
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lock englannista suomeksi

  1. sidonta

  2. lukko

  3. kuljettaa sulusta

  4. lukittua, lukkiutua

  5. kytkeä

  6. teljetä

  7. sulku

  8. lukita

  9. sulkeutua

  10. hiussuortuva

  11. rakentaa sulkuja

  12. jumiutua

  1. lukko

  2. sulku

  3. lukittua, lukkiutua

  4. lukita

  5. lukita in passive; lukittua, lukkiutua

  6. varustaa suluilla">varustaa suluilla

  7. kulkea sulussa">kulkea sulussa

  8. kiehkura

  9. Verbi

  10. Substantiivi

lock englanniksi

  1. Something used for fastening, which can only be opened with a key or combination.

  2. (RQ:Stevenson Treasure Island)

  3. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)

  4. A mutex or other token restricting access to a resource.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. A segment of a canal or other waterway enclosed by gates, used for raising and lowering boats between levels.

  7. (quote-text)

  8. The firing mechanism.

  9. (RQ:Dickens Pickwick Papers)

  10. Complete control over a situation.

  11. Something sure to be a success.

  12. (syn of)

  13. A player in the scrum behind the row, usually the tallest members of the team.

  14. (quote-journal)

  15. A fastening together or interlacing; a closing of one thing upon another; a state of being fixed or immovable.

  16. (RQ:De Quincey Works)

  17. A place impossible to get out of, as by a lock.

  18. (RQ:Dryden Aeneis)

  19. A device for keeping a wheel from turning.

  20. A grapple in wrestling.

  21. (RQ:Milton Of Education)

  22. To become fastened place.

  23. (ux)

  24. To fasten with a lock.

  25. To be capable of becoming fastened place.

  26. To intertwine or dovetail.

  27. To freeze one's body or a part thereof place.

  28. To furnish (a canal) with locks.

  29. To raise or lower (a boat) in a lock.

  30. To seize (e.g. the sword arm of an antagonist) by turning one's left arm around it, to disarm them.

  31. To modify (a thread) so that users cannot make new posts in it.

  32. To prevent a page from being edited by other users.

  33. To play in the position of lock.

  34. (senseid) A tuft or length of hair, wool{{, etc.

  35. (RQ:Shakespeare Merchant of Venice) (..)Nor is the wide world ignorant of (w) worth, For the foure windes blow in from euery coaſt Renowned ſutors, and her ſunny locks Hang on her temples like a golden fleece, Which makes her ſeat of ''Belmont'' ''Cholchos-'| '' ſtrond, And many ''Iaſons'' come in queſt of her.

  36. (RQ:Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights)

  37. A small quantity of straw etc.

  38. A quantity of meal, the perquisite of a mill-servant.

  39. (verb form of)

  40. (verb form of)

  41. a (l) of hair, a curl of hair

  42. a cover, a lid

  43. popping (as when ears pop)Grief Gondola, 2 by Tomas Tranströmer, verse VI

  44. a (thin) board that covers the gap between panel boards

  45. call, lure (uninflected, from the verb locka)

  46. ''med lock och pock''