
suomi-englanti sanakirja

train englannista suomeksi

  1. hammasvälitys, vipulaitteisto

  2. matkustaa junalla

  3. opettaa

  4. suunnata, tähdätä

  5. harjoittaa

  6. laahata

  7. juna

  8. laahus

  9. valmentaa

  10. seuraukset

  11. harjoitella

  12. koulia

  13. kasvattaa

  14. matkue

  15. ketju

  1. laahus

  2. juna

  3. kulkue, jono, karavaani

  4. ketju, sarja

  5. pulssijono

  6. ketju

  7. harjoitella, treenata

  8. kouluttaa, harjoittaa, opettaa

  9. edetä (jonossa)">edetä (jonossa)

  10. suunnata

  11. ohjata

  12. Verbi

  13. Substantiivi

train englanniksi

  1. Elongated or trailing portion.

  2. The elongated back portion of a dress or skirt (or an ornamental piece of material added to similar effect), which drags along the ground. (defdate)

  3. (ux)

  4. (RQ:Austen Northanger Abbey)

  5. (quote-book)

  6. {{quote-journal|en|author=Imogen Fox|journal=The Guardian|date=20 Apr 2011

  7. A trail or line of something, especially gunpowder. (defdate)

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=1785|author=Thomas Jefferson|url=|title=Letter to Richard Price

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=1873|author=Charlotte Mary Yonge|title=Aunt Charlotte's Stories of English History for the little ones

  10. The tail of a bird.

  11. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-1)

  12. The tail of an animal in general.

  13. The elongated body or form of something narrow and winding, such as the course of a river or the body of a snake.

  14. A transient trail of glowing ions behind a large meteor as it falls through the atmosphere or accompanying a comet as it nears the sun; tail.

  15. An animal's trail or track. (defdate)

  16. Something dragged or laid along the ground to form a trail of scent or food along which to lure an animal.

  17. Gait or manner of running of a horse.

  18. Connected sequence of people or things.

  19. A group of people following an important figure such as a king or noble; a retinue, a group of retainers. (defdate)

  20. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest)

  21. {{quote-book

  22. {{quote-text|en|year=2009|author=Anne Easter Smith|title=The King's Grace

  23. A group of animals, vehicles, or people that follow one another in a line, such as a wagon train; a caravan or procession. (defdate)

  24. A group or class of people.

  25. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  26. The men and vehicles following an army, which carry artillery and other equipment for battle or siege. (defdate)

  27. A sequence of events or ideas which are interconnected; a course or procedure of something. (defdate)

  28. {{quote-text|en|year=1872|author=Charles Darwin|title=The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals

  29. (quote-journal)

  30. {{quote-journal|en|author=Rory Carroll|journal=The Guardian|date=18 Jun 2012

  31. A set of things, events, or circumstances that follow after or as a consequence; aftermath, wake.

  32. {{quote-book|en|title=s:Labour and Childhood|author=Margaret McMillan|year=1907|page=and childhood.djvu/146|120

  33. State of progress, status, situation (in phrases introduced by ''in a'' + adjective); (ngd) proper order or situation (introduced by ''in'' or ''in a'' alone). (defdate)

  34. (RQ:Richardson Clarissa)

  35. {{quote-book|en|year=1779|author=Samuel Jackson Pratt|title=Shenstone-Green: or, the New Paradise Lost|location=London|publisher=R. Baldwin|volume=1|chapter=7|page=46|url=

  36. 1787, (w), letter to (w) dated 10(nbs)July, 1787, in ''The Writings of George Washington,'' Boston: American Stationers’ Company, 1837, Volume(nbs)9, p.(nbs)260,

  37. When I refer you to the state of the counsels, which prevailed at the period you left this city, and add that they are now if possible in a worse train than ever, you will find but little ground on which the hope of a good establishment can be formed.
  38. (RQ:Austen Mansfield Park) every thing was now in a fairer train for Miss Crawford’s marrying Edmund than it had ever been before.

  39. A set of interconnected mechanical parts which operate each other in sequence. (defdate)

  40. A series of electrical pulses. (defdate)

  41. A series of specified vehicles (originally tramcars in a mine as usual, later especially carriages) coupled together. (defdate)

  42. (senseid)A mechanical (traditionally steam-powered, now typically diesel or electrical) vehicle carrying a large number of passengers and freight along a designated track or path; a line of connected wagons considered overall as a mode of transport; (as uncountable noun) rail or road travel. (defdate)

  43. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)As we reached the lodge we heard the whistle, and we backed up against one side of the platform as the train pulled up at the other.

  44. {{quote-journal|en|author=Hanif Kureishi|journal=The Guardian|date=24 Jan 2009

  45. (quote-journal)is more technologically ambitious than maglev trains even though it relies on conventional rails. Local trains would use side-by-side rails to roll alongside intercity trains and allow passengers to switch trains by stepping through docking bays.

  46. A service on a railway line.

  47. A long, heavy sleigh used in Canada for the transportation of merchandise, wood, etc.

  48. A software release schedule.

  49. {{quote-text|en|year=2008|author=Michael Bushong; Cathy Gadecki; Aviva Garrett|title=JUNOS For Dummies|page=16

  50. An act wherein series of men line up and then penetrate a person, especially as a form of rape. (defdate)

  51. {{quote-text|en|year=2005|author=Violet Blue|title=Best Women's Erotica 2006: Volume 2001|sectionurl=|section=link

  52. To practice an ability.

  53. To teach and form (someone) by practice; to educate (someone).

  54. (quote-journal) also exposed the blatant discrepancy between the west's professed values and actual foreign policies. Having lectured the Arab world about democracy for years, its collusion in suppressing freedom was undeniable as protesters were met by weaponry and tear gas made in the west, employed by a military trained by westerners.

  55. To improve one's fitness.

  56. To proceed in sequence.

  57. To move (a gun) laterally so that it points in a different direction.

  58. To encourage (a plant or branch) to grow in a particular direction or shape, usually by pruning and bending.

  59. {{quote-journal|en|year=1805|author=Francis Jeffrey|journal=The Edinburgh Review

  60. To feed data into an algorithm, usually based on a network, to create a learning model that can perform some task.

  61. To trace (a lode or any mineral appearance) to its head.

  62. To create a trainer (gl) for; to apply cheats to (a game).

  63. (quote-newsgroup)

  64. {{quote-text|en|year=2021|author=Mark J. P. Wolf|title=Encyclopedia of Video Games

  65. To draw (something) along; to trail, to drag (something).

  66. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  67. To trail down or along the ground.

  68. Treachery; deceit. (defdate)

  69. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  70. A trick or stratagem. (defdate)

  71. A trap for animals, a snare; a trap in general. (defdate)

  72. A lure; a decoy. (defdate)

  73. A live bird, handicapped or disabled in some way, provided for a young hawk to kill as training or enticement.

  74. A clue or trace.

  75. To draw by persuasion, artifice, or the like; to attract by stratagem; to entice; to allure.

  76. (RQ:Shakespeare King John)

  77. (RQ:Shakespeare Comedy of Errors)

  78. (RQ:John Ford Whore)

  79. (RQ:Scott Talisman)

  80. To be on intimate terms with.

  81. oil, oil.

  82. (infl of)

  83. (l) (rail mounted vehicle)

  84. pace

  85. noise

  86. train