
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pain englannista suomeksi

  1. kärsimys, piina, tuska

  2. kipu, särky

  3. riesa

  4. satuttaa

  5. kiusankappale

  6. surettaa

  1. kipu, kärsimys, särky, tuska, piina, jomotus intermittent

  2. kärsimys, tuska

  3. maanvaiva

  4. piinaaminen, uhalla / ... uhalla on pain of

  5. satuttaa, piinata, kiduttaa

  6. piinata

  7. rangaista

  8. Substantiivi

pain englanniksi

  1. square, squarely

  1. An ache or bodily suffering, or an instance of this; an unpleasant sensation, resulting from a derangement of functions, disease, or injury by violence; hurt.

  2. (ux)

  3. The pangs or sufferings of childbirth, caused by contractions of the uterus.

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. The condition or fact of suffering or anguish especially mental, as opposed to pleasure; torment; distress

  6. (RQ:Tennyson In Memoriam)

  7. An annoying person or thing.

  8. Suffering inflicted as punishment or penalty.

  9. (quote-book)

  10. (RQ:Dryden Don Sebastian) My duty, then, / To interpoſe; on pain of my diſpleasure, / Betwixt your Swords. / ''Dor''''ax''. On pain of Infamy / He ſhould have diſobey'd.

  11. Labour; effort; great care or trouble taken in doing something.

  12. To hurt; to put to bodily uneasiness or anguish; to afflict with uneasy sensations of any degree of intensity; to torment; to torture.

  13. ''The wound pained him.''

  14. (senseid) To render uneasy in mind; to disquiet; to distress; to grieve.

  15. ''It pains me to say that I must let you go.''

  16. To inflict suffering upon as a penalty; to punish.

  17. To feel pain; to hurt.

  18. (usex)

  19. Any of various breads stuffed with a filling.

  20. ''gammon pain; Spanish pain''

  21. woman

  22. (infl of)

  23. bread

  24. piece of bread

  25. food

  26. 1830 Juvénal, ''Les Satires'', translated into French verse by Barré de Jallais

  27. (quote)
  28. bread-and-butter needs, basic sustenance; breadwinner

  29. punch (a hit with the fist)

  30. {{quote-text|fr|year=2006|author=Maurice Léger|title=Moi, Antoinette Védrines, thanatopractrice et pilier de rugby|publisher=Publibook

  31. a block (of ice, of salt, of soap …) with the shape and size of bread

  32. mistake during a performance (false note, forgot an intro, wrong solo, …)

  33. bread

  34. bait (gloss)

  35. decoy

  36. nest egg