suomi-englanti sanakirjastraw englannista suomeksi
olki, oljenkeltainen
sirotella, levitellä
straw englanniksi
Such dried stalks considered collectively; this bulk matter may be a chief salable product, a by-product, fodder, bedding, or manure, depending on region and on current market conditions.
A straw.
(uncommon) A pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw.
(color panel)
Anything proverbially worthless; the least possible thing.
{{quote-book|en|year=1889|chapter=Robin Hood and the Tanner|editor=Francis James Child|title=The English and Scottish Popular Ballads|volume=3|pageurl=|page=138
{{quote-text|en|year=1857|author=Anthony Trollope|title=Barchester Towers
{{quote-text|en|year=1881|author=s:Robert Louis Stevenson|title=s:Virginibus Puerisque
A owner
Made of straw.
Of a pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw.
To sell straws on the streets in order to cover the giving to the purchaser of things usually banned, such as pornography.
(quote-book) The strawer offers to ''sell'' any passer by in the streets a straw and ''give'' the purchaser a paper which he ''dares not'' sell. Accordingly as he judges of the character of his audience, so he intimates that the paper is political, libellous, irreligious, or indecent.
The remaining plant material after cultivation; halm, (l).
An individual piece or section of straw.
Anything slight or worthless; the least possible thing.
A measure of weight for candlewax.
(inflection of)