
suomi-englanti sanakirja

hovel englannista suomeksi

  1. röttelö

  1. Substantiivi

  2. lato

  3. tönö, hökkeli

  4. Verbi

hovel englanniksi

  1. An open shed for sheltering cattle, or protecting produce, etc., from the weather.

  2. A poor cottage; a small, mean house; a hut.

  3. (syn)

  4. (RQ:Haggard She)

  5. (quote-book)

  6. (quote-book) A Contemporary Version|publisher=HarperSanFrancisco|year=2000|page=238|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/imitationofchris0000grif/page/238/mode/1up|isbn=0-06-063400-6|passage= I have to say it again, my Dearest Friend. What a wonderful Comedown for the Godhead! What a wonderful Comeuppance for Humankind! That’s because You, Lord God, Creator, Bellows Maker of All That Breathes, deigned to come to my hovel of a soul; once there, to fatten up the leanness of my soul with the plumpitude of Your Sacrament; that’s to say, with the plenitude of Your Divinity and Humanity.

  7. In the manufacture of porcelain, a large, conical brick structure around which the firing kilns are grouped.

  8. To put in a hovel; to shelter.

  9. (RQ:Shakespeare King Lear)

  10. {{RQ:Tennyson Maud|1

  11. To construct a chimney so as to prevent smoking, by making two of the more exposed walls higher than the others, or making an opening on one side near the top.