
suomi-englanti sanakirja

thou englannista suomeksi

  1. tuhat

  1. sinä

  2. sinutella

thou englanniksi

  1. (form of) (glossary)|ye|t=you. (defdate)

  2. (RQ:King James Version)

  3. (quote-book)|year_published=1783|page=10|pageurl=|oclc=877568242|passage=Art thou in earnest about thy soul? and canst thou tell the Searcher of Hearts, Thou, O God, art the thing that I long for? Lord, Thou knowest all things, Thou knowest that I would love thee?

  4. (RQ:Dickens Christmas Carol)

  5. (seemoreCites)

  6. To address (a person) using the pronoun ''thou'', especially as an expression of contempt or familiarity.

  7. (synonyms)



  8. (quote-book)|edition=4th|location=London|publisher=Reeves and Turner,(nb...)|year=c. 1530|year_published=1874|volume=I|page=180|pageurl=|oclc=|passage=Avaunt, caitiff, dost thou ''thou'' me! / I am come of good kin, I tell thee! / My mother was a lady of the stews' blood born, / And (knight of the halter) my father ware an horn; / Therefore I take it in full great scorn, / That thou shouldest thus check me.

  9. (RQ:Shakespeare Twelfth Night) is urging (w) to write to another person to pick a fight with him.

  10. (RQ:Salmon State Trials), (w)&93; All that he &91;(w)&93; did was by thy Inſtigation, thou viper; for I ''thou'' thee, thou Traitor. / ''Raleigh.'' &91;(w)&93; It becometh not a Man of Quality and Virtue, to call me ſo: But I take comfort in it, it is all you can do.

  11. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=s.n.|year=1677|page=134|pageurl=|oclc=802074687|passage=What! doſt thou not believe that God's ''Thouing'' and ''Theeing'' was and is ſound Speech? ... And ''Theeing'' & ''Thouing'' of one ſingle Perſon was the language of Chriſt Jeſus, and the Holy Prophets and Apoſtles both under the Diſpenſations of Law and Goſpel, ...

  12. (quote-book) François-Marie Arouet&93;|chapter=III, Holy Roman Emperor|Ferdinand III. Forty-seventh Emperor.|title=Annals of the Empire from the Reign of (w) (...) In Two Volumes|location=London|publisher=Printed for Millar|Andrew Millar,(nb...)|year=1755|volume=II|page=257|pageurl=|oclc=753367451|passage=The emperors before I of Germany|Rodolphus I. ſent all their mandates in Latin, ''thouing'' every prince, as the grammar of that language allows. This ''thouing'' of the counts of the empire was continued in the German language which diſallows ſuch expreſſions.

  13. (quote-book) of Troy, our mistresses will never forbear "thouing" us, were they to be made queens for it.

  14. (RQ:Kipling Black and White)

  15. (quote-book)|location=Stanford, Calif.|publisher=Stanford University|year=1917|section=section 1 (The Higher Classes to Royalty)|page=22|pageurl=|oclc=459075770|passage=In ''Guy'' a duke in council ''thous'' his emperor ... In ''Bevis'' the earl addresses the emperor of Almaine ... while the young son of the family, Bevis, ''thous'' him not only as his father's murderer ..., but even when he is pretending friendship for him ....

  16. To use the word ''thou''.

  17. (quote-book)

  18. A unit of length equal to one-thousandth of an inch (25.4 µm).

  19. (quote-journal)."

  20. A thousand, especially a thousand of some currency (dollars, sterling|pounds sterling, etc.).

  21. (quote-book)|location2=New York, N.Y.|publisher2=Vintage Books|year2=September 2007|page2=169|pageurl2=|isbn2=978-0-307-27985-9|passage=He has a few thou in the account, enough to make your everyday living expenses, not enough to keep current with the bigger bills.

  22. (quote-book)|month=November|year=2000|isbn=978-0-380-97879-3|edition2=1st Eos paperback|location2=New York, N.Y.|publisher2=Eos, HarperCollins|year2=February 2002|page2=17|pageurl2=|isbn2=978-0-380-81658-3|passage=Well, we'll need a few thou, Carlos. Got to get together a few thou first. For rent, you know. Rent and making contacts with artists, all that.

  23. (misspelling of)

  24. (alt form)

  25. (l), you (q)

  26. (l)

  27. (syn)