
suomi-englanti sanakirja

air englannista suomeksi

  1. sävelmä, melodia

  2. lähettää

  3. päästää ilmoille, tuoda julki, ilmaista

  4. tuulettaa

  5. ilmakehä

  6. esittää

  7. ilma

  8. henki, ilmapiiri, sävy, leima

  9. ripustaa kuivumaan, kuivattaa

  10. tuulahdus

  11. lentäminen

  1. tuulettaa freshen, kuivattaa (ilmassa)">kuivattaa (ilmassa) dry

  2. tuulettaa

  3. tuulettaa, ilmaista, päästää ilmoille">päästää ilmoille

  4. lähettää

  5. Substantiivi

  6. Verbi

air englanniksi

  1. The substance constituting Earth's atmosphere, a gaseous mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and various trace gases.

  2. (ux)

  3. The substance of the atmosphere seen as an agency of freshness.

  4. One of the four elements of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

  5. (syn)

  6. A particular local substance with supposed effects on human health.

  7. {{quote-text|en|date=May 12 1991|chapter=of Jeeves and Wooster episodes|Kidnapped!|title=Jeeves and Wooster|section=Series 2, Episode 5

  8. The substance of the atmosphere on a planet other than Earth.

  9. The apparently open space above the ground which this substance fills, formerly thought to be limited by the firmament but now considered to be surrounded by the near vacuum of space.

  10. A breeze; a gentle wind.

  11. A feeling or sense.

  12. (co)

  13. (RQ:Chesnutt House Behind the Cedars)

  14. (quote-journal)

  15. {{quote-book

  16. November 2 2014, Daniel Taylor, "Sergio Agüero strike wins derby for Manchester City against 10-man United," ''''

  17. Smalling’s quick one-two of yellow cards towards the end of the first half had left an air of inevitability about what would follow and, if anything, it was probably a surprise that City restricted themselves to Sergio Agüero’s goal bearing in mind another of United’s defenders, Marcos Rojo, was taken off on a stretcher early in the second half with a dislocated shoulder.
  18. A sense of poise, graciousness, or quality.

  19. (RQ:Austen Emma)

  20. Pretension; snobbishness; pretence that one is better than others.

  21. (RQ:Travers Cuckoo in the Nest)

  22. A song, especially a solo; an aria.

  23. (RQ:Austen Pride and Prejudice)"

  24. (quote-book)

  25. Nothing; absence of anything.

  26. An conditioner or the processed air it produces.

  27. Any specific gas.

  28. A jump in which one becomes airborne.

  29. A television or radio signal; media broadcasts in general.

  30. {{quote-text|en|year=2015|author=Gary Andres; Paul Hernnson|title=Lobbying Reconsidered: Politics Under the Influence|page=149

  31. Publicity.

  32. To bring (something) into contact with the air, so as to freshen or dry it.

  33. To let fresh air into (a room or a building), to ventilate.

  34. To make public (an opinion, concern, issue, secret, differences, etc), to present to public view (and sometimes discussion).

  35. {{quote-journal|en|year=1917|journal=National Geographic|section=s:National Geographic Magazine/Volume 31/Number 3/Russia's Democrats|v.31, March 1917

  36. To broadcast (a television show etc.).

  37. To be broadcast.

  38. To ignore (a person).

  39. (pronunciation spelling of)

  40. (l)

  41. (l), pretension or pretentious attitude

  42. (l), (l)

  43. (l) (gloss)

  44. (coi)

  45. tune, aria

  46. appearance

  47. (romanization of)

  48. clear liquid H₂O

  49. mineral water

  50. one of the four elements in alchemy

  51. one of the five basic elements in some other theories

  52. a (l) (l) which started by (l) (l) to the cock.

  53. (l)

  54. (inflection of)

  55. (inflection of) (gloss)

  56. (l).

  57. ''Air manis''

    ''Sweet water''

  58. woman

  59. oar

  60. water (gloss)

  61. 2012, ''Faridah Abdul Rashid'', Research on the Early Malay Doctors : 1900-1957 : Malaya and Singapore

  62. {{quote|ms|''loji rawatan air''
  63. (l) (mixture of gases that make up the earth's atmosphere)

  64. for (gloss)

  65. water

  66. to off, as when stripping insulation off a wire

  67. to off a ropelike object by drawing it through one's hand or fingers

  68. (l), atmosphere

  69. A small quantity, particle, morsel; pinch (of snuff); whiff; taste

  70. to taste

  71. oar

  72. gravelly beach

  73. eyre

  74. early

  75. (m), (m) (triggering lenition), from (inh), from (inh). Cognates include (cog) and (cog).

  76. (m) (triggering no mutation), from (inh) (compare (cog), (cog)), from (inh) (compare (cog), (cog), (cog)).

  77. (m) (triggering eclipsis), from (inh), from (inh).

  78. on, upon

  79. (uxi)

    (uxi)|little by little|lit=little on little

  80. in (q)

  81. (uxi)|in the Highlands

  82. of, concerning

  83. by

  84. from

  85. (n-g)

  86. (uxi) oirre|she has a bad cold|lit=the cold is on her

  87. for, account of, means of, through, within (q)

  88. (n-g) (q)

  89. (qualifier) must, to

  90. (qualifier) or (q)

  91. (uxi)|something or other

  92. (n-g); after

  93. (inflection of): on him, on it

  94. (form of); (n-g)

  95. (uxi)|thirty|lit=ten over twenty

  96. (soft mutation of)