
suomi-englanti sanakirja

curse englannista suomeksi

  1. kirous

  2. sadatella

  3. julistaa kirkonkiroukseen

  4. kirota

  5. kiroilla

  6. vitsaus

  1. kirous

  2. menkat (monikko)

  3. kirota

  4. kirota once, kiroilla repeatedly

  5. kiroilla

  6. Verbi

  7. Substantiivi

curse englanniksi

  1. A supernatural detriment or hindrance; a bane.

  2. (syn)

  3. (RQ:King James Version)

  4. A prayer or imprecation that harm may befall someone.

  5. The cause of great harm, evil, or misfortune; that which brings evil or severe affliction; torment.

  6. (RQ:Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida Q1)

  7. A vulgar epithet.

  8. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-06-14|author=Sam Leith

  9. A woman's menses.

  10. To place a curse upon (a person or object).

  11. (ant)

  12. (RQ:Hough Purchase Price)felt a curious sensation of helplessness seize upon him as he met her steady gaze,(..); he could not tell what this prisoner might do. He cursed the fate which had assigned such a duty, cursed especially that fate which forced a gallant soldier to meet so superb a woman as this under handicap so hard.

  13. To call upon divine or supernatural power to send injury upon; to imprecate evil upon; to execrate.

  14. (RQ:King James Version)curſe the ruler of thy people.

  15. To speak or shout a vulgar curse or epithet.

  16. To use offensive or morally inappropriate language.

  17. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest)his Spirits heare me, / And yet I needes muſt curſe.

  18. To bring great evil upon; to be the cause of serious harm or unhappiness to; to furnish with that which will be a cause of deep trouble; to afflict or injure grievously; to harass or torment.

  19. (RQ:Poems and Translations)

  20. (inflection of)

  21. (pt-verb form of)

  22. (monikko) ro|cursă

  23. (es-verb form of)