
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pas englannista suomeksi

  1. pas

  1. askel, tanssiaskel

  2. Substantiivi

  3. Verbi

pas englanniksi

  1. The right of going foremost; precedence. (defdate)

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1792|author=Charlotte Smith|title=Desmond|publisher=Broadview|year_published=2001|page=71

  3. (RQ:Thackeray Vanity Fair)

  4. A step in a dance. (defdate)

  5. (RQ:Thackeray Pendennis)

  6. (monikko) en|pa

  7. pace, step

  8. pass (a card or document)

  9. die paswette tydens die apartheidsjare - the pass laws during the years of apartheid

  10. behind, beyond

  11. after

  12. at

  13. over

  14. against

  15. behind

  16. hence

  17. because

  18. (non-gloss definition); (not) (l); (not) (l)

  19. {{quote-book|an|year=2010|author=Academia de l’Aragonés|title=Propuesta ortografica de l’Academia de l’Aragonés|edition=2nd|publisher=Edacar|page=I

  20. {{quote-book|an|year=2010|author=Academia de l’Aragonés|title=Propuesta ortografica de l’Academia de l’Aragonés|edition=2nd|publisher=Edacar|page=20

  21. (monikko) ast|pá

  22. rust

  23. deteriorated state of iron or steel (C)

  24. disease of plants

  25. shame, disgrace, infamy

  26. (syn)

  27. squirrel (gloss)

  28. paso, Spanish pace, (ngd)

  29. pace, action

  30. pace, gait, rhythm of walking

  31. (ngd) all, ever

  32. (uxi)

  33. passing

  34. crossing

  35. passage

  36. pitch (gloss)

  37. past

  38. to kiss

  39. (alternative form of)

  40. passport

  41. (infl of)

  42. mountain pass

  43. pass

  44. just, recently

  45. hardly

  46. only, not until, not any sooner

  47. (usex)

  48. nowreally

  49. fitting, having a proper fit, having the correct size and shape

  50. (ux)

  51. pace, step; also as a measure of distance

  52. fit of an object, notably depending on forms and/or dimensions

  53. pass, passport (gloss)

  54. identification document

  55. to open

  56. I pass!

  57. step, pace, footstep

  58. {{quote-text|fr|year=2018|author=Zaz|title=On s'en remet jamais

  59. strait, pass

  60. thread, pitch (gloss)

  61. (n-g)

  62. step, footstep

  63. pace

  64. (l), permission or license to pass, or to go and come

  65. (l)

  66. (l), suitable, proper.

  67. to (l), to achieve a successful outcome from

  68. only, not until, not any sooner

  69. (usex)Keep It First”, ''Urban Bekasi''

  70. when, at the time of

  71. (usex)Suhur During Imsak”, ''CNN Indonesia''

  72. when

  73. during, at the time of

  74. (alt sp).

  75. pass

  76. (qualifier) by; with; at

  77. ''Ar (l) norėtum sėdėti pas mane?''

    Would you like to sit by/with me?

    ''Mes galime valgyti pas tave.''

    We can eat at your place.

    ''Jis gyvena pas (l) tėvus.''

    He lives with his parents.

  78. peace

  79. belt

  80. pace; step

  81. sun, day

  82. not (gloss)

  83. step, pace

  84. (Q)

  85. after

  86. lane (gl)

  87. fess

  88. waist

  89. pas, step

  90. step, pace, footstep, stride

  91. step (gl)

  92. gait

  93. pass

  94. passport

  95. pass (gloss)

  96. dog

  97. belt, girdle

  98. waist, waistline

  99. (noun form of)

  100. price

  101. pouch

  102. closed; shut; sealed

  103. (RQ:Buk Baibel)

  104. rust (qualifier)

  105. pass (gloss)

  106. (non-gloss); I pass

  107. only recently, now