
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ha englanniksi

  1. HA

  1. hectare

  2. (ISO 639)

  3. (alternative form of)

  4. (non-gloss)

  5. (ux)

  6. (non-gloss)

  7. (non-gloss): er, um.

  8. (non-gloss definition)

  9. (quote-journal)

  10. (quote-book)

  11. 1999, ''(w)'', "Attack of the Living Scarecrow" (season 1, episode 1a):

  12. Mona: Hee! Ha! Ho! Ha! The brain buffet is closed, buddy! Take that! And this!
  13. to eat

  14. (quote-book)|chapter=i Samuelit 28:25|url=https://books.google.co.nz/books?id=RUF0AQAAQBAJ|page=450|isbn=9785042252181|text=I vuri këto ushqime Saulit dhe shërbëtorëve të tij, dhe ata i hëngrën; pastaj u ngritën dhe u nisën po atë natë.|t=And she gave them to Saul and his servants, and they ate (them). They got up and departed that same night.

  15. to gnaw, consume, wear out

  16. to capture

  17. to open (mouth)

  18. (cln) four

  19. and

  20. house

  21. (ca-verb form of)

  22. he, she

  23. while

  24. (l) (gloss)

  25. ha (gloss), often repeated

  26. (abbreviation of)

  27. ha

  28. yes

  29. ah

  30. alcohol

  31. community

  32. song

  33. Pardon?

  34. isn't it?

  35. ha (gloss)

  36. (l) (q)

  37. (tlb) (inflection of)

  38. (gl-verb form of)

  39. (ngd)

  40. (syn)

  41. water

  42. if (gloss)

  43. when, once

  44. (uxi)

  45. 1857, (w), ''A walesi bárdok (Bards of Wales|The Bards of Wales),'' translated by (w):

  46. Ha, ha! Mi zúg? … mi éji dal / London utcáin ez?
    : ''untranslated'' what is the din / In London's streets so late?
  47. huh?, what?, again?, I'm sorry?

  48. (''personal, plural'') they, them, their

  49. (n-g): (l)!

  50. (n-g): whew!

  51. (n-g): huh?

  52. (Latn-def-lite)

  53. (form of)

  54. (inflection of)

  55. ah! (usually ironic or sarcastic)

  56. (ja-romanization of)

  57. water.

  58. hundred

  59. to winnow

  60. (non-gloss definition)''.

  61. (non-gloss): hurrah!, ha!

  62. (Latn-def)

  63. huh?, what?

  64. (nonstandard spelling of)

  65. (alternative form of)

  66. water

  67. (alt form)

  68. (alt form)

  69. to have

  70. to suffer

  71. to have, to possess, to own

  72. have; (ngd)

  73. to sex

  74. c. 800, Würzburg Glosses on the Pauline Epistles, Wb. 6a13

  75. {{quote|sga|Is deidbir ha áigthiu, ar is do thabirt díglae berid in claideb sin.
  76. (obsolete spelling of)

  77. to give

  78. (n-g)

  79. (n-g), huh

  80. if

  81. when

  82. (es-verb form of)

  83. (romanization of)

  84. To have; to possess, or to have as a property; to come into possession of something concrete or abstract.

  85. Used together with the tense|supine form of a verb in the construction of perfect or pluperfect forms

  86. ha! (qualifier)

  87. what?, again?, I'm sorry?, huh?

  88. (n-g)

  89. (Latn-def-lite) ''in the (w).''

  90. (syn-lite)

  91. which, what (gloss)

  92. yes; yeah

  93. yea, uh-huh; understood, it

  94. yeah

  95. yes? right? hmm?

  96. told you so, there it is

  97. sorry? eh? huh? (What did you say?)

  98. Letter of the Arabic alphabet: (lang)

  99. yes

  100. yes?; no?; m'kay?; amirite?

  101. ha (gl)

  102. alternative form of any present-tense form of hawwe except for the third-person singular

  103. Chinese

  104. father

  105. (cot)

  106. have

  107. ''OBSERVATIONS BY THE EDITOR'', page 16:

  108. 'cha, for Ich ha, I have.
  109. hey

  110. what a pity; an interjection used to denote displeasure or disappointment

  111. to graze, to scrape (something), to erode, to abrade

  112. to shine brightly

  113. to jam or wedge something into some space

  114. to become jammed, gagged, or barricaded

  115. to allocate, to distribute, to share, to divide things (among a group)

  116. huh? what?

  117. to intimidate; to threaten; to bully

  118. tooth