
suomi-englanti sanakirja

re englannista suomeksi

  1. re

  1. re

  2. Substantiivi

  3. Verbi

re englanniksi

  1. Re

  2. ray

  1. About, regarding, with reference to; especially in letters, documents, emails and law.

  2. (syn)

    (ux) 2000 EWCA Civ 254

  3. (n-g)

  4. (clipping of)

  5. ''gg game, no re''

  6. (clipping of) (q)

  7. three

  8. cloud (C)

  9. (uxi)

  10. (coi)

  11. cloud, gloom, luck (rfclarify)

  12. attention, care, consideration

  13. (infl of)

  14. young girl

  15. daughter-in-law

  16. (inflection of)

  17. (alternative form of)

  18. (l), ray

  19. too much

  20. those

  21. pair (qualifier)

  22. couple

  23. (alternative form of)

  24. (l) (gloss)

  25. they

  26. they are

  27. Of a nationality or place; -ish.

  28. double raise (gloss)

  29. (l)

  30. (l) (qualifier)

  31. d (qualifier)

  32. he (gloss)

  33. king

  34. D (the musical note or key)

  35. (non-gloss definition)

  36. about

  37. king (gloss)

  38. (hyper)

  39. king

  40. king, magnate (gloss)

  41. (senseid) (l) (gloss)

  42. D (gloss)

  43. (ja-romanization of)

  44. reality, fact, on practice (q), (m)

  45. re, D (gloss)

  46. look! see? (gloss)

  47. look, here is..., you see (qualifier)

  48. (l) (gloss)

  49. (nonstandard spelling of)

  50. (inflection of), (m)

  51. (n-g)

  52. to say

  53. to prepare; make (q)

  54. (l), the second syllable in the scale of solfège

  55. (senseid) (l) a syllable used in solfège to represent the second note of a scale.

  56. (alt sp)

  57. (inflection of): a, an

  58. (cot)

  59. eye

  60. very

  61. (Latn-def)

  62. (n-g) (lang)

  63. (ux)

  64. to go

  65. (ux) ''(proverb on expediency)''

  66. to be

  67. to roast

  68. to nurse, to give specific attention to something or someone

  69. to soak, to become swollen (usually in reference to the skin)

  70. to exceed (in degree or dimension), to pass, to go across a mark

  71. to skim the top of a liquid

  72. To alter something, to cause something to be transferred or removed via supernatural or authoritative means

  73. to put a curse or spell on someone

  74. to trigger, to undergo a hit

  75. to dislocate, to suffer from a dislocated part

  76. The syllable used to represent the mid-tone