
suomi-englanti sanakirja

opinion englannista suomeksi

  1. mielipide

  2. lausunto

  3. näkemys

  1. Substantiivi

  2. mielipide, näkemys, mieli

  3. ratkaisuehdotus

  4. Verbi

opinion englanniksi

  1. A belief, judgment or perspective that a person has formed, either through objective or subjective reasoning, about a topic, issue, person or thing.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. The judgment or sentiment which the mind forms of persons or things; estimation.

  5. (RQ:Shakespeare Macbeth)

  6. (RQ:South Twelve Sermons) gives a man a peculiar right and claim to the good opinion of his friend.

  7. Favorable estimation; hence, consideration; reputation; fame; public sentiment or esteem.

  8. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-1 Q1)

  9. (RQ:Milton History) had made ſuch early progreſs into laborious (..) enterpriſes.

  10. Obstinacy in holding to one's belief or impression; opiniativeness; conceitedness.

  11. (RQ:Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost Q1) your reaſons at Dinner haue been ſharpe & ſententious: pleaſant without ſcurillitie, wittie without affection, audatious without impudencie, learned without opinion, and ſtrange without hereſie: (..)

  12. The formal decision, or expression of views, of a judge, an umpire, a doctor, or other party officially called upon to consider and decide upon a matter or point submitted.

  13. A judicial opinion delivered by an Advocate General to the European Court of Justice where he or she proposes a legal solution to the cases for which the court is responsible.

  14. To have or express as an opinion.

  15. (quote-text)|title=The Graden of Cyrus|page=166|publisher=Folio Society|year_published=2007

  16. (eo-form of)

  17. (l) (gloss)

  18. (public) (l)

  19. (l)

  20. (syn)

  21. (public) (l) (opinion of a (larger) group of people)