
suomi-englanti sanakirja

dry englannista suomeksi

  1. kuivin

  2. kuivata

  3. tyhjä

  4. paljas

  5. kuiva

  6. kieltolain kannattaja

  7. pelkiltään

  8. kuivua, kuivaa

  9. ehtynyt

  10. raitis

  11. kieltolain kannattajien

  1. kuiva

  2. kuiva, vedetön, absoluuttinen alcohol

  3. kuiva, alkoholiton

  4. Substantiivi

  5. Verbi

  6. kuivua, kuivaa

  7. kuivata, kuivattaa

dry englanniksi

  1. Free from or lacking moisture.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Addison Freeholder) we (..) both agreed, was too dry for the season.

  4. (RQ:Prescott Philip 2)

  5. Unable to produce a liquid, as water, oil, or milk.

  6. (hypo)

  7. Built without or lacking mortar.

  8. (RQ:Tolkien Hobbit)

  9. Anhydrous: free from or lacking water in any state, regardless of the presence of other liquids.

  10. Athirst, eager.

  11. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest):(..)Confederates / (ſo drie he was for Sway) with King of ''Naples'' / To giue him Annuall tribute, doe him homage / Subiect his Coronet, to his Crowne and bend / The Dukedom yet vnbow'd (alas poore ''Millaine'') / To moſt ignoble ſtooping.

  12. Free from or lacking alcohol or alcoholic beverages.

  13. (RQ:Shakespeare Twelfth Night)

  14. Describing an area where sales of alcoholic or strong alcoholic beverages are banned.

  15. Free from or lacking embellishment or sweetness, ''particularly:''

  16. (RQ:Pope Essay on Man)

  17. Low in sugar; lacking sugar; unsweetened.

  18. (quote-av)|passage=Fatima Blush: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.James Bond: Yes, but my martini is still dry. My name is James.

  19. Amusing without showing amusement.

  20. Lacking interest, boring.

  21. (quote-book)

  22. ''Of a board or flop'': Not permitting the creation of many or of strong hands.

  23. Exhibiting precise execution lacking delicate contours or soft transitions of color.

  24. Not using afterburners or water injection for increased thrust.

  25. Involving computations than work with biological or chemical matter.

  26. Free from applied audio effects (especially reverb).

  27. (senseid) Without a usual complement or consummation; impotent.

  28. {{quote-text|en|year=1958|author=Gordon Grimley|title=The Book of the Bow|page=167

  29. {{quote-text|en|year=1992|title=Pennsylvania Game News|volume=63|page=57

  30. {{quote-book|en|year=1992|author=Dwight R. Schuh|title=Bowhunter's Encyclopedia|publisher=Stackpole Books|isbn=9780811724128|page=81

  31. {{quote-book|en|year=2015|author=Naoko Takei Moore; Kyle Connaughton|title=Donabe: Classic and Modern Japanese Clay Pot Cooking|publisher=Ten Speed Press|isbn=9781607747000|page=8

  32. Of a bite from an animal: not containing the usual venom.

  33. Of a mass, service, or rite: involving neither consecration nor communion.

  34. Mixed with sauce and not served in a soup.

  35. (quote-journal)

  36. The process by which something is dried.

  37. A prohibitionist (of alcoholic beverages).

  38. c. 1952-1996, (w), quoted in 1996

  39. The drys were as unhappy with the second part of the speech as the wets were with the first half.
  40. An area with little or no rain, or sheltered from it.

  41. The season.

  42. {{quote-book|en|year=1938|author=Xavier Herbert|title=(novel)|Capricornia|location=New York|publisher=D. Appleton-Century|year_published=1943|chapter=VII|page=91|url=https://archive.org/details/capricornianovel00herb

  43. {{quote-book|en|year=2006|author=Alexis Wright|title=Carpentaria|publisher=Giramondo|year_published=2012|page=169

  44. An area of waterless country.

  45. Unsweetened ale; ginger.

  46. {{quote-text|en|year=1968|author=Bee Gees|chapter=Indian Gin And Whiskey Dry|title=Idea(album)|url=https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/beegees/indianginandwhiskeydry.html

  47. (quote-web)

  48. A radical or hard-line Conservative; especially, one who supported the policies of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.

  49. (antonyms)

  50. To lose moisture.

  51. To remove moisture from.

  52. To exhaust; to cause to dry.

  53. For an actor to forget their lines while performing.

  54. {{quote-book|en|year=1986|author=Richard Collier|title=Make-believe: The Magic of International Theatre|page=146

  55. {{quote-book|en|year=2006|author=Michael Dobson|title=Performing Shakespeare's Tragedies Today|page=126

  56. lock, bolt

  57. lacking sex or romance

  58. (alt form)

  59. wizard, sorcerer

  60. late 10th century, of Eynsham|Ælfric, "Passion of St. Julian and his wife Basilissa"

  61. (quote)
  62. (quotei)

  63. (l) (gl)

  64. (soft mutation of)