
suomi-englanti sanakirja

kill englannista suomeksi

  1. kuolettaa

  2. hävittää, tuhota

  3. huitaista

  4. näännyttää, uuvuttaa

  5. olla tappava, olla kohtalokas

  6. sammuttaa

  7. surmata, tappaa

  8. tuhoaminen, hävitys

  9. ihailla kuollakseen

  10. surma, tappo

  11. lyödä, juuria

  12. tappaa kipuun

  13. mitätöidä

  14. poistaa

  15. nirhata, murhata

  1. tappaa, surmata poetic or formal, nirhata, listiä colloquial, murhata, likvidoida, niitata colloquial, hoitaa colloquial, hoidella colloquial, teloittaa death sentence, lopettaa animal

  2. sammuttaa

  3. tuhota, tappaa, raakata

  4. tappaa, lopettaa

  5. tappo, poetic surma

  6. kuolinisku

  7. saalis

  8. Substantiivi

  9. Verbi

kill englanniksi

  1. To put to death; to extinguish the life of.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare King Lear)

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest): (w), I will kill this man : his daughter and I will be King and Queene, ſave our Graces : and ''Trinculo'' and thy ſelfe ſhall be Vice-royes : (..)

  5. (quote-book)

  6. To render inoperative.

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=1978|author=John Farris|title=Fury (1978 film)|The Fury

  9. To stop, cease{{, or render void; to terminate.

  10. To amaze, exceed, stun{{, or otherwise incapacitate.

  11. (RQ:Salinger Catcher)

  12. To cause great pain, discomfort{{, or distress to; to hurt.

  13. (quote-journal)|passage=(smallcaps) needed to sit down. His back and legs were killing him. "You'll be okay," I assured him. "You just need to shake off the rust."I gave him a couple of Advil and, after a few minutes, urged him back onto the track.

  14. To produce feelings of dissatisfaction or revulsion in.

  15. To up or to waste.

  16. {{quote-text|en|year=2001|author=Jonathan Franzen|title=The Corrections

  17. To exert an overwhelming effect on.

  18. To overpower, overwhelm{{, or defeat.

  19. To force a company out of business.

  20. To produce intense pain.

  21. To punish severely.

  22. (RQ:Doyle Land of Mist)

  23. To strike (a ball, etc.) with such force and placement as to make a shot that is impossible to defend against, usually winning a point.

  24. To cause (a ball, etc.) to be of play, resulting in a stoppage of gameplay.

  25. To succeed with an audience, especially in comedy.

  26. To cause to assume the value zero.

  27. To disconnect (a user) involuntarily from the network.

  28. To deadmelt.

  29. To sexually penetrate in a skillful way.

  30. (quote-song)

  31. To exert oneself to an excessive degree.

  32. The act of killing.

  33. Specifically, the death blow.

  34. The result of killing; that which has been killed.

  35. (RQ:Kipling Second Jungle Book)

  36. (senseid) An instance of killing; a score on the tally of enemy personnel or vehicles killed or destroyed.

  37. (collocation)


  38. The grounding of the ball on the opponent's court, winning the rally.

  39. 2011, the ''34th Catawba College Sports Hall of Fame'', in College|Catawba College's ''Campus Magazine'', Spring/Summer 2011, page 21:

  40. As a senior in 1993, Turner had a kill percentage of 40.8, which was a school record at the time and the best in the SAC. Turner concluded her volleyball career with 1,349 kills, ranking fifth all-time at Catawba.
  41. A creek; a body of water; a channel or arm of the sea.

  42. (alt form)

  43. {{quote-text|en|year=2015|author=Kirilka Stavreva|title=Words Like Daggers|page=77

  44. Not

  45. (l), (l)

  46. {{quote-web|nl

  47. (verb form of)

  48. (verb form of)

  49. sow

  50. ring

  51. make noise

  52. cool

  53. (inflection of)

  54. language