
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cool englannista suomeksi

  1. kylmä

  2. viileä

  3. viileys, vilpoisuus

  4. siisti, cool, kuuli

  5. viilentyä

  6. liioittelematta, sievoiset

  7. viilentää

  8. viiletä

  9. kylmäverinen

  1. viileä

  2. viileä, hillitty, rauhallinen, kylmähermoinen, tyyni

  3. rohkea

  4. siisti, upea

  5. siisti, makee

  6. cool

  7. okei, ookoo

  8. tyyni

  9. viileys

  10. tyyneys

  11. jäähdyttää

  12. viilentyä

  13. viilentää

  14. Substantiivi

cool englanniksi

  1. (senseid) Of a mildly low temperature.

  2. (syn)



  3. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity).

  4. Allowing or suggesting heat relief.

  5. (RQ:Allingham China Governess)

  6. Of a color, in the range of violet to green.

  7. Not showing emotion; calm and in control of oneself.

  8. Unenthusiastic, lukewarm, skeptical.

  9. Calmly audacious.

  10. (RQ:Alcott Little Women)

  11. (quote-book)

  12. (non-gloss definition)

  13. {{RQ:Fielding Tom Jones

  14. (RQ:Dickens Great Expectations)

  15. 1900, Dora Sigerson Shorter, ''Transmigration

  16. You remember Bulger, don't you? You lost a cool hundred to him one night here over the cards, eh?
  17. 1944 November 28, Irving Brecher and Fred F. Finklehoffe, ''Meet Me in St. Louis'', Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer:

  18. My father was talking to the World's Fair Commission yesterday, and they estimate it's going to cost a cool fifty million.
  19. Of a person, knowing what to do and how to behave; behaving with effortless and enviable style and panache; considered popular by others.

  20. (quote-journal)

  21. Fashionable; trendy and hip.

  22. 2008, Lou Schuler, "Foreward", ''in'' Nate Green, ''Built for Show'', page xii

  23. The fact that I was middle-aged, bald, married, and raising girls instead of chasing them didn't really bother me. Muscles are cool at any age.
  24. right|All right; acceptable.

  25. (quote-song) and (w)|title=(w)|artist=Bobby (Boris) Pickett and The Crypt-Kickers|year=1962|text=Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the bandAnd my Monster Mash is the hit of the landFor you, the living, this Mash was meant tooWhen you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you.

  26. Very interesting or exciting.

  27. ''(followed by with)'' Able to tolerate; to be fine with.

  28. ''(of a pair of people)'' Having good relations.

  29. A moderate or refreshing state of cold; moderate temperature of the air between hot and cold; coolness.

  30. ''in the cool of the morning''

  31. A calm temperament.

  32. The property of being cool, popular or in fashion.

  33. To lose heat, to get colder.

  34. (hypo)

    ''I like to let my tea cool before drinking it so I don't burn my tongue.''

  35. To make cooler, less warm.

  36. (RQ:KJV)

  37. To become less intense, e.g. less amicable or passionate.

  38. ''Relations cooled between the USA and the USSR after 1980.''

  39. To make less intense, e.g. less amicable or passionate.

  40. (RQ:Shakespeare Othello)

  41. To kill, murder.

  42. 1965, "Sex Jungle" (narrated in ''Perversion for Profit'')

  43. Maybe he would die. That would mean I had murdered him. I smiled, trying the idea on for size. One of the things that always had cheesed me a little was that I had no kills to my credit. I'd been in plenty of rumbles, but somehow, I'd never cooled anyone. Well maybe now I had my first one. I couldn't feel very proud of skulling an old man, but at least I could say that I'd scored. That was a big kick.
  44. To relax, outVerb|hang out.

  45. (quote-song) way way out / Told 'em bout my mornin' cold bugged' em out

  46. (quote-book)."

  47. cool, fashionable

  48. (l) (only its informal senses, mainly fashionable)

  49. cool! great!

  50. cool (in its informal senses)

  51. (quote-song)|year=1982|album=Einzelhaft|passage=Wir treffen Jill und Joe und dessen Bruder Hip / Und auch den Rest der coolen Gang

  52. cool, calm, easy-going

  53. (l) (gl)

  54. (l)

  55. (l) (in its informal sense)

  56. (l) (calm, collected)

  57. (l) (appealing (in a calm, controlled way))

  58. cool