
suomi-englanti sanakirja

no englannista suomeksi

  1. ei

  2. ei yhtään

  3. kielteinen vastaus

  4. ei lainkaan

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

no englanniksi

  1. No

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. Not any.

  3. (ant)


  4. Hardly any.

  5. Not any possibility or allowance of (doing something).

  6. Not (a); not properly, not really; not fully.

  7. not, not at all

  8. (n-g) and (m), and idiomatically before other comparatives.

  9. (n-g)

  10. not

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=1725|author=Daniel Defoe|title=An essay on the history and reality of apparitions

  12. (n-g)

  13. (syn)

  14. without

  15. like

  16. not, does not, do not, etc.

  17. a negating expression; an answer that shows disagreement, denial, refusal, or disapproval

  18. (quote-av)

  19. a vote not in favor, or opposing a proposition

  20. (alt form)

  21. (alt form)

  22. (n-g); -ly, ing

  23. still, yet

  24. eventually (gloss)

  25. (only) just; barely (gloss)

  26. even

  27. (rfdef)

  28. in the

  29. to say

  30. nine

  31. water

  32. still, yet (gloss)

  33. (uxi)

  34. yet, eventually (gloss)

  35. additionally, addition, besides, else; (ngd) another, more

  36. (only) just; barely (gloss)

  37. (l) (q)

  38. not, main negation marker

  39. no

  40. well, why

  41. certainly, indeed, course

  42. yeah, yep

  43. home

  44. mosquito

  45. (Latn-def)

  46. breast

  47. to drink

  48. to suck

  49. (alternative form of)

  50. in the

  51. well! (gl)

  52. (alti)

  53. (abbreviation of)

  54. how?

  55. sister

  56. we

  57. for, belonging to, from

  58. husband

  59. no

  60. well

  61. (RQ:izh:Lukukirja-1:1936)

  62. but

  63. (RQ:izh:Geografia-1:1936)

  64. (l)

  65. not

  66. (n-g); non-, not

  67. (n-g); isn't it so, right

  68. Noh (gloss)

  69. (l), anti-; (n-g), and in pseudo-anglicisms such as (m) and (m) (also written (m))

  70. don't, doesn't

  71. (ja-romanization of)

  72. (cln) nine; 9

  73. (it is) only(R:Benson1964)

  74. ''(l).''Wanjohi, G. J. (2001). ''Under One Roof: Gĩkũyũ Proverbs Consolidated'', p. 21. Paulines Publications Africa. - The only good old thing is a tree fruit (for fermenting muratina).

    ''(l).'' - One who does not travel says only his/her mother's cooking is good.

  75. butBarlow, A. Ruffell (1960). ''Studies in Kikuyu Grammar and Idiom'', pp. 32, 235.

  76. ''(l).'' - The diviner's gourds do not get confused, but a mouth does.Barra, G. (1960). ''1,000 Kikuyu proverbs: with translations and English equivalents'', p. 51. London: Macmillan.

  77. black

  78. early

  79. to swim

  80. 1st century BC, (w), ''De rerum natura'' iii. 479.

  81. {{quote|la|Cum vini vis penetravit,Consequitur gravitas membrorum, præpediunturCrura vacillanti, tardescit lingua, madet mens,Nant oculi, clamor, sigultis, jurgia gliscunt. --
  82. to float

  83. to sail, flow, fly, etc.

  84. from

  85. of

  86. for

  87. of

  88. with

  89. (alternative spelling of).

  90. after (in time)

  91. after (in a sequence)

  92. to

  93. to, towards (a direction)

  94. nearby, near, nigh

  95. close, closely related

  96. after

  97. wave

  98. You (q)

  99. now (gloss)

  100. moment; point in time

  101. now

  102. used when finding something out; when being irritated

  103. (quote-book)

  104. Det kan no faen ikkje stemme at traktor'n var så billeg

  105. It can't be damn right that the tractor was so cheap
  106. Er det no sånn at dåkk vil ikkje bli med på fjellturen?

  107. Is it so, that ya'll don't want to join on the mountain trip?
  108. Eg skulle no vore på elgjakta no, men i staden for det må eg vera her og rydde.

  109. I was supposed to be on the moose hunt now, but I must be here and clean up instead.
  110. Kom igjen no då!

  111. C'mon!
  112. (alt sp)

  113. (inflection of)

  114. surely not

  115. indeed not

  116. indeed, then, now

  117. yeah, yep

  118. (ng); well, well yeah

  119. (ng)

  120. (ng); well

  121. (ng); well?

  122. (ng)

  123. (n-g); well

  124. (ng); c'mon, now

  125. (quote-book) wróciwszy z kluczem na posłanie. — Niech mnie licho porwie, jeśli cię puszczę — musisz zostać z nami. — O! figle! no! no! daj no klucza, rzekł śmiejąc się Alexy, daj no, serce, klucza! daj!|t=(nb..) having returned with the key. "Goddamn it, if I let you go, you'll have to stay with us." "Oh! Jokes! Cmon! Cmon! Cmon, give the key!" Alex said laughing. "Cmon, heart, give the key!"

  126. (senseid) (contraction of)

  127. {{quote-book|pt|year=2003|author=J. K. Rowling; Lia Wyler|title=Harry Potter e a Ordem da Fênix|publisher=Rocco|page=546

  128. (senseid) (pt-pronoun-with-n)

  129. well, so

  130. or

  131. nor

  132. neither

  133. than (=(l), (l))

  134. → (= modern) (ux)

  135. but, however

  136. noh (attn)

  137. right!, bet! very much so!

  138. go

  139. (n-g); well, well yeah

  140. (n-g); well?

  141. (n-g); c'mon, now

  142. eh? (gloss)

  143. (abbreviation of); no.

  144. (RQ:Buk Baibel)

  145. full (gloss)

  146. full; complete

  147. saturated

  148. but (gloss)

  149. name

  150. eh, isn't it, true (at end of declarative sentence, forms question to prompt listener's agreement)

  151. cold

  152. ''an indicator of current or present location: this (place, time, person, thing)''

  153. (quote-book)|passage=Aamezil cou no stoane.|translation=Themselves could not stand.

  154. (quote-book)|title=THE ANCIENT DIALECT OF THE BARONIES OF FORTH AND BARGY, COUNTY WEXFORD|passage=Vo no own caars.|translation=Whom no one cares.