pit.

  105. A haircut.

  106. The partition of a graph’s vertices into two subgroups.

  107. A dividing line in a Tumblr post, the content below which is hidden until the reader reveals it.

  108. A string of railway cars coupled together, shorter than a train.

  109. An engraved block or plate; the impression from such an engraving.

  110. A common workhorse; a gelding.

  111. (RQ:Beaumont Fletcher Comedies and Tragedies)

  112. The failure of a college officer or student to be present at any appointed exercise.

  113. A skein of yarn.

  114. That which is used to dilute or adulterate a recreational drug.

  115. A notch shaved into an eyebrow.

  116. A period when one attempts to lose fat while retaining muscle mass.

  117. (senseid) A hidden, secluded{{, or secure place.

  118. (quote-song)

  119. (quote-av)

  120. {{quote-text|en|year=2012|author=Honey Cocaine|title=In The Cut

  121. 2021, Redferrin, "Stuck":

  122. She got me stuck. Like a truck, deep mud, deep ruts, way out in the cut. She got me stuck. Even four-wheel drive won't work this time, yeah.
  123. 2023 January 9th, Santana Hannah, in JOLLY, "Brits try REAL Southern Fried Chicken for the first time!", YouTube, 11:27:

  124. We're off the beaten path from River Street downtown. So, it's, we're back here in the cut.
  125. The range of temperatures used to distill a particular mixture of hydrocarbons from oil.

  126. An instruction to cease recording.

  127. (ant)

  128. to cut; to incise; to divide

  129. {{zh-co|@c{}u{}t{kat1} 開 嚿 牛扒{paa4-2}|to cut a steak into pieces|C-HK

  130. to cut; to reduce

  131. {{zh-co|@c{}u{}t{kat1} &032; b{}u{}d{bat1}g{}e{}t{zik4}|to reduce allocated budget|C-HK

  132. to enter a queue at the wrong place; to switch directions suddenly

  133. {{zh-co|c{}u{}t{kat1}線|to change lanes when driving|C-HK

  134. to terminate; to end; to sever

  135. {{zh-co|c{}u{}t{kat1}線|to end a call|C-HK

    {{zh-co|c{}u{}t{kat1}單|to terminate an order|C-HK

    {{zh-co|c{}u{}t{kat1} 咗 張 卡{kaat1} 佢|to cancel a credit card|C-HK

  136. An instruction to cease recording

  137. (alternative form of)

  138. back (qualifier)

  139. (infl of)

  140. hut, shed; cottage, hovel; pen, coop; cage