
suomi-englanti sanakirja

i englannista suomeksi

  1. i

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

i englanniksi

  1. E

  2. I

  1. (n-g)

  2. The unit; a fixed root of -1. Graphically, i is shown on the vertical (y-axis) plane.

  3. (syn)


  4. The current flow in an electric circuit, frequently measured in amperes.

  5. A common variable name representing a generic index, especially in loops.

  6. a (w).

  7. |IPA (IPAfont)-coloring, an (IPAfont) on-glide or off-glide (a diphthong), or a weak, fleeting, epenthetic or echo (IPAfont).

  8. transliterates Indic (or equivalent).

  9. annual effective rate

  10. number|cardinal number one.

  11. minor tonic triad

  12. (Latn-def)

  13. the position of an i-dot (the dot of an ''i)''

  14. i-mutation, i-umlaut

  15. (altcase)

  16. (quote-book) R. and J. Dodsley,(nb...); S. Baker,(nb...); and T. Payne,(nb...)|year=1762|pages=30 and 32|passage=Here follow ſome few lines in the original, which not underſtanding i have omitted. (..) Laſtly that amidſt ſo many viciſſitudes of fortune, to which I have been expoſed, amongſt all the goods, i ſay, and evils, the joyfull and gloomy, the pleaſing, and diſagreeable circumſtances of life, thou endowedſt me with an equal, conſtant, manly, and ſuperior ſpirit on every occaſion.

  17. a word-initial letter ⟨i⟩

  18. the long vowel /aɪ/ at the end of a word, or before a final consonant that is not /dʒ, v, z/. (Note: the final consonant is not written.)

  19. the words (m), (m), (m), (m)

  20. water

  21. I

  22. of (''+ dative'')

  23. the

  24. I (gloss)

  25. tooth

  26. thou, you (singular)

  27. (quote-song)

  28. tree

  29. we

  30. the script|Latin letter I (lowercase i)

  31. and; used to connect two similar words, phrases, sentences, etc.; as well as; together with; in addition to

  32. louse

  33. him

  34. her

  35. it

  36. I

  37. to drink

  38. they

  39. the (qualifier)

  40. them (qualifier)

  41. and (also), and even

  42. even (gloss)

  43. the; (n-g)

  44. (def-uncertain)

  45. I (gl)

  46. you (gl)

  47. in, inside

  48. (ux) (short for tre i femte potens, three in fifth power). that the exponent is in the ordinal form

  49. for (some duration)

  50. fish

  51. in

  52. they

  53. them

  54. and

  55. and (gloss)

  56. eye

  57. seventeen

  58. twenty-one

  59. to him

  60. to her

  61. {{quote-text|gl|year=1594|author=Anonymous|title=Entremés dos pastores

  62. (romanization of)

  63. he, she (third person singular).

  64. in, at

  65. to

  66. (''personal'') you (singular)

  67. (RQ:izh:Bukvari:1936)

  68. also, well, too

  69. (RQ:izh:Porkka:1885)

  70. (RQ:izh:Junus:1936)

  71. (Latn-def); (l)

  72. (inflection of)

  73. two

  74. (ja-romanization of)

  75. to, for

  76. (ng); and

  77. too

  78. too, also

  79. (n-g)''.

  80. go! walk!; (infl of)

  81. (tlb) and

  82. ew!, ick!

  83. (infl of)

  84. ''The fifteenth letter of the Lushootseed alphabet, pronounced as a non-low front unrounded vowel.''

  85. you (gloss)

  86. from

  87. whereas

  88. (ng)

  89. even

  90. (alt form)

  91. (alternative form of).

  92. this, that (gl)

  93. i = (IPAchar)

    į = (IPAchar)

    í = (IPAchar)

    į́ = (IPAchar)

    ii = (IPAchar)

    įį = (IPAchar)

    íi = (IPAchar)

    į́į = (IPAchar)

    ií = (IPAchar)

    įį́ = (IPAchar)

    íí = (IPAchar)

    į́į́ = (IPAchar)

  94. (altsp)

  95. I: (n-g).

  96. third-person singular personal pronoun (he, him, his, she, her, it, its)

  97. ''(second person plural subject pronoun)'' you, all

  98. (qualifier) in, inside of

  99. (qualifier) for, in, during

  100. (qualifier) in

  101. pertaining to, in reference to

  102. (q) in, inside of

  103. (q) for, in, during

  104. (q) in

  105. (alt case); (alt form)

  106. you (second person singular)

  107. {{quote-book|nn|worklang=da|year=1853|author=Ivar Aasen|title=Prøver af Landsmaalet i Norge|location=Christiania|publisher=Carl C. Werner & Co.|page=2

  108. i (gloss)

  109. there

  110. (quote-book)

  111. in (+obj)

  112. into (+obj)

  113. regard to, to (+obj)

  114. as (+obj)

  115. 12th century, Bernard de Ventadour — ''no gardei sazo ni mes|Anc no gardei sazo ni mes''

  116. {{quote|pro|E las melhors domnas i son !
  117. and (gl)

  118. he, she, they, it

  119. him, her, them

  120. his, her, their, its

  121. it

  122. also, too

  123. so, that

  124. well as

  125. at

  126. (Latn-def)

  127. and

  128. there (at a place)

  129. there, thither (to there)

  130. (altform)

  131. {{quote-book

  132. (Latn-def) ''It is preceded by (l) and followed by (l). Its traditional name is (l).''

  133. (n-g); she, her, it

  134. (i… i…) bothand

  135. also, too, well

  136. even (usually preceded by (m))

  137. ((m) (m)(m)/(m) (m)…) also, too

  138. so, so that (= (m), (m))

  139. (Latn-def); i

  140. the

  141. it, this or that thing

  142. well as

  143. (Latn-def-lite)

  144. (qualifier) ''Phonetic transcription of sound'' (IPAlink).

  145. (n-g)/''.

  146. ''used to denote happiness after correct assumption''

  147. (q) ''used to denote unhappiness or unpleasant surprise''

  148. (q) ''used to denote that speaker is indifferent to the topic''

  149. also

  150. name of the letter (m)

  151. (obsolete spelling of)

  152. (pronunciation spelling of)

  153. (romanization of)

  154. in; located inside

  155. in; specifies a place, a region or a country

  156. to; before a full hour or, if used in the phrase "fem i halv", a half-hour

  157. (ant)

  158. for; duration

  159. last, previous

  160. (Latn-def) ''in the (w).''

  161. (Latn-def) ''in the (w).''

  162. one

  163. to

  164. for

  165. your (second-person singular possessive pronoun)

  166. (RQ:Buk Baibel)

  167. in, on, at

  168. (RQ:tkl:TF)

  169. on, during

  170. with, by, using

  171. of

  172. He, she, it, they (qualifier)

  173. Him, her, it, them (qualifier)

  174. His, her, its, their (qualifier)

  175. also

  176. he

  177. (Latn-def) ''It is preceded by (l) and followed by (l).''

  178. I, me

  179. to, into (a place)

  180. for (a recipient)

  181. that

  182. to go

  183. to leave

  184. still

  185. (n-g), please

  186. (quote-book)|page=129|title=THE ANCIENT DIALECT OF THE BARONIES OF FORTH AND BARGY, COUNTY WEXFORD|passage=Maa bee haghed i more caar an angish than Ich."|translation=May be upset in more care and hardship than I."

  187. (quote-book)|page=131|title=THE ANCIENT DIALECT OF THE BARONIES OF FORTH AND BARGY, COUNTY WEXFORD|passage=Or i a vaarin gees a shaar,|translation=Or of the fairing give us a share,

  188. him, her, it (gl)

  189. yes

  190. no